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Article Critique

It is recommended that temporal artery temperature (TAT) is a preferred method because

it is noninvasive, convenient, timely, and less stressful for the patient, family, and staff. This is a
peer reviewed article from a nursing journal, author and researched by nurses. This is significant
to nursing because vital sign such as temperature is a basic component of patient assessment and
a reliable indicator of physical well-being. The study was reviewed and approved by the
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Office of Research. The purpose was clearly identified in the
abstract, literature review and discussion of the article, which is to determine if there is a
difference between temperature reading obtained using two different electronic temperature
devices: one measuring TAT and one measuring rectal temperature(RT) (Bahorski et al, 2012, p.
243). The comprehensive literature review and sources were concise and logically relevant to
the study topic. The sources consisted of 13 classic and 8 current references dating from 19932010. A comparative, single-group design was used to determine if there was a difference in
temperature readings between the TAT method and the RT method (Bahorski et al, 2012, p.
244). This is a level 3, QSEN Level of Evidence, and is appropriate because the study was a
well-designed controlled trial that is used to evaluate the effect of temperature readings in
pediatrics. The sample consisted of 47 pediatric patients between 3 and 36 months of age
(Bahorski et al, 2012, p. 243). Convenient sampling was appropriately used because participants
were recruited from three different pediatric areas (ED, ICU, and outpatient unit) to ensure
consistency of data collection (Bahorski et al, 2012, p. 244). Internal threats to validity include
mortality because out of 51 patients only 47 completed the study and instrumentation change
correlating with experimenter effect (external threat) because three trained RNs were responsible
for collecting data but the RNs techniques could influence the subject behaviors, thereby,

affecting the temperature. Data were collected during scheduled time for temperature
measurement, where the TAT was obtained by one of the RNs, followed by a RT measurement
according to manufactures directions. Temperatures were recorded and filed along with
informed consent. The level of measurement appropriate is interval because it consists of real
numbers from the temperature readings. The statistical methods used were Levenes test, t test,
Pearsons r and Spearmans rho were appropriately used for the study because they helped to
analyzed the relationship between the two temperature readings. The study results clearly states
there are no statistically significant differences between TAT and RT (Bahorski et al, 2012, p.
243). According to the study results, RNs collecting the data like the ease of use of the TAT
thermometer. The RNs felt quite confident using the TAT on afebrile patients, but felt with
febrile patients, the reading was not always accurate.

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