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Post Partum

G M Punarbawa

Postpartum "blues" is a transient condition

characterized by mild, and often rapid,
mood swings, from elation to sadness,
irritability, anxiety, decreased
concentration, insomnia, tearfulness, and
crying spells.

Bbrp ibu mengalami depresi bbrp hari PP: PP

Tjd krn bbrp faktor sbb:
1. The emotional letdown that follows the
excitement and fears that most women
experience during pregnancy and delivery.
2. The discomforts of the early puerperium.
3. Fatigue from loss of sleep during labor and
4. Anxiety over her capabilities for caring for her
infant after leaving the hospital.
5. Fears that she has become less attractive.

Sebagian besar kasus: R/ yg efektif berupa

antisipasi, mengenali & menghilangkan
PP Blues: mild disorder yg menghilang dlm 23 hr (kadang menetap s/d 10 hr)
PP Blues dpt lebih buruk bila dijumpai G/
depresi berat (20% ibu post partum): psikiater

Psychotherapy is the first-line treatment for depression

during pregnancy or after the birth of a child.
Pd bbrp kasus: perlu antidepresan (menyusui?)
Toksisitas pd bayi, efek jangka panjang thdp
prilaku & perkembangan neurologis: koordinasi
dgn pediatris esensial
10, 20, or 40 mg/day of paroxetine for at least 4 weeks
(dosis terendah dpt memperbaiki depresi; hanya
sdkt dijumpai dlm ASI & serum bayi)


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