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INTENSITY Excessive charm, LYING to cover up insecutlly, needing to win over ‘your fiends and family immedi: ‘ately, OVER THE TOP gestures that ‘seem too much 100 soon, BOMBARDING you with numerous texts and emails in a short time, behaving obsessively, insisting that ‘you got serious IMMEDIATELY. JEALOUSY Behaving IRRATIONALLY when you Interoct with other people, be- ‘corning ANGRY when you speck with the opposite sex. persistently ACCUSING you of fring/cheat- ing, resenting your ime with ‘tlends and family, DEMANDING to know private detals of your if. CONTROL TELLING you how to wear your hhait when to speck or what to think, showing up UNINVITED ot your home/schooljob, CHECKING your cell phone, emails Face- ‘book. going through your betong- ings. timing/FOLLOWING you, sexually coercing you. ISOLATION BLAME INSISTING you only spend time Making you fee! GUILTY and with him orhec making you erno- responsible for heir aggressive tionally or psychologically DEPEN- (or DESTRUCTIVE behavior biom- DENT, preventing you from seeing Ing the world or you for their your fomily oF friends, FORBIDDING PROBLEMS, always saying “Ths you from going fo school or work, is your FAULT” or "You made me RIDICULING your fiends or social do this” rie CRITICISM ANGER Calling you overweight, UGLY. ‘OVERREACTING to smal prob- STUPID oF crazy, ridiculing your lems, frequentiy losing control beliefs, ambitions or friends Violent OUTBURSTS. having feling youhe or she is the only severe mood swings. dinking ‘one who really cares about you. or partying excessively when BRAINWASHING you to feel Upset, THREATENING fo hurt you worthless. fr loved ones, picking FIGHTS, having a history of violent behavior ond making you feet AFRAID, SABOTAGE Bx Hing you MS wok school Cte es or compete fon by staring @ gh, novng a MEEOWIN geting sok Deak ing up wh you or DING your Keys wolet, textbooks. phone. STEALNG your belongings UNDER- MINING your plans creams on setteseam hie pretending 's Because hey "eve you" Abuse

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