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P2University of Manchester Lesson Plan

Subject: ICT
Lesson context

Class: Y2KA
Childrens learning from
previous lesson S2b, S6b
Children have looked at
different types of technology
used by police today

Date: 3.12.14
Provision for inclusion (SEN, EAL, G&T, Beh,
GRT, LAC...)(S5d, S5b)

Objective: what do I want the pupils to learn and how I will know they have learnt it?
Lesson objective
Success criteria: To be successful pupils
Differentiation (who will do what?)
link each activity to the success
criteria on the left(S5a)
To be able to know
1. Know what icon to press to film
ALL children to use ipods to make
how to film someone
video using ipods- filming each other
using an ipod.
2. Be able to keep the person in
Adults to support children struggling
using ipod or making video.

Subject knowledge: what do I need to know in order to teach this lesson?

Concepts I will explain: S3a
I will model:
Explain videoing step by step using the
How to find the icon for video and use it to video each
icon on ipod
other using the icon on ipod, before going to the ICT
Show how the flashing time on top shows it is recording.
Vocabulary I will use: S3a
Ipod, icon, video,

Pedagogy: teaching strategies I will use (S2d):eg talk

partners, investigation, active learning, games,
collaboration, IT.
Modelling how to find the video icon and using it to make
videos of each other by pressing it.
Sharing of good examples
Safety S1a
Managing transitions

Formative assessment and feedback (S6)

To challenge and extend the
pupils my questions are: S1b,

Which icon do we press to make videos?

Can you show me which icon you press to record?
Which icon do we press to stop recording?
How do you know its recording?

What techniques and

strategies am I using to assess
the learning? (S6b)

Observation of children working on computers and the way they video

each other.
Questioning (as above)
Discussion- explore pupils understanding on how to video.

How and when we I give

oral/writtenfeedback to the
pupil against the success
criteria so that they can
respond?(S6d, S2a)

Discussion-can pupils say what icon to press to start/stop recording?

Teaching and learning sequence: How will I teach this lesson?What will I do? The guide to my lesson
(S6a, S4 and S7)
(Think about behaviour management, timings, transitions and assessment leading to feedback)
Behaviour/timing What the teacher is doing
What the pupils are doing
leading to
10 mins
Before we move to the ICT Suite, model Pupils on carpet
how we find the icon to make videos.
Step by step example of how to make it
start recording by pressing the red icon.
Remind pupils to
line up quietly
Tell the children that we know its
and sensibly and started because the timer on top is
that they should
flashing so its showing us that its
walk quietly to
the ICT Suite so
that we dont
Tell children that we press the same red
disturb other
icon to stop our recording.
classes with their
(supporting adults to use gestures to
help EAL pupil)
Main lesson

Mini plenaries
every 15 mins

Take children to ICT suite

Give each pair an ipod and tell them to
video each other keeping the person in
frame all the time- otherwise the
person will be missing half of his face
Pause class with counting technique
Use mini plenaries throughout the
lesson (every 15 mins) to check if
children are on task, focussed and
concentrating and can give examples of
how they have edited their document.
Give examples of pupils who are
following the instructions and working
well within pairs.

Pupils to make videos

Children to tidy up and line up

Last 10 mins

Remind children
how we leave the
ICT suite: we
leave it in the
exact way we
found it and how
we would like the
room to look like.

Tidy up and line up for class.

Which button do we have to press in
order to start/pause recording?

Assessment : Identify the progress pupils have made in this lesson(S6)

Identify with a code any children who have exceeded or not achieved the success criteria for this
lesson. In the third column, indicate what you are going to do to meet each identified childs needs as
a result of assessments made.
Success criteria



What will you do to meet the needs of the

children identified through this

Evaluation and reflection

Evaluate the progress pupils made in this
lesson in relation to the success criteria(S6b)

What were the strengths and weaknesses of your

teaching?(4d, S8d)

List three actions you will now take to improve pupil progress through your teaching(4d, S8d)

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