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Kreston CAC CPA Limited serine CEE EEE) a 1 ma > as A A I A SM A AEA MS BH SE Ee RONRE REZ eR OH ROR U8 MT aT ZH RC ORL I RO A149 OR a HC FA A ZRHRBS PES AR EARN AFAR ES ROS SM TZ mR AF RACES OMAGH RRMA KLM 3000 AMT» CAE FH 2 PAH ZA (LT YL HT STL AD RA CH wR HA AOA HI I 149 OT I Zw RCS EARLE MAE 2 RRR REPEL RE Ri AAT RLS Ate 2015 SF 1 A 2 201s de 2 26 E + a Ee 5 ew a = (> RRC Aen ATRIOS CS) RADAR Fr DO A He AREA I ee A A He WS A ME DUS AE 1 A 2 ELSE 2018 2A 26H ELA: ME BS a A A 9 TR IFO + Ke MRR MERE RAI AME Re RAR +e Pe BR BMH PUL AsO, BR 202A KRESTON CAC Kreston CAC CPA Limited 22 CEE ‘To: Board of Directors of Chief Securities Limited ‘Board of Directors of Chief Commodities Limited ‘Trust Assets Review Report ‘We have ben instructed by Chief Securities Limited and Chief Commodities Limited to review on daily bass the trust assets kept by the companies forthe clients Securities and Futures (Client Securities) Rules made under Section 148 and Securitios and Futures (Client Money) Rules made under Section 149 ofthe Secure: and Futures Ordinance require a licensed corporation to keep trust accounts for tust money helc by them and to deposit the tus securities inthe specified manners. Its our responsibilty to report to you, based on our reviews, the manners of the trust assets kept by the companies, We have conducted the review in acconlance with HKSAE 3000 issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Cerified Public Accountants. We have performed the procedures on a random and test basis that we consider necessary and have reviewed the trust asets kept according to Securities end Futures (Client Securities) Rules made under Section 148 and. Securities and Futures (Client Money) Rules made under Setion 149 ofthe Securities and Futures Ordinance We are satisfied that during 2 January, 2015 to 26 February, 2015 the tt assets of Chief Securities Limited are properly Kept in accordance with the abovesaid sections of the Securities and Futures Ordinance and that: = (the trust money i deposited inthe bank account designated as such; and (Gi) the trust securities are deposited in CCASS or other institution allowed by the Securities and Futures Ordinance We are also sitisied that during 2 January, 2015 to 26 February, 2015 the trust assets of Chie ‘Commakities Limited are properly kept in accordance with the abovessid sections of the Securities and Futures Ordinance and thatthe trust money is deposited in the bans account designated as such, erga emer oe ae (Ie fs iff oy aed ch intren ser cine ‘CHAN Kisok Chang Prting ceri no, POLS Viong Kong, 27 February, 2015 RESTON "CAG

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