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ARVARI Success Stories 1997-2012

Deep Theta State Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing Across Time &
Deep Delta State Remote

Deep Delta State Experiences Remote Influencing

Influencing the Thoughts of
Others & Powerfully Molding
Reality to y our Desires

Experience consciously the deep Delta brain state (Remote Inuencing) and get you to inuence from your very
deep subconscious the thoughts of others and molding reality to your best wishes.
Connec ng Directly with the Universal Mind ge ng direct informa on from It about any subject.

Career & Wealth

Easily reprogram consciously old buried subconscious pa erns from the levels of Delta mind.

Winning Lottery /Gambling

Business & Career

George Westwood ( ), a recent remote viewing trainee, sent us on January 20,
1998 the following e-mail.

Success at Investing & Trading

Manifest Mind & Body Super

His conscious experience of the Delta (Universal Mind) level, similar to an NDE, while
being at the interface of deep Theta.

Rapid Phy sical Healing of Injuries

Dear Mr. O'Donnell:

I am writing to tell your students about the "peak" experience that I had using the methodology of
your remote viewing course. Last night I decided to practice the "quick" method of entering the theta
state. I was lying in bed, going through the "elevator" method and spiraling, suddenly a "tunnel"
appeared directly in "front" of me. At the end of this tunnel was a soft, bright golden white light.
This was not a visualization, as I had no control of it whatsoever. It was independent of my
imagination. The light was captivating, but, after a few seconds I was startled and lost my theta flow. I
am not kidding! I know this sounds like an NDE, but I was obviously not near death.
Incredibly enough, I also had a "Lucid" dream the same night!
Also, I want to thank you for explaining the implications of this experience to me. I do recommend
your course for those interested in such experiences in addition to the remote viewing aspects.

Transformation of Appearance &

Rejuvenation by Mind Power
Weight Loss Using only Mind
Reports of Healings, often
Emotional Scar Healing
Getting Rid of Inner Anger & Rage


Profound Stress Relief/Increased

Erasing Fears, Phobias &

Hans Peter R , a German student of our combination Remote Viewing

and Remote Influencing courses sent us this very exciting feedback on February 20, 2010

Rapidly Curing or Reducing



Higher DNA Activation

Winning the German Lotto using our RV and RI training

Great manifestation powers
Many synchronicities showing up in his life
Experiencing the Golden Light
Healing of a painful back/spinal condition

Increased I.Q. & General

Academic Performance Success
Enhanced Athletic Abilities
Manifest Powerful Experiences

My dear Mr. O'Donnell:

Greetings to you and the academy from Germany.
You have changed my life. I bought the combination RV/RI courses in February 2008. I went through your
courses many times, repeating them over and over. Each time I did this, I became better at both RV and RI. I
had previously done other mind improvement systems, attended many seminars here in Germany and all
over the world but nothing even came close to what your courses offer. The material is awesome! I have told
many about your profound methodology. I am really hooked on the CDs. They have totally transformed me.
Many beautiful events have happened in my life since receiving your training. Synchronicities happen all the
time around me. I can feel when they do, as they have this almost unreal quality about them. I feel very
happy and bathed in light energy. People feel this and smile at me. They feel my happiness. I feel and look
maybe 10 years younger, have great stamina, my mind is sharper than when I was a youngster (I am 48 now)
and I feel this inner peace and happiness. I have healed myself of a chronic painful back injury I received
while skiing in my 20s in the Austrian Alps which degenerated into discs problems and compression of the
spinal cord. This and the subsequent arthritis had plagued my life for so long. It is all gone now thanks to your

Connecting Deeply to Your Higher

Out-of-Body Experiences/Astral
Life-Changing Metamorphosis
Vivid & Lucid Dreaming
Extra-Sensory Perception
Mind Reading, Psy chic Abilities,
Intuition & Telepathy
Telekinesis & Time Warps

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spinal cord. This and the subsequent arthritis had plagued my life for so long. It is all gone now thanks to your
courses. I am pain free and returned to a full exercise schedule.

Premonitions & Foreseeing the


I had a profound experience while listening to RI CD7 which left me bathed in brilliant golden light. That is
when the healing occurred and I have not been the same ever since. Thank you for making all this possible.

Predictions of 9/11 & other Terror


Now listen to this! (I have debated much whether you should publish this as I do not wish to become famous
for privacy reasons or flooded with emails) : I won the Lotto here in Germany 2 weeks ago! I am receiving a
very large sum soon! I always play here the lotto each week.
Every week twice a week, I buy a single ticket to the drawing. Since taking your courses I have used the
following method. I use the RV skills I have learned to feel, sense and view the numbers in advance. Most
importantly I used the manifesting skills developed in your remote influencing course to convince my
subconscious that I would win. I often used the diamond body technique to do this and see my new self
happy and successful. I used many of your RI techniques to energize that event. They are incredibly
powerful. I always feel gigantic energy in me while I am listening to the CDs and it stays with me with a little
lesser intensity during the day. This inner light energy allows me to energize my thoughts is such a powerful
manner. Many events that I Remote influenced last year did later happen. I guess this made me more
confident about my skills. As you suggested in the course I did not attach any fixed time to my success but
rather concentrated in convincing my subconscious that this had already happened. I was doing this in Delta
and would reinforce it at times while doing lucid dreaming as you teach us. I have learned to feel vibrations of
light and I used to focus that energy to my subconscious mind as I was listening to your training and
visualizing what I wanted my life to be like.
Well nothing really happened for over a year. I kept RIing success at the lotto , but did not give it that much
thought. I never gave up nor doubted.
One day 2 weeks ago I went to a Delta state and asked for guidance on the drawing. Suddenly 6 numbers
appeared in my mind. They were like dancing numbers with flecks (specks?) of gold around them. I
immediately wrote them down. The vision had this sense of being both unreal, almost plastic, as if I could
almost touch these numbers in my mind. I felt very calm about it. Somehow I knew that this was special and
that I had received this information from a level of High Mind.
I bought the ticket and imagine my face when I watched the drawing on TV.
You know Mr. ODonnell, I know now that anything is possible, but more than the money it is the difference I
can make in this planet by RI a better world that makes me so happy!
I thank you from all of my heart for your wonderful courses.
Your indebted student for life.
Hans Peter R
JULIAN FINCH , a British trainee, writes to us on July 25, 2000.
Remote viewing crop circles and attempt at remote influencing.
Dear Gerald,
Just a quick note to thank you once again for our time on the phone the other evening as it was very much
appreciated, also for your advice in relation to the predicament I was facing. You will be happy to know that I
have decided to forward on the information I received through the R.V. process in relation to the murder case
I was discussing with you to an ex-member of the police force who has advised me that they will forward this
onto the appropriate channels. As more comes to light on this, or if there is an arrest, or another result, I will
let you know.
I have also taken down some information from my mother about a similar case, although, as of yet, I have not
had the opportunity to look into this. However, should any developments develop here, I will let you know
As for the current successes that I have experienced with the crop circles which I have been attempting to
predict I can only say "WOW!" Upon receiving the course, I repeatedly listened to the introduction tape to
ensure that I was going to get the most out of it and gets a full understanding. As per your instruction, I have
taken this whole process very slowly to the point of frustration at having to curb my desire to jump ahead.
Within the first week of listening to side one of tape 2, I was amazed to find that I was able to successfully
predict the basic pattern of 2 crop circles patterns that were to later appear in the fields of England. Although
this was not a 100% accurate depiction of the final crop glyph, the correlation between what I had seen and
what was appearing in the corn fields was obvious. (Since then I feel that I have had about a 30-40% success
rate in predicting the basic images of the year 2000 crop circles.)

