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In this chapter,
youll review:
how to properly
prepare for the NCLEX

how to concentrate
during difficult study

how to make more

effective use of your

how creative
studying strategies
can enhance learning.

Strategies for
Study preparations
If youre like most people preparing to take
the NCLEX, youre probably feeling nervous, anxious, or concerned. Keep in mind
that most test takers pass the first time
Passing the test wont happen by accident,
though; youll need to prepare carefully
and efficiently. To help jump-start your
determine your strengths and weaknesses
create a study schedule
set realistic goals
find an effective study space
think positively
start studying sooner rather than later.

column. Separating content areas this way

shows immediately which topics need less
study time and which need more time.

Scheduling study time

Study when youre most alert. Most people
can identify a period of the day when they feel
most alert. If you feel most alert and energized in the morning, for example, set aside
sections of time in the morning for topics
that need a lot of review. Then you can use
the evening to study topics for which you just
need some refreshing. The opposite is true as
well; if youre more alert in the evening, study
difficult topics at that time.

What youll do, when

Strengths and weaknesses

Most students recognize that, even at the
end of their nursing studies, they know more
about some topics than others. Because the
NCLEX covers a broad range of material, you
should make some decisions about how intensively youll review each topic.

Make a list
Base those decisions on a list. Divide a sheet
of paper in half vertically. On one side, list
topics you think you know well. On the other
side, list topics you feel less secure about.
Pay no attention if one side is longer than the
other. When youre done studying, youll feel
strong in every area.

Where the list comes from

To make sure your list reflects a comprehensive view of all the areas you studied in
school, look at the contents page in the front
of this book. For each topic listed, place it in
the know well column or needs review

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Set up a basic schedule for studying. Using a

calendar or organizer, determine how much
time remains before youll take the NCLEX.
(See 2 to 3 months before the NCLEX, page
16.) Fill in the remaining days with specific
times and topics to be studied. For example,
you might schedule the respiratory system
on a Tuesday morning and the GI system that
afternoon. Remember to schedule difficult
topics during your most alert times.
Keep in mind that you shouldnt fill each
day with studying. Be realistic and set aside
time for normal activities. Try to create ample
study time before the NCLEX and then stick
to the schedule. Allow some extra time in
the schedule in case you get behind or come
across a topic that requires extra review.

Set goals you can meet

Part of creating a schedule means setting
goals you can accomplish. You no doubt
studied a great deal in nursing school, and by
now you have a sense of your own capabilities. Ask yourself, How much can I cover
in a day? Set that amount of time aside and

4/7/2010 5:17:18 PM

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