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Hello again.

The world values survey routinely asks

whether you think that most people can be
trusted or whether you can't be too
careful in dealing with other people.
The sixth and latest wave of
data was released in April 2014.
These new results have been used
to update the existing database.
We've added several countries to
the database for the first time.
You can view the results yourself in
the database collection available for
this course.
The index is constructed by deducting
the non-trusting from the trusting and
adding the score to 100.
A score above 100 reveals a society
on balance, to be trusting.
Now, we've got data for only 115 states.
And you can see the missing ones here.
The [INAUDIBLE] cells in our maps,
therefore, will be 12 each until halfway,
and then fall into 11.
The results cover quite a spectrum, but
it's interesting that only 11
countries are on balance trusting.
So let's start with the first docile.
Topping the list are Norway,
the Netherlands, and Denmark.
Then comes China.
It may seem a surprise, but
the survey conducted by my students in
Beijing pointed in the same direction.
Next followed Sweden, Finland,
New Zealand, and Switzerland.
But then comes Saudi Arabia and Vietnam.
And the list is closed with Australia and
The second docile contains Canada,
Hong Hong,
Yemen, homogeneous by the way, but
still involved in a civil war,
Japan, Kurdistan, Kazakstan, Singapore,
the Dominican Republic, and Belarus.
Belarus homogeneous but
in deep economic problems.
Ireland, United States, Austria.
Hong Kong also figures here.
The third docile includes Iraq
which is a huge surprise to me.
Thailand, which has tumbled since
the previous survey and whose polarized
politics have lead to a militarized
coup and a few largely European states.
I'll let you look at the rest
as we slowly stroll through.
Well, I hope you enjoyed that
visualization of the World Map of Trust.
Just as I expect that you've been,

as I am, puzzled by some of the results.

But, don't forget, remain a little
bit skeptical of the whole exercise.
I leave that judgement,
though, over to you.
The detailed outcomes are in
the database accompanying this course.

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