Avoiding Fatalities, Personal

Injuries, or Natural Disasters
using RV/RI Skills
Love & Relationships
Magnetizing Love to Relationships
Becoming More Attractive to
Opposite Sex
Connecting to the Universal
Experiencing Life Flowing in
Blissful Connection with the
Universal One
Attaining Total Inner Peace & Joy
Feelings of Love & Connectedness
to Nature
The Cosmic Creational Orgasm of
Psy chic & Phy sical Attack
Feeling Protected & Guided by The
Our Training Reported as Best
Enthusiastic Professional
Best Value & Most Advanced Mind
Heartfelt Gratitude from our

See even more feedback in chronological

order from 1997-2012
RI Students Feedback 2004-2011
RI students Feedback 2002-2004
RV Students Feedback 2005-2011
RV Students Feedback 2002-2004
RV Students Feedback 2000-2001
RV Students Feedback 1999
RV Students Feedback 1997-1998

In my excitement I called my mother in the UK to advise her of what I had achieved and we decided to try an
experiment to see if I was able to pick up anything as she concentrated on an object in her house. At first I felt
a little disheartened as all I could see whilst trying to pick up whatever object she was concentrating on was a
cone shaped object. My mother advised me that she was looking at a basket of "pine cones!" Once again not
100% right but on the right track. Encouraged by this, we tried again - this time I perceived a square and in
the center of this there was what appeared to be the coiled spring-like element from an electric light bulb. At
this point, Mom let out an exclamation as she told me that she had been looking at an old fashioned brass
kerosene/paraffin type lamp - the back of this had a square shaped area, in the center of which was where the
wick sat. It was obvious that I had picked up an object that emits light.
I tried a similar test with a dear friend of mine also in the UK a week or so later. Once again, I got her to
concentrate on an object within her household. Immediately, I got the image of a bowl of fruit (with banana's,
oranges, apples etc) My friend told me that the first thing she had looked at was indeed a bowl of fruit with
banana's, oranges & apples in. She however had decided that this was silly and than looked at something else.
I have also tried experimenting with my 8 year-old nephew by using the techniques to achieve "deep Theta"
by repeating it 3 times. After doing this, I tried to mentally force the image of various Zener cards into his
mind. On both occasions, he got the first 3 correct.
All of this has come about. And so far I am still only on side 2 of tape 2! I sincerely look forward to speaking
with you again soon and discussing my future progress.

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All the very best,


Rob wrote to us this testimonial on June 09, 2004. Subject:

We do care
Influencing a job testing situation for the better
Dear Gerald,
I can't thank you enough for the RV & RI course you sent me. They work far better than I ever thought they
I first bought the RV course and listened to it and the results were very good. Then about a year later I bought
the RI course and the results were fantastic. I did struggle a little bit with some of the concepts and needed
some clarification on a few things. So when I called your phone number to find out how I could contact you I
was totally surprised that you answered the phone. You were eager to help me, which surprised me. I guess I
thought you were only trying to sell courses and make money. But you weren't. You really are sincere and
wanted to help me. Then when I started to operationally Remote Influence, one of the first things I did was to
RI a test which I was supposed to take at work and takes about 4 hr. I was supposed to take this test from a guy
that is a real pain in the neck (the type of person who if you say "it's a beautiful day out and not a cloud in the
sky" will look all over the sky to try and find a tiny cloud and say that there's a cloud over there)
So as I was getting ready to go to work, I decided to try to RI the situation so he wouldn't be the one who
would give me the test and I would get the test from another guy. Then when I went to work I found out that at
the last minute they decided to change instructors and give me exactly what I had RI. I about fainted. I was in
total shock (I mean deep down I knew this was possible but I didn't think I was that capable or that it was that
easy). Basically after that experience I figured out that so long as you are looking for positive or good things,
anything is possible. Feel free to post this on your web site if you want. You can't get a higher
recommendation from me than this. I think you and your courses are great!!!!
Thank you so much. Rob
Rob a recent trainee, wrote to us on March 08, 2004. Subject:

Remote influencing a situation at work.

Dear Gerald O'Donnell,

I Purchased your RV and RI courses. I can't thank you enough. Because of your course I was able to Remote
influence a situation at work for the better. I am 100 percent sure the results were a direct response to what I
Remote Influenced. It really works!!
Thank you so much
Rob Chojnacki wrote this enthusiastic feedback on February 10, 2004.

His success at remote influencing his music career.

I just wanted to write to you to tell you the success I have been having using your RI course in my life.
Primarily, I have been using your techniques to realize great success with my band. As you know, I am a
musician. But this isn't your typical story of "I used it, and it worked immediately".
There is an interesting twist that says so much more than the typical success story.
I first started using your techniques while I was with my former band. And yes, i did notice that immediate
progress was being felt. Several deals came through, including a very rare chance to record at Sony Studios in
which many band's in my situation could never afford, nor would the door be opened for them to record at
such a high-end studio. However we did get in.
But as I really began applying techniques from your course to the band's success, I was a little saddened to see
no more success. In fact, our CD was released with a "so-so" reaction.
Then a second opportunity in music was opened to me. One I never expected. At this point I was figuring that
if this band doesn't make it, I'm done with music.
My drummer had been playing in a side project, and asked if I (bass guitar player) wanted to play with the side
project. I did, and was immediately accepted as the permanent bassist for this second band. Soon the
and I came to a decision that this side project really should be the main focus, and we cut our old band loose,
the same band that I had been using your RI techniques to enhance.
This new band is taking off faster than wildfire. The debut CD was released only a couple months ago, and it's
already cracked the CMJ Top 200 National Charts (CMJ is the Billboard charts for college radio). Reviews are
pouring in. Everywhere we play, and I do mean everywhere, we are already known because of the radio play,
and we are signing autographs for fans. Success is spiraling so fast that I can barely keep up with it.
I then realized that it wasn't "my band" that I was aiming success for, I really was RI'ing success for myself in
the music industry. This reality of success is materializing in a way I did not originally intend. Now my old

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band, perhaps the other guys may find success elsewhere in the industry, but me and the drummer are going
places with this new band, and going places fast! So I know now that your RI techniques worked, not only
faster than I
imagined, but not at all as I imagined. I'm in a completely different band, and in a place that I could not
imagine only 6 months ago.
Thank you Gerald. You and your courses surprise me every day.
Rob Chojnacki

Greetings To My Beloved Friend Mr. Gerald O'Donnell from Debra Gosselin on 9/11/2003:
It has been a bit of a season since we last spoke but often we vibrate at the same LOVE frequency, that much I
am sure. I am ever so humbled to know you, I know the "Salt Of The Earth People" all over the Globe. The love
affair you all have with this marvelous living library, Mother Earth is being threatened not only by literal
raping of the land but also the lack of respect toward the elements and elementals within dimensions that are
beginning to bleed one into the other. The live intelligence within stone and dirt are longing to experience
electromagnetic formulas of higher consciousness once again. Earth reads us as we live and breathe on her,
and she knows the stage of our own development and our ability to accept responsibility. When we share
what we know, it is broadcast around the world. Codings are fired, and the masses begin to evolve. We are
interlinked and so when our teachers continue to stretch themselves to mature and grow, we likewise stretch
and grow.
I honor you and the glorious teachers and mentors I have been graced with. I have been shown over and over
what LOVE, JOY and abundance looks like.
I am pleased to say that I am not as fragile as when we first met. I am imagining things one week and seeing
them manifest and mature the next. As you know, my signature word has been "FREEDOM", please know that
has not changed. In closing, I am proud to be one of the 100 monkeys that have ignited your message. I
always knew there was some special calling I had yet to meet.
Bless you, I'm yawning with all my heart and soul. Debra

David Burnstein <> commented on November 20, 2002:

