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Special Thanks

Adv. Dramatic
Prof e ss ors
Neal Bell
Jeff Storer

Ad ve rti si n g Te am
Elizabeth Nadler
Haley Hamill



THEATRST 390S Advanced

Dramatic Writing is an experimental
attempt to explore the liveness of
theatrical, dramatic writing by
having students perform as writers,
actors, and directors working with
material that is/was generated in
Additional Text, Additional Text.,
Pictures, Whatever

Event Agenda
O pe n in g
3:05 P.M. Short introduction given by
Professor Neal Bell

S ce n e s (in ord e r of p re se n tati on )

1: Between The Lines
Written by Haley Hamill
Directed by Harmony Zhang
2: Sleeping With The
Written by Dan McGough
Directed by Elizabeth Nadler
3: A Most Noble Orange
Written by Thomas Kavanagh
Directed by Momo Wang
4: Open
Written by Kari Barclay
Directed by Amani Carson
5: Boxed In
Written by Amani Carson
Directed by Kari Barclay
6: All I Have Left
Written by Rory Eggleston
Directed by Jeff Storer
7: Lily
Written by Harmony Zhang
Directed by Haley Hamill
8: Luke
Written by Elizabeth Nadler
Directed by Dan McGough
9: The Flower of Fools
Written by Momo Wang
Directed by Dan McGough

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