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Dylan Ramirez

Period 1/2
BTR Question & Answer Part 4
Q1) Dr. Daniel Lieberman discussed how running shoes are bad, A lot of foot and
knee injuries that are currently plaguing us are actually caused by people running
with shoes(pg.167). How are running shoes technically causing more injuries than
running barefoot?
A1) Its because running shoes are so thick from the interior and sometimes most of the
shoes arent fit for our feet. Coach Lanana quoted, Weve shielded our feet from their
natural position by providing more and more support(pg.169). Adidas came up with a
microprocessor in the sole of the shoe that adjusts cushing for every stride but even that
didnt prevent injuries.
Q2) Christopher McDougall talking to Caballo Blanco maybe for the last time, So
what do you live on?(pg.281). McDougall was referring were Caballo will be heading
to his next adventure. Why does Caballo Blanco like to disappear for awhile, and
might this be the last time McDougall will see him?
A2) Usually what Caballo blanco does is he works in a free-lancer furniture job and once he
has enough money he vanishes down to the bottom of the canyons. Caballo was telling
McDougall, So maybe Ill see you again. Caballo Blanco replied, Or maybe I
Q3) Irene Davis quoted, In fact, theres no evidence that running shoes are any help
at all in injury prevention(pg.171). So why is that we are still making running shoes

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