Hi Gerald,
An AMAZING thing happened to me today...and I wanted to write to YOU first...because I feel you
deserve all the kudos...Though a friend who is "psychic" told me this would happen...I STILL feel it is
because of using your tapes...and because of our conversation the other day...
I had an incident that occurred to me at work in June...and since has gone TOTALLY
down hill...I wanted OUT...I had a meeting scheduled with Civil Rights on 11/7 ...which was a good
date...but the representative from the company was we changed it to 11/20...
For the last many weeks I had been ABSOLUTELY picturing that the company would give me a fact...when I went on vacation starting 11/12...I wrote a note to myself: YOU ARE NOT
I could NOT sleep last night...and kept talking to the man who would represent the company...a VERY
hard-line MAJOR Fortune 500 company...I told him...I want a buyout...
Though I only got about a third of the money I really wanted...the GREATER gift is that I have severed
my energy ties with this TRULY sinister company...and have now freed up a lot of energy for OTHER my roulette venture...
I will be spending a substantial amount of additional time with your tapes...and hope to call you in a
few weeks...if I feel the need to...
Thank you SO much...
I AM Yours truly,
David S Bernstein

Dennis ( ) a very successful trainee from Hong Kong sent us this
feedback on October 24, 2002: Subject:
Using RV and RI for stock market trading, diagnosing and healing health problems,
forecasting world events and even lottery numbers!
Results of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing:
I am very pleased to share my experiences with Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. I started the
course in March 2002. After practicing 2A and 2B lessons for a short time, I was able to drop down to Theta
I had the following experiences:

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I was able to remote view world events, like troop movements. I saw the transfer of troops within certain
countries. I also saw missile tests taking place in Pakistan.
I was able to tune into three airplane crashes. I later learned from news report that I foresaw these terrible
events a few days before they actually happened. For example, in one scene I saw the Chinese character
North on an airplane. Later, I read in the news that the Chinese airplane Northern Airline had crashed in
I was able to scan books with my hands before buying them, and I got strong impressions of which books
would have a special message for me or benefit me the most.
I have used remote viewing to help my friends find solutions to their problems.
I was able to scan health problems like specific areas of the internal organs in a patient. These were later
confirmed by medical tests. For example, I saw a dark patch on my father lung. This was later confirmed by
X-ray. My father was a smoker. My father lived in China and was bed ridden. After I applied RI healing on
him, he was able to walk again and come to visit me in Hong Kong. By the way, with the healing energy he
even grew a new tooth -the 3rd set. This surprised the doctor.<
I could pick up an energy grid in a healers energy field. This healer was really shocked as no one was able to
see the secret grid placed by his master for psychic protection.
When I dropped down to my levels, I picked up winning lottery numbers and winning horse numbers. This
happened without my willing it. I passed these numbers to my friends who then had success with winning
both horse races and lottery entries.
Finally, I have used remote viewing to forecast the stock market.
I have had numerous positive remote viewing experiencestoo many to go into here, but I would like to
elaborate a little on my experience in using remote viewing to predict the stock market:
As a stock market trader, I was very interested in predicting the stock market trends.
I have remote viewed the stock markets for two weeks now.
I used the following procedure. First, I glanced at the charts on my computer monitor. Then, I called in my
mental lab advisors and dropped to a lower brain wave frequency. At theta I was able to sense with my hands
on the screen.
Initially, I got symbolic impressions. I saw landscapes, animals, and other symbols that I could interpret in
relation to the market. The brighter the scene the more positive the market.
My results improved a little when I broke the remote viewing market trends into two periods: morning and
afternoon trading. For the morning markets, it took me 20-30 minutes to get a completely clear picture of the
trend. For the afternoons, it took me only 10 minutes. I began to get even more accurate when I broke the
trading trends in a 2 hour period i.e. 9-11 am, 11am - 1 pm etc. Then I was able to pool all my impressions of
the 2 hours period trend and create a chart for the day.
These are just some examples of the images that appeared to me. When I asked for a message for the day, I had
visions of a small sparrow picking worms. This indicated that there would be gains. Impressions of crabs
climbing upwards meant that there was an upward trend in the market. And impressions of ducks swimming
indicated that the trading was relaxed or quiet. And when I saw an old fashioned chair, and the next scene was
the tail of a whale showing up in the ocean, I understood that I should wait until close to the end of the trading
day when the market would suddenly turn upward.
In the beginning, my impressions were about 7 0% to 80% accurate. However, by Oct 17 and 18 (after a week),
I was able to predict tops and bottoms at 100% accuracy.
I am interested in exchanging ideas and tips with other traders who use remote viewing to forecast the
markets. My goal is to be able to see the figures themselves, rather than viewing them through symbolic
images, and also to influence a positive outcome with the new remote influencing course.
believe your remote viewing course would be instrumental in helping people to prosper in the financial
marketplace and improve all areas of their life. I am so grateful to have discovered your program and look
forward to further training (especially in Chinese!) and fine tuning my skills. Thank you, Gerald! You are doing
great work. I highly recommend your course to anyone interested in predicting market trends in the stock
exchange or the commodities market.
Experiences with Remote Influencing:
I have had some powerful experiences using the golden light of the Sun in influencing thought and reality.
I was leaving a securities firm to join a new firm, but I was concerned about leaving some delinquent
accounts created by clients who could not afford to settle their bills.
In particular, two clients had disappeared without a trace. I surrounded an image of them with golden light of
the Sun. I saw them happy and fulfilled. Within a few days, they both appeared and settled their accounts.
This unexpected outcome surprised and pleased my colleagues. I subsequently did RI on some other
delinquent accounts and had the same wonderful results. Had these people not come forward and settled
their accounts, I would have been accountable for their substantial debts.
Now I am working in a much better environment. Here I enjoy using RV and RI to succeed.
Another example of RI:
My wife was not paid for a few months by her company because they were having financial problems. I
meditated on this situation with my wife and sent golden energy out to her and her boss. Within a few days,
her boss paid her in full and his business also improved.
Gerald, I thank you for this wonderful course and for providing the training in Chinese. I have certainly
benefited a lot in this short period of training. This life-changing course is worthy of anyone who desires more
in life. I can't say enough good things about your course. I think it would be a risk not to try it!
Hong Kong
alskling7 7 7
Oct 24, 2002:

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Bob Arance ( writes to us on August 19, 2002

His experiences at applying the RI course to improve one's Golf skills.
Dear Gerald,
I enjoyed visiting with you on the phone and here's some feedback and some other information for you.
When I was about 12 years old I started playing golf and became pretty good but never quite got to the
brilliant level. Now I play once a year in a "bestball" event and we usually do quite well but my putting was
never great. This year I was looking forward to the tournament as a chance to try the putting example that
you explained in the latest course. The method that I used was to line up the putt in the normal way and then
to get ready to stroke the putt but before I initiated the stroke I repeated the word Delta 3 times and
consciously relaxed and then pictured in my mind as strongly as I could, the ball running up to the hole and
then falling into the hole. Then I imagined as hard as I could the happy emotion that I would feel when the
ball fell into the hole. At that time I felt a feedback thought that "this could happen". I didn't feel 100% sure
that the putt would go in but just the strong feeling that it sure could happen. Then from that very relaxed
peaceful state I stroked the putt. During the 18 holes about four 15 footers actually went into the hole along
with a few shorter putts. I know that this would not have happened normally and it was really fun. Thank you
To continue the golf scenario, I mentioned during our visit the book, "The Legend of Bagger Vance" and the
movie by the same name. The author of the book is Steven Pressfield. They are both great. There is one great
paragraph on page 147 that I think you would like......" "You could see Hagen's (the golfers) aurora, his
intention, search the chromatic spectrum-the Field. His vibration stilled, harmonizing with that of the Field,
centering in stillness in his chest and his hands. Simultaneously the field beckoned to him; like two
frequencies seeking each other in the ether. He wanted to play the best possible shot. And the best possible
shot also wanted him to play it. Wanted to be brought into physical existence by him. It already existed in
some other dimension, but somehow, if you'll permit me to speak in terms so far outside the scientific, that
was not enough for it. It wanted to exist here, on the material plane. And it needed Hagen to make that
happen. It needed a person. An embodied soul. A human being."
Actually the whole book is full of analogies like this and I really think that you would enjoy it. The movie also
has a lot of great scenes and one of them is when the caddie/guru Baggar Vance shows the golfer (Junah) how
to tune into a one-ness consciousness and become one with the field and how to remote influence the shot.
Because of the strong visualization that this scene provides, I think that it would probably be worth watching
the movie for this alone. After writing this, I think I will go home and watch it again myself!
As for my experience as a whole, I am starting to notice a feeling that I am one with my environment or
one with the scenery around me. For example, sometimes when I am swimming I have the feeling that I am
swimming through myself and sometimes when driving on a country road I feel that I am driving through
myself. This doesn't come out as some big flashy experience but rather as kind of a calm knowingness or
naturalness. This doesn't happen all of the time but I certainly enjoy it when it does.
Also, you asked me to remind you, that if possible, I would like to receive the rest of the new course within
two and a half weeks if it is available for sending out by then. If not, no problem. Thank you very much for
everything and I wish you the best.
Sincerely, Bob

