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Citations and Annotated

Scholarly Article
ITO, TADASHI. "Nafta And Productivity Convergence Between Mexico And The Us."
Cuadernos De Economa 47.135 (2010): 15-55. Fuente Acadmica. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.

Relevancy: This article does relate to my topic, it analyzes the issue of NAFTA between
Mexico and the U.S. and the changes in production in both countries.

2. Accuracy: There seems to be no biases, for the article focus on analyzing official data.
The conclusion is built from facts and numbers gather from different graph models.
Every graph has a citation and the information came from an academic journal published
in Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile.

3. Currency: The article uses graph models that contain data from 1900- 2005. The
information is not too old; however, new information will be needed to see the advances
and changes through the years, since we are in 2015.
4. Authority: The author of this article has an affiliation with Okinawa University, Japan.
This article is also peer reviewed and the date comes from an academic journal published
in Chile.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform the result of different analyzes using
models and graphs that show the different levels of production after the NAFTA system

was introduce to North America. The information is clearly presented, and the intended
audience is people looking to see the levels of production and changes in GDP in both
Mexico and the U.S. This can include a politician trying to figure out his/her stand in
regards to NAFTA.
6. Rating: I will give this article a four, since it does show evidence and graphs that prove
certain points of the argument. The information also doesnt seem to be bias, but we are
in 2015, therefore there have been more discoveries and information released about this
Annotation: This article analyzes different economic models that allow the reader to
create a conclusion about the current trading between Mexico and the United States.
Although, this article is quite long I will use information and some of the analysis to
help me draw my own conclusions.
Scholarly Article
Caliendo, Lorenzo, and Fernando Parro. "Estimates of the Trade and Welfare Effects of NAFTA." The Review of Economic
Studies 82.1 (2015): 1. ProQuest. 19 Feb. 2015 .


1. Relevancy: This scholarly article does relate to my topic. This article is similar to the article
above. The difference is that this scholarly article is more current and it explores and analyzes
data for the three countries involved in the NAFTA system.
2. Accuracy: There seems to be no bias for the article collects and uses data to inform results and
create conclusions. The article does not specify where they gather their date. However, we can
easily verify some of the data used in the graphs or models by visiting the countries government
site that contains data about GPD, export, or imports, etc.
3. Currency: The article was published in January 2015, this article is probably one of the most
updated and current scholarly articles.
4. Authority: The publisher for this scholarly article is Oxford University Press in the United
Kingdom. The article is also peer reviewed.
5. Purpose: The purpose of the article is to inform. This article is directed to any type of audience,
since its easier to read and understand. This article can help someone understand the benefits and
costs of NAFTA without being bias about the issue.

6. Rating: I give this article a five, since the information is up to date, there seems to be no bias.
The article is easier to understand, and its also peer reviewed.

Annotation: This article explores the effects of NAFTA in the three countries. The
article also uses data to make conclusions and statements. Im more likely to use this
article, since the information is more current than the article above. Also the article is
easier to follow and understand.

Social Media Source

Global Trade Watch (PCGTW). #BuyLocal & #BuyAmerican is supported by 80% of voters, but #TPP
would ban it. #FairTrade now! 16
Feb. 2015, 11:28 a.m. Tweet.

1. Relevancy: The tweet does relate to my topic, since it talks about trading and how some people
feel about the issue.
2. Accuracy: This tweet is one hundred percent bias. The tweet displays a cartoon picture that tries
to persuade the audience to stop TTP, since this policy might stop their right to purchase only
American goods. The tweet gives a percentage of Americans that support buying only American
good, but it doesnt say where they gather their information.
3. Currency: The tweet is current, so it allows us to see some of the current opinions about trading.
4. Authority: This tweet was created by an organization called the Public Citizens Global Trade
Watch, they have a website with all the government issues they focus on, and their tweeter page
has more about 8,683 followers.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this tweet is to persuade the U.S. population to buy American goods,
but its also trying to inform the public about a new trade agreement that might change some of
the current trading policies. The tweet omits the benefits that can come with trading, but again
tweets are a different type of source, where there is only a certain amount of words and data that
can be displayed.
6. Rating: I give this source a three. I wouldnt use this source unless, I would want to write about
some of the opinions the public has about the issue.

