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Chronology of

the French
By Emily Lethbridge 9B

The Storming of Bastille

The Storming of the Bastille
occurred in Paris, France on the
morning of 14 July 1789. The
medieval castile and prison in
Paris known as the Bastille
represented royal authority in the
center of Paris. This marked the
beginning of the French Revolution
as 900 angry French people
royals and
I believeagainst
that the
of the Bastille castle was the most
important event that happened in Frances history. I
think this was because this was the first event that the French workers
and peasants could show their anger again the King and Queens
unfair feudal system. Also because this was the beginning of the

The French Revolution

The French Revolution began in 1789 and ended
in 1794. The French Revolution occurred because
of the French peasants deciding that their feudal
system was unfair. They arrested the Royal
Family and later on killed them in the guillotines.
French was in a state of terror with fighting and
uprising everywhere.
I think that this was the second most important
event throughout France as in this time period,
France was turned upside down with peasants
fighting and there were uprisings everywhere. It
also saw thousands of French people killed.

The Reign of TerrorThe Reign of Terror (5 September 1793 28

July 1794), also known as the terror, was a
period of violence that occurred after the
onset of the French Revolution, incited by
conflict between rival political factions, the
Girondins and the Jacobins, and marked by
mass executions of "enemies of the
revolution". The death toll ranged in the tens
of thousands, with 16,594 executed by
guillotine (2,639 in Paris), and another 25,000
in summary executions across France.

I believe that the reign of terror was the third most important event in
the French Revolution as this saw the King and Queen killed along with
14,000 other French peasants/ people. This was the end of the French
Revolution and was when the feudal system no longer existed and
everyone's rights were fair.

The Political Crisis

There were a number of major causes of
the French Revolution. Previously, King
Louis XIV had operated his kingdom to
ensure that he had strengthened the power
of the monarchy and removed any
remnants of the old feudal system. His
successors enjoyed the decadent lifestyle
which this power allowed. His reign saw the
power and wealth of the privileged classes
within society rise in prominence. The
nobility and the clergy lived lives of luxury
while the peasant farmers were forces to
pay them heavy taxes and feudal dues.
This made the French peasants angry
because of their unfair feudal system.

I believe that the political

crisis was the fourth most
important event in Frances
history as this triggered the
Royals had spent all of
Frances money on the

Economics Crisis
The revolution can be described as a
time when the ordinary men and
women of France grew weary of the
current political system (feudal system)
and began to take their lives into their
own hands.
I believe that this was the fifth most
important event in Frances History as
this caused all of the French workers /
peasants to gather so much anger
about their unfair rights and ways of

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