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Main Course Selections Continue

MAXS Math Caf Topic 14 Menu

Standards & Objectives: 4.MD.1.1, 4.MD.1.2, 4.MD.1.3
! Must: identify what unit of measure is needed to solve a
problem. (Link all to area and perimeter)
! Should: a - solve problems using different units of measure. b
- convert between units of measure.
! Could: explain the strategy I use to estimate and convert units of measurements.
Appetizer: Must complete for each lesson or unit
o Vocabulary Choice/once a unit
o Watch video on Nook or on Sophia (Mrs.Ts Version)
M ain Course: Must complete ALL for each lesson. Review and discuss
results with a partner. Self-Assess Understanding (0 to 5)
o Guided Practice (review and discuss with partner)
o Select from Main Course options.
o Problem Solving: All
Carry Out: (Homework): Choose one for each lesson then
review and discuss with partner. Self-Assess understanding (o to 5).
o Independent Practice: evens or odds
o Homework practice sheet
o Create a model for 5 Independent Practice Problems. Illustrate in IAN.
o Write to Explain: How you solve 4 Practice Problems

Course Selections

Inquiry Stations follow tasks at each station and record results in IAN.

Lesson 14-2, 14-7/ Using customary units of Weight/Volume & Metric

Inquiry Stations follow tasks at each station and record results in IAN.

Lesson 14-3, 14-8/ Using customary units of Weight & Metric

Artistic: Draw examples of length, weight, and volume conversions. Shoe how 1
foot = 12 inches, lb to oz, cups to quarts. What conversion is the hardest for you to
Interpersonal/Linguistic: Center Activity Toss and Talk 14-4* or **
Logical: Use website and go to Compare and Convert Metric Units of
lengths, weight, and volume.

Lesson 14-9/Changing M etric Units

Interpersonal/Linguistic: Center Activity Quick Questions 14-9* or **
Logical: Use website and go to Compare and Convert Customary
Units of lengths, weight, and volume.
Musical: Metric Conversion Rap by the Metric Crew. Create a chorus for the
song that shares how each part of measurement relates by 10X more or 10X less.

Lesson 14-10/ M easuring Time

Lesson 14-1, 14-6/ Using customary units of length & Metric

Lesson 14-5/ W riting to Explain

Interpersonal/Linguistic: Center Activity Teamwork 14-5* or **
Artistic: Create a comic where characters explain how they solve a math problem.
Logical: Create a flow map that illustrates the steps to solve a math problem.

Dessert: Go to the Dessert Table and choose one AFTER you have completed 3 or 4
meals. Then reflect in your IAN with your thoughts and question.


Lesson 14-4/ Changing Customary Units

Interpersonal/Linguistic: Center Activity Quick Questions 14-10* or **

Artistic: Create a foldable that shows how to convert between units of time.
Logical: Use website and go to Convert Time Units (O.1)

Lesson 14-11/W orking Backwards

Interpersonal/Linguistic: Center Activity: Teamwork 14-11* or **
Artistic: Create a comic that shows two characters solving a real life problem
working backwards.
Logical: Create a flow chart that shows the steps to working backwards.

Inquiry Stations follow tasks at each station and record results in IAN.

When all meals (lessons) complete,

see teacher for final UNIT assessment

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4th Grade Plans

Maslowski, Tomassi, White

February 23 to Mar 9, 2015

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