Annotation: This tweet shows some of the current opinions or stands in regards of
trade agreements. I will use this tweet or image as a visual to present a point of view
from the general public about the current situation.
Website Sources
Advantages and Disadvantages of NAFTA. (2014, May 12). Retrieved February 19, 2015, from


1. Relevancy:
2. Accuracy: The article relates to my topic one hundred percent, since it talks about the pros and
cons of the NAFTA system.
3. Currency: The article seems to have no bias since it present s both sides of the argument. The
only problem with this article is that the information presented doesn't include citations or
references. This might make the article not very official.
4. Authority: The article does not have an author, but the name of the website is called, but it lacks information about authors or credentials.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform the audience about the pros and cons of
NAFTA. This website does present from multiple point of views.
6. Rating: I give this article a four, since it's an easy and short article to read. Also, it gives both
pros and cons about NAFTA. The only problem about this article is that it lacks proof or sources.
I would only use this source to just get a brief understanding of the pros and cons of the system.

Annotation: This website gives the audience a general idea about the pros and cons of
NAFTA. However, the website does not explain the reason or gives sources of where
they gather their information. I'm not likely to use this website article as a source.

NAFTA Pros and Cons . (2014, April 9). Retrieved Februuary 18, 2015, from Asia-Pacific Economics Blog:


1. Relevancy: The article above is similar to this one. Both articles have the pros and cons of
NAFTA. However, neither shows sources or citations. Having this article might be redundant.
2. Accuracy: The article is not bias, but it lacks citation and sources.

3. Currency: The article was published in 2014, so their data and arguments are not very old. The
website includes the word Blog, but the article doesn't include an author.
4. Authority: No author, so that makes the article less credible.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to give a brief understanding of the pros and cons of
6. Rating: I will give this article a two, since it's very similar to the source above, and although it
doesn't seem to be bias, the article lacks information about the author, citations, and references.

Annotation: This article is very similar to the one above. The article does not list ay
sources, which makes their information less credible. Although, the website article is
pretty good at showing both sides of the argument, I'm not very likely to use this
article as a source.

Book Source
Hufbauer, G. C., & Schott, J. J. (1993). NAFTA : An Assessment. Washington, DC: Institute for
International Economics.

1. Relevancy: The book is relates to my topic and it has all the information, I need to
know about NAFTA. The book explores how NAFTA affects different industries in
North America.
2. Accuracy: I dont detect any bias, for the book uses statistics and data to inform the
audience about the pros and cons of NAFTA.
3. Currency: The big problem about this book is the published year, 1993. All the data
in the book is really old. The ideas and concepts in the book are helpful, but the data
is very old, so we would have to look for a similar book, but with current data.
4. Authority: The authors of this book have experience and really high credentials in
the topic. Both authors were professors and had a field relating to the topic.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this topic is to inform the audience about the pros and cons
of NAFTA by using data. The data is well presented, and easy to follow.
6. Rating: I give this book a three since the book is not bias, its really easy to follow,
and uses data to draw its conclusion. However, the book is old and there is more and
newer information about NAFTA.
Annotation: This book specializes in explaining the purpose, and effects of
NAFTA. However, this source is very old. I will use this book to see the type of
analysis used, and maybe use the same type of analysis, but use current data and
numbers to see what type of results can be obtained.

Four New Sources

Canada, Mexico, United States Governments. (2013, September 8). North American Free Trade
Agreement. Retrieved March 5, 2015, from

1. Relevancy: This website has all the government official information, like history,
facts, data, and disputes.
2. Accuracy: I do detect bias, for this website is in favor of NAFTA. The difference
between this website and the rest of the websites is that although this website might
seem bias, it does back their statements with data and stories.
3. Currency: The last time this website was modified was in 2013. This makes the
information and data current and useful.
4. Authority: This website was created by the United States, Canada, and Mexicos
5. Purpose: The purpose of this topic is to inform the audience about the benefits and
the effects of NAFTA in North America. This website also tells business owners how
they can use NAFTA to their advantage.
6. Rating: I give this website a five since its a governmental official website. The
website has data, stories, facts, and history.

