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Spanish I

Unit 1: Los Bsicos

Grammar: Alphabet, useful phrases, cognates, greetings, numbers (1-30), dates, time,
Vocabulary: greetings, days of the week, months of the year, numbers
Project: Begin Portfolio/Build website and add first artifacts
Standards: MLI.IP1 (a, h); MLI.IP2 (a, b); MLI.P1 (a); MLI.P2 (b); MLI.CCC1 (b, c); MLI.CCC2 (a,b);
MLI. CU1 (c)
Unit 2: Descripciones del mundo y yo
Grammar: Gender, articles, article/ gender/noun agreement, conjugating the verb ser, Formal
vs. Informal.
Vocabulary: descripciones (adjetivos) y nacionalidades
Project: About me mini-project
Standards: MLI.IP1 (e); MLI.CCC3 (a)
Unit 3: Las Clases y el Colegio
Grammar: Regular AR, ER, IR verbs, forming questions and question words
Vocabulary: Cursos y Cosas de la escuela
Project: Describing your school day
Standards: MLI.INT1 (c); MLI.INT2 (a, b); MLI.CCC5 (a)
Unit 4: Hispanic Heritage Month Week of celebration
Topics: Immigration and Geography
Vocabulary: Spanish speaking country names in Spanish, geography terms
Project: Essay and Painting, Flag, or Video (student choice)
Standards: MLI. CU1 (a), MLI.CCC1 (a, b); MLI.CCC4 (a, b)
Unit 4: En el resturante
Grammar: Ir, Dar, Estar, idioms with estar, IR+a+infinitive, contractions, ser vs. estar
Vocabulary: Food Vocabulary
Project: Restaurant Skit and/or Country Food Project
Standards: MLI.IP1 (c,d); MLI.INT (b); MLI.CU1 (b); MLI.CCC5 (b)
Unit 5: La Familia
Grammar: Tener y tener que, tener idioms, adjetivos posesivos, preguntas, verbs like gustar
Vocabulary: Family
Project: Family Tree
Standards: MLI.IP1 (g), MLI.INT1 (a), MLI.INT (b), MLIU.CCC3 (b)

Unit 6: El Tiempo
Grammar: Weather, Stem Changers
Vocaublario: Weather, 21 stem changers and flip verbs
Project: Un pronstico meteorologico
Standards: MLI.IP1 (b, f); MLI.IP2 (c); MLI.INT (d); MLI.P1 (c); MLI.P2 (a)

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