Ken Kimball ( ) writes to us on July 8, 2002:

Hi Gerald,
One thing that I have noticed about being in the delta state is that it creates such a energized feeling of
happiness. I will sustain the state long after the delta exercise on your CD stops because I simply
don't want it to end. It feels so good that I just don't want to come out of it. I also feel very relaxed
while in the "waking state". I feel like the good vibes of delta are lingering while I go about my day. It
is creating quite a change!
I hope all is well, Happy thoughts

Pam Slayton <> send us this testimonial on April 23: Subject:

Visiting Theta land.
No response necessary. Dear Gerald, I try not to email you too often because I know you are incredibly busy.
But, just wanted to let you know about this: I am just about finished with tape 6B (and have been rereading the
new manual). Anyway, I decided to put my nephew's head on my head, cause even though it's now been two
years, he is still having a very hard time dealing with his father's plane crash. He is only 9 years old. I could
not so much perceive his thoughts as I felt I could perceive his emotions. I tried very hard to send him
thoughts that- it is ok to go on with his life and be happy. That is what his Dad wants for him, and other
thoughts like that, because I think he feels it would be betraying his father, if he tries to put his Dad's death
behind him and get on with his life and be happy. I don't think he feels he is allowed to do that. (My nephew
has an extremely high IQ). Anyway, while I was trying to send these thoughts to him, I felt those same energy
VERY STRONG, but again, it does not go up and down my spine but rather up and down my legs .(Maybe
there's something wrong with me! LOL!) I hope I was able to get through to him, and will try again. As what
happens with me so often, AFTER I came back to Beta, I felt I received a rush of information about my
nephew, about his feelings. Another very weird thing happened. It concerns you. This is really crazy. I could
say it was just a dream, but it wasn't like that. I had been asleep. I had been having a normal dream that I do
not remember. But, all of a sudden, I heard your voice very clearly. (Please don't think I'm crazy, this wasn't
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even like a lucid dream, I heard you clearly and distinctly, to the left of me, and even though this happened a
few days ago, I can still hear your voice clearly, of course, this could have to do with the fact that I am always
hearing your voice in Theta state). Anyway, I heard you say, Pam, it's Gerald. And, for some whacked out
reason, I was surprised and said back to you, Oh, I thought you were the maid! (Don't even ask me where that
came from! I remember thinking, well, that was a stupid thing to say!) Anyway, you then warned me about
something, but that is the part I don't remember! I can't remember the warning! I woke up right after that.
Too weird. Well, take care.
Sincerely, Pam

Peter wrote to us this enthusiastic feedback on February

20, 2012:
Considers our training the Penultimate Personal Development program around, much
more advanced than most others for it teaches you how and why we magnetize reality
and the details of how this operates easily.
Manifested rapidly a new business with the help of what he learned using our
techniques, as his financial and personal situation was very dire.
Manifested an overnight healing when badly accidently injured on his pinky with a
hammer in a work accident. Did the a healing in a Delta state of mind while remaining
Dear Mr. Gerald O'Donnell
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such an enlightening and powerful
training system!
In our conversation you had asked me to write about my experiences, sorry that it took so long.
Let me give you some background to start with.
I have been a student of personal development for the past 20 years (kind of a personal development
junkie !)
I have read many books and went through many programs. In the process, I accumulated a lot of
knowledge that I consider priceless.
Looking back now, I believe this served me in order to prepare me to understand and appreciate the
information and truth found in your Remote Viewing and Influencing Course.
This course is very advanced in comparison to all the other courses I had been through in the past.
The difference I think is that it is complete!
Complete in the sense that it does not just teach you about the law of attraction, it helps you to
understand how and why it works.
After going through your course, to pick up a book on personal development now would be for
inspiration only.
I feel more advanced then the the authors of the programs and books I had read in the past.
I decided to use the information and remote influence my life!
I will share with you two very profound experiences, one on money and the other on healing.
First, some background: I am a General Contractor, and have been in business for the past 27 years.
Being in business is like being on a rollercoaster. Over the years, I have gone up and down, but never
so down as when the economy hit my industry in 2009 and 2010.
I then lost my house, lost my wife, moved to a small apartment with my daughter and was barely
scraping by!
In the creative process I know that the first step is to get clear on what I want.
I decided to make 1,000.00 a day consistently.
Every morning and every night I wrote down on paper my desired outcome.
I felt and visualized what life would be like having this now! Writing continuously this help my mind
focus and keep it from wandering.
Then I would express gratitude, thanking my higher self for such a wonderful prosperous experience.
After feeling like I was conscious and very clear about my desired outcome, and what it would look
like, I decided to do it in the alpha, theta, and delta states visualizing my desired outcome and feeling
joy and gratitude.
After 26 days of consistent daily practice I got a call from someone working for a fortune 400
I had not worked for this company for 3 years; in fact, I had never worked for them directly.
My contract was with another company that acted like a mediator and management. I had
subcontracted the work from them.
The representative informed me about 65 locations across the country that would need
refurbishment or relocation, build outs.
I told him that I was very interested, and he asked me to look at two locations 300 miles apart from
each other.
At the time I didn't have the money to fund a 400,000 dollar project. My finances were so bad that I
would have a hard time even going to see the projects, let alone do them, but I knew something would
give, and I moved forward as if there were no obstacles.
That week I was remodeling a house for a wealthy developer and he had mentioned to me about how
he was displaced by the economy as well and how he could not build homes now.
I asked him if he would like to invest in a project I have and he said he would love to.
We got the project, completed it on time and made great money.
I would of made 1,000.00 a day if I didn't have an investor. I made 500.00 a day.

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For the next project I struck a deal to with the fortune 400 company to fund the project fully for mesomething they never do in commercial construction!
This funding comes with no interest.
In the meantime I also attracted 2 more investors willing to invest at much lower rates even though I
didn't need them now.
I have them for back up.
Everything came together in place, effortlessly!
Now I am doing 2 projects for them simultaneously.
The workers and subcontractors that I have attracted are vary good and are willing to travel : )
The other experience had to do with an injury, one of my workers hit my pinky with a hammer fullswing, square on my finger nail.
I was holding a 4x4 post as he beat it in place.
The next day I could not even touch it without feeling like I was hit all over again. Extremely painful!
I decided to go into a delta state that night and remote influence a healing.
The next day I had no pain just a little numbness!
My hand should of been out of commission for at least 2 weeks or more!
This program is incredible because it's not only enlightening but when applied it works!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Mr. O'Donnell and creating such a powerful program!
I thank you and my family thanks you too!