Annotation: This website was created by the three countries involved in NAFTA. The
porpose of this website is to inform audience about the trade agreement, show its benefits,
history, and current stories. I will use this website to gather basic official information and
data, which will help construct an analysis.

McKeague, Kezia. "On Trade, Size Matters." U.S.News & World Report 11 2014: 1. ProQuest. 6 Mar. 2015 .


1. Relevancy: This article relates to NAFTA and the way the current trade agreement is
affecting our economy.

2. Accuracy: I dont see much of a bias, but more of a recommendation on some of the
points the government needs to focus and make changes to improve the economy
using NAFTA or trade.
3. Currency: This article was written in 2014, this makes the information useful and
4. Authority: This Article was written by Kezia McKeague, she is director of
government relations at the Washington office of the Council of the Americas.
5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform the audience of the current topics
that should be brought up to improve the benefits of trade agreements.
6. Rating: I give this website a four since it talks about current issues and ways NAFTA
could help improve the economy.
Annotation: This article talks about some of the changes that need to be made in NAFTA to
make the economy better. The article is not against NAFTA, but rather tries to create
awareness of a current issue with small business and the ways a change could improve the
economy. I will use this article to come up with some of the possible solutions for the
current issues.

United States. Cong. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. NAFTA at Twenty: Accomplishments,
Challenges, and the Way Forward. Hearing. 15 Jan. 2014. 113th Cong., 2nd sess. Washington: Government Printing Office,


1. Relevancy: This Congressional Hearing focus on the main effects and issues about
NAFTA that were discussed in the House of Representatives.
2. Accuracy: I dont see bias, since there was a discussion of both benefits and negative
impacts of the trading agreement.
3. Currency: This hearing took place in 2014 in regards of the 20th year of NAFTA.
4. Authority: This document is an official government document.

5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform the audience of the current topics
being discussed in the House of Representatives and the point of views of the
congress regarding NAFTA.
6. Rating: I give this document a five since it specifically focuses on my topic, and it
also talks about the benefits and cons of the trading agreements. Also the information
is very current.
Annotation: This government document shows the current position of congress in regards
to NAFTA. The official hearing shows the exact discussion of what was said about NAFTA.
Nevertheless, the document contains pros and cons about the trade agreement. I will use
this source to explain the current stand of the United States in the NAFTA topic.

Eakin, Hallie, et al. "Selling Maize in Mexico: The Persistence of Peasant Farming in an Era of Global Markets." Development
and Change 45.1 (2014): 133. ProQuest. 6 Mar. 2015 .

1. Relevancy: This article relates to my topic, but it focus in one specific area,
2. Accuracy: I dont see bias, since the author uses analysis to determine the current
effects of the production of corn in Mexico. Also the way NAFTA has affected the
agricultural sector of corn.
3. Currency: This article is very current since it was written in 2014.
4. Authority: This document was published in Oxford, and is considered a Scholarly
Journal source. I was also able to search information about the authors, and all of
them are professors in a university, either in the U.S. or Mexico.

5. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to inform farmers or just people in general,
about the changes, or current situation in the agricultural sector in Mexico, due to the
effects of NAFTA.
6. Rating: I give this document a four since it focuses in a specific sector. This article
allows me to see the effects of NAFTA in one sector in one specific country. The
article was written in 2014, which makes the situation very current.
Annotation: This article focuses in analyzing the corn production in the Mexican
Agricultural sector. The article explores that changes and effects that NAFTA
created in Mexico in regards to the corn production and trade. I will use this article
to show an example of the effects of NAFTA in a specific sector.

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