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EDL 687 Advanced Ed Leadership II

Name: ______Amy Dixon____________________



Prep for

Field Notes

(Actions taken, Leadership Behaviors & Consequences decisions & next steps)

Actions: Prior to the training, I spent an hour looking at data from

grade level teams beginning of the year reading screenings and data
used to create reading groups
Consequences: Recognized that there were a relatively large group of
students who were reading below grade level, and some lower than
where they were assessed in May, that were needing some extra
support. Our intervention staff is reduced by 1 FTE from last school
Behaviors: This initial data review had me going into the Lexia Core 5
training with an open mind and excited to learn the possibilities of how
we could provide support for students.
BL Connections: Resources- provides the necessary professional
development to be successful in the execution of the task. By going to
the training, I am finding new ways for staff to support students who
have not mastered skills in reading yet.


Lexia Core5


Actions: Attended the 3 hour training for Lexia Core 5 as the building
administrator for the program.
Consequences: Started the planning process of how we as a staff could
make this work as an intervention for our students.
Behaviors: This initial training helped me better understand the
program and what it is designed to do. Began thinking about this as my
SIP program and how I can use it to improve our school wide goal of
improving reading comprehension.
BL Connections: Knowledge of curriculum, instruction, and
assessment- knowledgeable about the curriculum, instruction, and
assessment practices. Provide guidance regarding the effective
curricular, instructional, and assessment practices related to the Lexia


Planning with

Actions: Met with building principal, Julie Lawler, and we discussed

ways to implement this intervention. I sent an initial email to staff
asking if they were interested in using the program and asked teachers
to submit names of students below grade level in reading for possible
candidates for program licenses.
Consequences: The reality is that there are more students needing the
intervention than licenses available for our school. Therefore, we need
to be strategic about who uses the program.
Behaviors: I believe that classroom teachers will see this program as
beneficial and if I can show them the data provided at the training, they
will have buy-in and use the program in their classrooms.
BL Connections: Communication- establishes a strong line of
communication with teachers through email about what this program
has to offer our students.


meeting with
my team

Actions: Selected my team for the Lexia After School group. This
team consists of 1 administrator, 1 classroom teacher, and 1 hourly paid
para. We discussed our plans for putting an after school group in place.
We analyzed student recommendation lists provided by homeroom
teachers with beginning of the year screening data. Then selected 15
students who we would like to participate in our after school group.
A letter to parents was drafted and given to teachers to share with
parents at upcoming parent teacher conferences.
Consequences: Because this is a group that meets after school, we have
to realize that we have little control over regular participation.
Behavior: If my team and I can express to parents the importance of
the program in their childs achievement, they will make it a priority for
their child to attend.
BL Connections: Focus- establishes a clear goal and keeps the goal in
the forefront of the groups attention. Optimize- inspires and leads new
and challenging innovations. Portray a positive attitude about the
ability of teachers and staff to accomplish the goal of the program.


meeting with
After School

Actions: Confirmed 15 participants with signed parent permission slips.

We set up accounts for 54 other students to use the program throughout
the day in their classrooms. Met with team to put systems in place for
after school management of the program.
Consequences: Our next steps will to share the systems and purpose of
the program with the staff, more importantly the teachers who are
interested in using it in their classroom.
Behavior: I believe this program will be fun and educational for the
students. If I provide positive reinforcing comments and
encouragement to attend, the students will see this program as a great
activity and will learn while playing on the computer.


Day 1 of
After School

BL Connections: Order- establishes a set of standard operating

procedures and routines for the students to follow when in the program.
Optimize- inspire and lead new and challenging innovations. Portray a
positive attitude about the ability of teachers and staff to accomplish the
goal of the program.
Actions: Met students in the computer lab with Ms. Jess (para). We
explained procedures for coming into the lab on Mondays, Tuesdays,
and Fridays. We introduced students to the program and individually
got them started with the initial assessment.
Consequences: Student attendance and behavior can be an issue. Since
this was the first day, we will practice procedures again tomorrow and
contact parents of the students that did not show up.
Behavior: The students that did attend, were more attentive and excited
than I expected. We did have fewer students not attend than I expected.
Once the students got logged in to their program, the room was quieter
than expected and the students were engaged. The program really does
all the work and the 30 minutes went by quickly.
BL Connections: Order-establishes a set of standard operating
procedures and routines for the students to follow when in the program.
Visibility- has quality contacts and interactions with teachers, students,
and parents.


with After

Actions: Met with Ms. Jess in the computer lab while students were
working. We discussed student attendance, behaviors, and the
possibility of adding a few more students. I had quick conversations
with a few students. Overall, they are liking the program. Some of the
older students are acting bored and are needing adults making them go
to the lab after school.
Consequences: Next steps will be to add 5 more students. I will
continue to monitor the 5th grade students on the program and monitor
their progress. I will provide encouragement and ask the classroom
teachers to provide feedback regarding the progress each student is
Behavior: Recognize the students need constant encouragement and
effective feedback regarding their progress or areas of struggle. They
need to see this program as a benefit and not just more work.