Munjal Patel, MUNJAL6100@HOTMAIL.COM , a dear student from India, sent us this very
nice and enlightening feedback on November 22, 2011
Opening the doors to The One
The door of pure Joy into ecstasy
The infinite powers of pure Love
How to do global healing of the planet's consciousness
Manifesting and attracting all that is sought with the Infinite Force of Love.
Healing negativity
Easily Reading the thoughts and emotions of others
Easily and accurately Remote Viewing the stock markets
Raising the vibrations of others as we encounter them etc...
Dear Gerald,
My deep love and gratitude for bring up such courses. Words are not enough to express my Love and
gratitude for you because you have opened the doors to Infinity for me. Your courses have helped me to
realize my own Self, my own nature, which is infinite joy ever increasing and never ending ecstasy, and out of
the Divine ecstasy arises incredible Love oceans full of Infinite Love.
That is what we are all are and this is our mission to feel Infinite Love and ecstasy.
By mastering your courses we can easily achieve this feat. We just need the intention and the rest is taken care
I know from the bottom of my heart that you are channelling The One and Only One that IS God. This is very
serious because through the medium of Gerald The One has given us, humanity, these RI and RV courses
which are the key to liberation.
I simply love RV/RI and practice them religiously everyday. It is my routine now. It is like if I don't meditate
thrice daily then something is missing in my day; the day is not complete... When I have time I meditate with
CDs, and when time is short I meditate without the CDs.
The amount of Joy that I feel is indescribable. This is what we are after, all of humanity. We want joy only. We
run after money, women and all other worldly things because by getting them we feel joy. There is nothing
wrong with it, but that type of joy is limited, and the joy we can get in meditation which is made effortless by
your RV/RI courses is Infinite and ever increasing and never ending. That is it.
My Life has completely changed. Now I live for this Joy and Love and everything is taken care by The One. I
spend my day healing Mother Earth and the whole human consciousness. I feel so much Love for Mother
Earth. It is our common responsibility to heal Her. I am going to give everything I have to heal Her.
RV/RI has given me incredible powers but these are powers of Love and Joy. Love is the most powerful
powerful force in the universe.
I will give you an examples of the practical uses of the RV/RI course:
1- Even though I did not RI my family members, their behavior and the overall vibratory atmosphere of my
house has changed because of my meditation sessions. It has become very peaceful and joyful. When you
come in my room you can literally feel the Divine Presence because I do all my RV/RI in my room.
2- All the things that I think about come true and manifest in my life. It happens in such a way that I have to
marvel at the Infinite Intelligence of The One.
3- I have made it a habit to heal instantly all the negative thoughts that I feel. EG , one of my friends, is very
negative but I give healing to him and in my presence he becomes very cheerful and completely different.
4-All my vehicles work like magic. I feel that they also have consciousness and I can love them. My
motorbike, even though not used for a long time would start on second kick. It works on battery and for that
battery to remain charged it has to be used regularly, but magic happens!
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5- I can read others' thoughts, feelings and emotions, even of animals and plants. It is just a knowing.
6- While merged deeply with the One, at the level of now, where everything happens simultaneously, parallel
thoughts and realities, I was given the message of healing the Earth Mother and humanity in daily life, being as
much filled with ecstasy as possible because joy literally heals the wounds and it has a very deep effect on the
7 - I can easily Remote View the stock market very very accurately. It is freaky. I just do it to sharpen the
edges of my mental concentration.
8- I can easily raise the vibrations of another person by RI and it happens in REAL TIME. When the RI starts
you can literally see the change in that person behavior and emotions.
I can go on and on. It is a very long story and I don't want to blow my horn but this is possible for EVERYONE.
all of us are the children of Infinity. We have the power to feel Infinite Joy, Love, and Light and now is the time
to get it.
In the end I just want to say that Gerald is amazing and very very humble, helpful, and lovable human being
who has dedicated his life for the work of The One. I consider myself extremely lucky to have met this amazing
All my love and blessing form the deepest core of my heart to my friend. He is an inspiration to me for
dedicating my life for The One. Really it is our intention that matters. if you just intend and trust on The One,
everything will be taken care of.
We are lucky to have Gerald. The One tells me that I and all of us have to learn a lot from Gerald. Gerald, we
request you for more courses and teachings, and to start the web based video training of the different
technique of RV/RI that you were personally going to teach us. Please consider my request.
All my Love to you.

Junior Coffi of Japan, wrote to us on May 31, 2011 as to the very powerful manifestation powers
he has attained with the help of the connection to the Oneness as he trained with our
Combination RV/RI courses
Great manifestation powers attained
Healings, High vibratory rates, money etc...
Out of body voyages at will.
Thanks for making your program available for such an affordable price.
I bought your program about 3yrs ago and I cannot enumerate all that has happened to me here.
Before buying your program I practiced all the royal arts and they were really intensive but manifestation
cannot be compared to what I get from your course.
For real, I know once in a generation somebody is sent to enlighten humanity. YOU ARE THAT ONE!
If ever my house got on fire or earthquake, the only thing I will take with me is my COMBO .
Dreams, healings courage thought manifestation, increase in friends etc. I cannot find words to express
A Japanese man with pancreatic cancer, another one with aneurysm have been helped. Now I practice
I will get myself in theta and even delta and my prayers are: quick thought manifestation, diseases and that
nature should obey me,.
I get out of my body anytime, anyplace I want.
Believe me, I vibrate! Never seen anything like this before.
Sir, I will send a very detailed testimony about my purchasing of your course, things that since have been
happening to me, instant manifestation, money just manifestation in my life etc.
I think your course should be added to any or all high school programs. The course is a gift to humanity and
everybody should buy as much as possible. I mean not one only!.
I finally will ask you to allow me to use your program as full teaching material in a school I want to open in

Michael Goldstein sent us this testimonial on March 24, 2011

Life changing manifestations using our Combination RV/RI course.
Rebuilding one's life within happy thoughts and situations.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell,
I purchased the remote influencing system about a 10 months ago. I was really at rock bottom in my life both
personally and financially. I had been divorced a year before, estranged from my young children and flat
broke with poor job prospects. 10 months later things are looking very,very different.

