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Student Edition
August, 2015

Class: ________________________________________
Student: _______________________________________
DIRECTIONS: Please rank the following choices for each of the topics listed below
by identifying the choice you are most likely to use with a 1. If you do not have or
will not use the choice listed, please identify with a N/A.
1) I have access to:

____ Home desktop computer

____ Laptop computer
____ iPad or other tablet

2) I am involved in the following extra-curricular activities:

3) I normally work on homework assignments:
____ during my study hall
____ right away after school
____ 6:00 to 8:00 PM
____ 8:00 to 10:00 PM
____ after 10:00 PM
____ in the morning before school
4) I prefer to work on homework:
____ in complete silence
____ with soft music in the background
____ with a group; noise does not bother me
5) I am familiar with Infinite Campus and access my grades:
____ Multiple times each week
____ Once a week
____ Occasionally
____ Never

6) When I have questions about an assignment, I usually:

____ phone a friend
____ ask my parents
____ search the Internet
____ contact my instructor
____ wait until the next class day
7) I make use of my school planner:
____ every class, every day
____ certain classes, every day
____ occasionally
____ what is a planner?
8) When I am absent from school, I will try to obtain my assignments by:
____ having my parents stop at school on the day I miss
____ call a friend and have them share the information
____ contact my instructor via email, text, or phone
____ wait until I get back to school
9) In the classroom, I learn best by sitting:
____ front and center
____ front, but on the side of the room
____ back, middle
____ on the floor
10) I prefer to learn by:
____ traditional, instructor-provided notes
____ class discussions, debates
____ visual presentations PowerPoints, videos, etc.
____ hands-on activities, graphic organizers
11) I get the most out of lecture by taking notes:
____ traditional pencil and paper; instructor presented
____ pencil and paper by reading from varied texts
____ using a laptop with MS Word
____ using a laptop and Google Docs


Parent Edition
August, 2015
Class: ________________________________________
Student: _______________________________________
[Hello, and welcome back to a new and exciting school year! My name is Doug Van Pelt
and I will be working with your child this year in _________________________.
To better assist your student with his/her studies, please complete the following
questionnaire and return it with your child for my records. Please feel free to contact me
via the phone (my numbers are listed below), a text, or an email. In most cases I will
reply by the end of the day. Thank you so much for all you do!!!]

DIRECTIONS: Please rank the following choices for each of the topics listed below
by identifying the choice you are most likely to use with a 1. If you do not have or
will not use the choice listed, please identify with a N/A.
1) The best method of communication with me is:
____ phone call at home
____ call to my cell phone
____ email
____ text message
2) I visit the school website & calendar:
____ daily
____ weekly
____ monthly
____ never
3) I am familiar with Infinite Campus and access my childs grades:
____ Multiple times each week
____ Once a week
____ Occasionally
____ Never
4) I am familiar with the school policies on homework and grading:
____ yes
____ no

5) If I have a question about my childs progress, I would like to:

____ contact the instructor at school
____ email or text the instructor
____ set up a meeting with the instructor at school
6) If my child has a question about their homework assignments, I will:
____ have them check their notes for help
____ give suggestions without solving the problem for them
____ have them call a classmate for help
____ attempt to contact their instructor for help
____ wait until the next day to ask for help
7) I would like to have access to the following methods of communication with the
school to improve my childs education:
____ all staff member's lessons posted on the school's website
____ instructors individual website with lesson plans and
assignments posted
____ suggested online resources to help with assignment
____ after hours drop boxes for completed assignments
8) If my child is struggling with their classwork, I would like to have the following
options available to improve my childs education:
____ after-school Success Hour with instructor support
____ peer-tutor assigned to help with comprehension
____ schedule revision to provide study hall/study lab
____ additional resources provided to the student for at-home
9) If the instructor needs to contact regarding your childs educational progress,
the best way to reach you is:
____ by phone call at the number listed below:
____ by text at the number listed above
____ by email at the following address:

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