with SIP

BL Connections: Visibility- continuous contacts with teachers and

students. Encourage teachers to share information with parents.
Actions: Met with a few members of the team to discuss how things
were going in the computer lab after school. We discussed student
behaviors, routines, student attendance, and the additional students that
began on 11/3/14. Jess reported that it is running smoothly and only a
few students need reminders to stay on task and that that doesnt even
happen everyday. One new student is on a behavior plan during they
day so we made a plan to add this period to her plan. We discussed the
number of student licenses being used in the building throughout the
Consequences: Jess will talk with the classroom teacher regarding
adding this period to the daily behavior plan for student I.M. Charissa
will speak at the next staff meeting about the number of licenses,
remind teachers to check their student data weekly, and Amy will
answer questions. School Psychologist will check in with the
interventionists and make sure they are collecting benchmark DIBELS
information on the targeted.
Behavior: The team has noticed that it might be the adults in the
building who need reminders and feedback about the program and how
their students are doing. The students are trained and having little
BL Connections: Focus- establish high concrete goals for the program
usage and high expectations for student growth while having high
expectations for teachers to monitor individual student progress and
provide feedback to students. Continually keep attention on the
established goals.


s on the

Actions: I called a meeting to review my SIP plan with the building

principal and special education coordinator. The purpose was to update
them on student attendance, program logistics, and discuss how this is
working in relation to my SIP plan. I have felt like it wasnt coming
together as cohesively as I thought it would and I wanted to make sure
they still thought this was a good intervention to continue to use as my
project. Both have completed the Doane EDL program so have been
very helpful. Both agreed that Lexia was a powerful intervention and
were in favor of continuing with it as my project. Both gave
appreciation for me willing to take on something after school without
Consequences: I will continue with Lexia as my SIP plan. It is going
smoothly and that is good. My SIP team will update the teachers at the
next staff meeting 12/2/14.
Behavior: The administrators recognized that I was causing more stress
to myself than necessary. Because a program is moving along without
problems or distractions, does not mean that it is not working or the
wrong program. This meeting was the confidence booster that I



BL Connections: Affirmation- systematically and fairly recognize the

accomplishment of teachers and staff; recognize and celebrate the
success of the program
Actions: Asked teachers to look at their student data and prioritize
students with licenses. Need to determine students that had not yet
logged in or were not meeting their minutes if they should still continue
with the license or give it to someone needing the supplemental support
Consequences: If students had made enough progress and were now
performing on grade level, take their account and give to another
Behavior: This was a reminder for teachers that the licenses are limited
and if students are not using the program we need to get it to students
who need it. Teachers were also reminded that Charissa and I can
monitor which students are using the program and if teachers are
making it a priority.
BL Connections: Focus- establish high concrete goals for the program
usage and high expectations for student growth while having high
expectations for teachers to monitor individual student progress and
provide feedback to students. Continually keep attention on the
established goals.


SIP Team

Actions: Met with SIP team to remind them of our data collection dates.
School psychologist provided a refresher on how to use the DIBELS
data collection.
Consequences: Staff are ready to begin the data collection for this
Behavior: Positive attitudes moving forward.


Staff Q & A
from Lexia

BL Connections: Order-establishes a set of standard operating

procedures and routines for the students to follow when in the program.
Actions: Hosted a staff development after school for teachers to ask
questions and get answers from a representative of the LexiaCore5
Consequences: Staff will continue to grow their understanding of the
purpose and depth of the program. Staff will begin to utilize all that the
program has to offer.
Behavior: Positive attitudes moving forward and more regular usage of
the program. More teachers wanting students to utilize the program.


data from

BL Connections: Resources provides teacher with staff development

necessary for maximum usage of the LexiaCore5 program.
Situational Awareness aware of issues that have arose (teachers not
utilizing the data and having questions about what to do after their
students have been on the program for a while) and found away to
address them as a group by being proactive.
Actions: Collected DIBELS scores and other anecdotal information
from Second Grade teachers and provided verbal appreciation for their
support of the intervention
Consequences: End of this 8 week documented intervention.
Behavior: Sense of relief, yet now the work begins.
BL Connections: Culture fosters shared beliefs and a sense of
community and collaboration. Contingent rewards recognizes staff
effort and accomplishment

Actions: Analyzed data and worked on chapter 4 for the SIP paper.

data and
worked on
chapter 4

Consequences: The intervention timeline has come to an end. I will

analyze the effectiveness of the program and make a plan for
continuing through the rest of the school year.
Behavior: Approval and satisfaction of the intervention implementation
overall. Excited to share our progress with the second grade ELL


Met with SIP


BL Connections: Monitors/Evaluates monitors and evaluates the

impact of the LexiaCore5 program on student learning. Contingent
rewards recognize students with certificates for effort and
accomplishment. Affirmation Actions: Met with the team to discuss data results, student progress,
and plans for moving forward using LexiaCore5.
Consequences: The end of the specific progress monitoring timeline,
yet we have decided to continue with the intervention until the end of
the school year. This will hopefully continue to show student growth.
Behavior: All team members commit to continuing the time
commitment of LexiaCore5 during the student day. We will share our
results with the rest of our staff, hopefully encouraging them to put into
place what we have for the second graders.
BL Connections: Contingent rewards recognize students with
certificates for effort and accomplishment. Affirmation provide 2nd
grade teachers with verbal affirmation and appreciation of their
participation and commitment to student progress.

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