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It took some time, but as you say in your messages, one can not put a time frame on manifesting changes. It
will, however, happen. I remember feeling very, very frustrated that things seemed to actually be getting
worse in the first 2 months of using your product. In retrospect, there were some lessons I simply needed to
learn in order to get my new vision and project under way. Now, it's almost a year later and I have a thriving
business making tools that are actually helping people heal their physical bodies. I am making a good living
using my hands, which is exactly what I wanted. In addition, I have a great new relationship and I am on the
cusp of obtaining full legal and physical custody of my children. This is a tremendous shift from where I was a
year ago. I even look different in my face and body.
When I use the CD's, I don't ever have any vivid out of body experiences, nor do I hear a clear voice of my
higher self giving guidance when I ask for it. My body falls totally asleep and I do feel separate from it. My
mind is totally awake. But in my mind, it just feels like I am just me, only without a body. In this state, I just
concentrate on the awareness and feeling of having what I want. Then, over time in my life it seems to happen.
Thanks Mr. O'Donnell. And thank you for making a great product.
Michael Goldstein
Long Life Saunas
Kimber Closson sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on
November 12, 2010
Getting cast as a principal actor in a major Hollywood film after applying the principles
covered in our RI e-book
My name is Kimber Closson. I downloaded a free copy of Mr. O'Donnell's "Remote Influencing Secrets
Revealed" and it IMMEDIATELY changed my life!!! I do not own the whole system, just the eBook!
I once considered myself a "nothing", but Mr. O'Donnell taught me to reprogram my thinking to *I AM
EVERYTHING* & here is how it ended:
I went from being an extra on the set of feature film "CONTAGION" to a Principal Actor in 24 HOURS! My
character says line to Bryan Cranston and Laurence Fishburne responds!
As soon as I can afford the systems, I am BUYING IT!
Thank you, Mr. O'Donnell. Your guidance CAN save the world!!! I am CONVINCED!
Because of what you have shared in even your FREE book, I have manifested a desire within 24 hours! It took
me over 7 years to manifest being sculpted as the character "Death" from the Neil Gaiman "Sandman" comic
book for DC Direct, but I did it.
I have very little acting training & only read a script for one thing years ago & got cast as a featured extra
instead. I do not have an agent. I chickened out of every audition that I submitted my pic for that called
back. The parts I have played were given to me, but the projects never completed.
Being bumped from the Extras pool to a principal actor "never happens". The man who prepped us in the
Extras holding room said, "I've worked this job for 15 years and I have seen 3 people get bumped up. It's
*not* going to happen. You are here to be background. It's not going to happen. It never happens."
Well, IT HAPPENED TO ME and I'm not going to waste this momentum.
I am embracing it! I am in LOVE with it, as I have come to love myself and everything all around me. I am in
love with this world that I can make even more beautiful!
Yes, I see from the "characters" I play(ed) during my life that persona is a calculated act; and that fact ought
not to be diminished; it's how we live here!! I don't have to feel guilt that I show only certain aspects to certain
people. This is a natural occurrence- not bad habit!
I cannot thank you enough. But I will. I will!
This is not only the story of my experience, but in sharing this with you, it becomes a contract; I am
accountable through you to conquer my fears and move forward & upward. Life is as grand as I had always
hoped & I enjoy every taste of it! I cannot be a coward in a world that I created! There is only NOW and
everything counts!

With purest love, deepest gratitude,

Kimber Closson

Sharon McGraham sent us this testimonial on November 5, 2010

Becoming a master Reality manifestor and attracting the people and events that are
requested by her inner Being and resonating vibrations.
Since taking your courses (and continuing) I am drawing forth people and events in such frequency and ease,

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it's blowing me away!

Although I understand the underlying connectedness of us all, it's just amazing, bizarrely delightful, and I'm
loving it!
Thank you, Gerald...
S. McGraham
Holistic Practitioner
Santa Cruz, CA

Paul Franceus, a student of the Academy, sent us this powerful

testimonial on October 13, 2010 of what could only be call nowadays a miraculous healing of a
broken bone, which he commanded in a hospital setting while putting himself in a deep Mind
state of Delta. An event which allopathic modern biochemistry organic-focused medicine
would not possibly be able to explain, since this field does not yet recognize that all "matter"
is just vibratory Light which can be shaped and commanded by Thought and that all of it is
just hence a product of vibratory (energized) Mind.
My name is Paul Franceus. I am 49 years old and I live in Pennsylvania. I am a self employed contractor.
I have had Gerald's course for about 3 years so far, and have a lot of incredible experiences, but what
happened on Monday Oct 11th 2010 was truly amazing.
I was at a house rebuilding a porch and I lost my balance and fell backwards and landed on a concrete step on
my left arm. The bone in my arm immediately snapped completely in half, right above my elbow. My
elbow twisted and was pointing towards my stomach and the back of my hand hit myself in the face. My arm
was completely broken and mangled, and I screamed out for my employee to call 911.
E.M T.s came quickly and tried to put my arm in an air cast, trying to be careful not to cause any further
damage as my bone from my elbow was bulging out the back of my arm.
When I got to the hospital, they gave me an IV and a pain killer. The pain killer made me groggy, and I decided
to try to go into delta and try to manifest a healing.
I don't know if I made it to another realm, but I definitely went into delta and commanded a healing and
showed great thanks and gratitude for the healing I was hoping for.
A doctor came in shortly and took x-rays. Later he came back and said they needed to do a C.A.T. scan. They
did that and I waited for a couple more hours before they came back in again looking kind of perplexed and
they told me that my arm was not broken. I exclaimed "What? I saw the bone break and it was bulging out of
the back of my arm!" The doctor leaned over me and whispered to me: " We don't know what happened, but
your bone is not broken anymore."
I told him what I had done, trying to manifest a healing, and he did not know what to say. They released me
and I went home with my arm swollen, and black and blue, but not in much pain and I went back to work the
next morning and nobody could believe it.
I am so thankful for Gerald's course. I am sure that I would have needed plates and screws, maybe multiple
operations, and I would have been out of work for a long time, but I was back to work the very next day.
Paul Franceus

Pamela Paxman , a dedicated and courageous Light bringer sent us

this beautiful and profound feedback on August 5, 2010 after training with the combo and
especially RI CD #8
Gerald leads the listener into a delta brainwave pattern, normally a sleep state of mind, but I remain aware of
his instructions to travel to the sun, to the center of the earth and back again, establishing a connection
between myself and all of Gods creations. The following is what I wrote immediately after this meditation. I
felt so different. I felt indescribable peace and dont recognize this style of writing that came of it.
I have traveled to the center of the earth and back to the celestial center of Gods realms. I have established a
connection tangible and firm between myself and all of His creations. I travel through space and time in
perfect harmony with Gods vibrational levels of perfection. I never understood until now the great desire in
all of us to progress toward Him. Our spirits were forged in the pool of fire, Gods fire of light. We are
magnificent in our creation and as such are destined to return. This temporary human experience allows us
the choice to live with Him or not. At the core of the sun is the cool, vibrating, living core of love, pulsing with
the light of life bathing us in her gift. All creations are life and worship Him. The flowers sing praises to their
Creator. The sun vibrates its joy down on us as a small representation of His Love. I have seen a glimpse of
our potential as light being. The sun will hide its face in shame at the majesty of His complete glory in light. I
travel along my fiery red-orange golden strands of light progressing toward the sun. I enter through a facet of
His diamond presence and my soul remembers as my body is engulfed in unearthly light and love. Golden
energy replaces organic structures in my mortal tabernacle and I transcend. I feel my true creation, my true
being. I am an extension of He who created me. I am not this body. I am not my earthbound actions or
labels. I am not small. I rise above this temporary existence to see myself through his eyes. I am infinite and
immortal. I am becoming perfection. I fill the universe as an extension of Him. We are one. He is the Father
of my spirit where there are no limitations. A new vocabulary does not know the negative or the limiting. I
feel in complete ecstasy of mind, body and soul for here in this place is perfect acceptance of self. The body is
just the vehicle I have temporarily stepped into.
I am not my body any more than I am the car I ride in or the house in which I live. I am separate from earths
imperfections and rise a glorious being of light in infinite potential. Streaming from my presence filling all
space and time, I am a creator.
I rise above the petty thoughts of the day and choose to live higher. I look to the beautifully created earth for
daily cues-- reminders of my infinite worth. The birds sing to Him, the trees ever reach to Him, the breath He
lends me daily fills the expanse in its full creation. Every living creature vibrates with pure golden light
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through mortal blood pathways, waiting its resurrective perfection. Only man, only me, loses vision. Only I
forget the perfect place of love from whence I came and to whence I will forever dwell. Only this ultimate
creation, me, forgets His love and finds myself stuck in earthly grime.
Yet, the forgetfulness serves a purpose. First, I learn to recognize the veil, second accept it, third desire to go
beyond it in remembering. Accept the diamonds cast down here in the form of trials designed to give us the
ability to go beyond our self-determined limits. Lastly walk through and remember.
I see the light, His light in me, separating into diamonds falling to earth. Gathering speed and power entering
the atmosphere then gently lighting on each home, into each heart, an awakening and admonition to also look
heavenward for remembrance of the brilliant, perfectly loved you, His children.

Laszlo Sztojkovics of Ontario Canada sent us this testimonial on July

18, 2010
I am very grateful to you for your RI course.
It has transformed my life. I have become successful. My faith keeps growing.
I believe that I can achieve anything I really want in life.
If I start energizing a positive thought, it materializes sooner or later.
I see the world differently and finally managed to reconnect to the One.
Thank you again, Gerald!
You are a Blessing!
Best Wishes,
Laszlo Sztojkovics, Brampton, ON. Canada

Al Gersh wrote to us on August 24, 2009

Rapid manifestations of his dream after listening once to our combo course
Dear Gerald,
I decided to move out of this country where I have lived for 7 years but usually I have to search and hunt for
a place to move to and it's especially difficult with horses BUT after just listening to the set of CDs ONCE I have
2 people, 1 is a friend of my daughter's whom I have never met and the other is a friend of my sister's who I
haven't seen or talked to in 50 years! Well, they both called me and asked me to come and train horses and
live on their property and play music and start a community, (which is what I lack where I'm at now)! one is
15 acres and she does the healing reins with handicap kids and the other is 400 acres with elk and bear on the
side of a mountain! and get this, they both bought property that were COMMUNES in the 7 0's; what are the
odds of that occurring in almost the same day???
I will be buying and using ANY materials you have, thank you, again and now on to manifesting more money
for those new materials!!!!

Joahn A. Lantow, a student of ours, wrote to us this testimonial on June 28,
Deflecting a tornado's path using RV and RI and the power of One. No injuries reported.
On June 17 th right before my birthday a tornado was heading for our small town of Austin Minnesota.
The sirens were going and the news reporter said it was going to be catastrophic and the people of the town
should go to their basements.
I took my flashlight went to the basement. While sitting there in the dark I went into a deep delta state. I
focused on remote viewing the tornado and the storm. I merged into it with the sense of One. I then spoke to it
through visual images and my own voice in my mind.
I told it that in the name of the One and His son Jesus that it could come to town but not cause damage. I also
told it not to rain as we had gotten quite enough rain the previous week. All this was done at the level of
remote viewing and influencing.
The tornado altered its predicted course and wound up just clipping the outskirts of town and that was it. The
weird thing was I saw it doing this before it happened!
Within a short amount of time not only did the town not get hit, as predicted but just clipped with minor
injuries. Another thing I was influencing for was no injuries. The whole thing was done in an hour to an hour
and a half. Then the stars came out.
My neighbor commented on how odd it was that it thundered and there was lightning but no rain. Hmmmmm.
On my birthday the headline was that the town got lucky and was clipped but not hit head on.
I remember thinking as I was heading for the basement when the sirens are going off if there ever was a time to
have remote viewing and influencing work this would be it!
Thanks Again

converted by

Michael Constantino, a recent trainee, wrote to us this feedback on

February 4, 2009
Experiencing Precognition levels and high intuition.
Remote healing others and experiencing multi-dimensions.
Deepening Love for humanity.
Your program has been nothing short of miraculous. The light within my heart and awareness has grown
significantly over the past year. I cannot believe it. I care more. I feel more. I am more aware. And what is
incredible, is that I know with certainty that I am the god of my thoughts, of my mental dominion, and its up
to me to create joy within my reality.
I have experienced more vivid dreams and spontaneous creativity due to my work with your program. I have
experienced dream precognition, deeper levels of intuition, remote healing of others, and unexpected
multidimensional awareness.
I lay my head against my pillow each night, close my eyes, and remote influence my heart's desire with an
absolute certainly and inner joy within my heart, that I cannot help but to smile knowing that it has already
been created. Amazing.
I love and care more for everyone. People see it. I know what is going on with people simply by sensing and
being close to them.
I heartily recommend this program to all and anyone who is interested in spiritual development. It is far more
than merely about remote viewing/influencing -- it is about taking quantum leaps in the evolution of
Get this, Gerald, I have only but scratched the surface of the combined program. I have only listened to the
program in its entirety twice over the past year. I listen to it now mainly when I can, as I am currently in
school, and when I feel prompted and open to it. The changes in me continue to become more and more
pronounced. The awareness reveals itself the day after listening and continues to show up many weeks and
months after a single listening. Incredible.
Your combined program is amazing, friend. I thirst for the next level and cannot wait to see what I experience
through it!
All the best,
Michael Constantino
P.S. I thought I would add, when you do remote healing work on behalf of the ARVARI community, it is felt.
There have been two occasions over the past year when I have felt this healing/counseling energy from you.
It defies description. This is something everyone is doing unconsciously all the time, but now we can harness
it with full conscious intention.

Rev. Dr. Tamara Coleman sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on February 2,
2009. Please read below:
Hello Gerald:
I am a new user and I have just completed the RI/RV COURSE February 1, 2009. I did this in 24 days as you
Today, I sit here sharing my experiences with you in a state of surreal and disjointed reality. I feel strangely
both disconnected and absolutely calm.
I have been exposed to everything from multiple religions, new age, ancient schools, and gurus from sea to
shining sea; never being satisfied with what I was learning or hearing. I have read everything from Chopra,
Dyer, India's Gurus, American Gurus, old out of print books like the Power of Concentration, Thought
Vibrations, etc. Though good to a point, I never was able to execute successfully or permanently any
transformation in my reality.
This has always been my goal, to transform my reality at will, by thought alone. No one and no thing had ever
met this mental intent/knowing I have had all of my life but YOUR COURSE the RI/RV COMBO COURSE!
I am now taking FULL responsibility for all of my good, bad, or ugly situations in my entire sphere of reality,
past, future or NOW! Your course has vibrated off every shred of foolish, ignorant and self-sabotaging
thought patterns and behaviors. This is why I feel completely disjointed/disconnected but WIDE AWARE.
1. A church member came to me after church one day to ask for prayer for her husband who was diagnosed
with prostate cancer and was undergoing test to determine the course of action the doctors would take. I
looked intently at her and remote viewed the picture she had painted and changed it right then. I said to her;
"Mrs. McGee, your husband does not have PROSTATE CANCER, he only has some mild discomfort in his back
that can be relieved by a good nights' rest and a couple of aspirin."
The next Sunday, she came to church and reported that her husband did not have prostate cancer and that he

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only had a mild infection that required rest, and he was back at work, even about to get a new job with UPS as
a truck driver.
2. My daughter was given a full academic scholarship for 4 years in the middle of the school year from the
university she is attending. The letter came out of the blue January 7 , 2009. It is unheard of to receive a full
academic scholarship in the second semester and after they were all given out by September 2008.
3. It takes no effort to heal anyone now. I simply look intently at the person before me, see, the picture I
desire, then I speak to them what I see. I always use the cobalt blue energy from your course to do this. Even
when I touch someone asking for help they respond immediately with shock or joy to my touch. This pleases
me to see and feel the restoration of their bodies.
4. My body is completely healed of the stiffness of arthritis, and varicose veins; and I no longer have sinus
infections. My nasal passageways are the clearest they've been in 25 years, my hair is now completely black,
my stamina is that of a 25 year old, and people and animals are attracted to me like bees to honey, but little
children are especially attracted and they speak in baby/god talk to me all the time.
5. KNOWINGNESS/ESP has increased 100 fold resulting in a rock solid calmness of peace. I recognized the
Dark Matrix's ploys and plot quickly and I have great difficulty in believing in the traumas and dramas they
present. What is boredom a sign of?
6. MIND READING- I was already operating in this arena before your COMBO course but it was infant sized
compared to the full blown God size ability I now have. I know when people are lying, being truthful and even
know the things they are into. It seems I scan their energy fields without thinking about it and the packets of
info come quickly, in a twinkling of an eye. I have learned to stay detached and non-committal about what I
7. Lastly, the internal joy, love, peace, and assuredness radiating within me in so powerful and intense that I
change the atmosphere in a room at will from confusion to calm by going to deep Delta with my eyes open and
cover the room with the intense purple of that level.
Today, is February 2, 2009, and I an starting the course from the beginning a second time and I am taking
your advice and will perform the techniques without the CD's TO QUANTUM JUMP MY ABILITIES
I have the HIGHEST REGARDS for you and your knowledge to accelerate us all into higher and more
harmonious realms of life. Thank you for your brilliant work and integrity.
Rev. Dr. Tamara Coleman

David Tong an Australian student sent us this feedback on July

17, 2008
Having a subjective experience of being lifted out of this "matrix world "
Dear Gerald,
This is David from Australia. I bought your CDs a couple of weeks ago, and I've just finished going through all
the RV & RI CDs. It's been good. On the second or third day, I was able to use RV to cast out dark spirits that
have been haunting a friend of my friend's mother remotely.
Last week, after I finished the last RI CD; I went to bed as normal. Then, as I was drifting into peaceful sleep. I
felt my spirit lifted out of this world, to another plane, its horizon seems endless, and it is filled with infinite
power. Then, I hear rumbling sound, and also dances of lightnings. I felt that I was above the "matrix".
I thought it was a wonderful experience, and at the time, I thought that something in the RI CD has led me to
this experience. I didn't know because I was "asleep" during parts of listening. Anyway, a week later, I
listened to the CD again staying "awake" throughout, but I didn't hear any suggestion that I would be lifted out
of matrix to the plane of infinite power.
Anyway, I wasn't too concerned about it. I just thought that it was a wonderful experience.
Then yesterday, I was reading the Book of Revelation. I came across the following:
Rev 4:5 "From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder."
That's St John's vision of Heaven, and it fits with my vision as well.
Was I taken up to Heaven? What is the significance or meaning of this experience?
Thanks, with Love,

Adrian Hall sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on July 2, 2008

Great amount of inspired downloads of necessary information from Higher Intelligence
Dramatic increase in reality manifesting abilities, in life, money, love etc...
Interesting "deja vu" experiences (alike what is shown in the movie "matrix")
Leaving for moments the 3D dream and going into full Peace.
Hello there Gerald,
Firstly I want to thank you once again for creating these courses,

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The first thing that comes to mind is the huge increase in inspirational downloads. These manifest in a variety
of different ways from thoughts and ideas that just 'pop in my consciousness' to what is becoming increasingly
obvious signs that turn up just when I need them, originating from peoples comments, to books, articles and
other events. An interesting occurrence is that I, myself, am often totally unaware of the need (or in fact the
very existence) of some of this info but upon reflection upon its content, I usually get a "that's exactly what I
was after" moment!
My manifesting abilities (powers) have also increased dramatically. From cars, computers, a camera and a TV
and other material objects, to money, friends, girlfriends, situations and new lifestyles and locations. These
usually take only one or two sessions in a deep state to manifest, and now lately I even had a few
manifestations without the need to go into a deep altered state. I find it a great joy and a point of amazement
to observe how it all comes about, usually in ways that I least expect.
Like a number of other trainees have also noted, I also have had a few deja vu experiences. Like the one just
the other day when sitting in my car on the side of the road looking out the window as a man with a number of
very distinguishable features passed me on a bike. I looked down to change the station on my stereo, and
upon looking up, he went past me again giving me the same big smile as before! Well, this certainly got my
attention, and kept a smile on my face with a big amount of energy buzzing through my body for the rest of the
I frequently listen to CDs while starring at the flame of a candle, which helps keep me focused and prevents me
from dropping to far into Delta, and as a side effect event seems to have started to happen. First the material
world in my peripheral vision begins to fade and disappear beginning at the extent of my vision and gradually
moving into the centre, whereupon 'nothing' remains to be seen. A deep sense of calm accompanies this. Have
I entered into such a deep state that my consciousness has gone beyond this world of form?
This also happens when looking in to the centre of my eyes in a mirror for a small amount of time.
Another occurrence I have noticed is that sometimes people answer my questions before I have even had a
chance to ask them, but by all appearances they seem to have 'heard' me speak!
This is just a very small number of events and happenings that have happened to 'me' over the years, all of
which have been very eye-opening and thought-provoking.
I would also like to thank you for bringing to the notice of many the two radio interviews you did with Michael
Jura, and also the July 14th 2006 Probable Future Events article and your latest, March of the One. All have
been incredibly insightful and mind expanding.
Cheers and Peace,

Michael Jura sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on December 28,

Great satisfaction with the combo training
Powerful effects of operating from deep Theta and Delta
Experiencing 3 out of body projections
Great ability to Remote View and Influence situations
Using RV/RI in daily business and personal life
Speeding up manifestations
Undoing fear patterns
Dear Gerald:
This is Michel Jura.
First let me congratulate you on your Remote Viewing and Influencing combination training system. I
ordered it over 8 months ago and I must truly say: WOW this is an incredible set of mind training protocols
the like of which I have yet to have been exposed to before.
I run a blog on the subject of Remote viewing and have been fascinated
by this field for a number of years. Exploring the powers of the mind is a passion since childhood.
I have followed closely many of the different remote viewing protocols and I have trained with a number of
systems. I must say that your courses are truly amazing and have had a great transformative effect on me.
Not only do you explain in your Remote Influencing course the mechanisms of the mind but you make us
explore every aspect of it on our own, at our own command. This is truly amazing and has made me see the
world with a totally different perspective.
Almost every week as I train with your combination course I find myself transformed. The changes are very
real. Changes pile up upon changes. It is truly magical!
Every time I put a CD in my player I am filled with anticipation not knowing what great shift I will experience
and where my mind may take me. I have found that repeating the course for a second and third time has
allow me each time to make a quantum jump in abilities. Amazing!
I must tell you that my ability to Remote View and Remote influence has now truly skyrocketed. Operating
from a level of mind of deep theta and Delta has opened a new world of wild possibilities to me. The mirror of
my mind has taken a clarity beyond my wildest dreams. I sense events in advance and peoples inner
thoughts. I often sit at business meetings amused at the fact that I read most of the participants. I often find
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myself answering questions before they have even been vocally phrased . You should see the faces of my
associates! You have no idea how much I apply your teachings in my day- to- day life.
I have trained for many years with the Silva Method to reach Alpha and even some Theta. You course is a
natural progression to even deeper levels of mind. Deep Theta feels differently from Delta. I can now easily
tell which level I find myself in, and there is no greater peace than Delta. I also have achieved total control
over the levels I want to reach for different tasks. It is all very fascinating. I am still exploring.
Being in these very deep states of mind has brought to manifestation many events I have remote influenced.
The lag time between energizing a thought and its manifestation into reality seems to get shorter by the day. I
also very much appreciate your emphasis and teachings on how to unlearn from fear states and do a deep
inner cleansing. I feel lighter and happier. Your shield of light is priceless to deflect negativity.
I also have had three out-of -body experiences while taking your course. That was a trip in itself! I thank you
for teaching me to lucid dream and use this level to do remote viewing and influencing at night. I have more
to tell but will leave it to a further communication.
You have truly accumulated an incredible body of techniques here. What I like the most is that all this
learning is effortless as you bring us into a very passive state where all these techniques are being imprinted in
our mind.
Oh before I stop here, let me thank you for the many thought and light healing modalities which are part of the
Remote Influencing course. I can now scan a human or pet and apply these techniques even without their full
knowledge. Healing someone from Delta is the most potent method I know of.
You deserve many kudos for having put out such incredible material and training modalities the like of which
I have never seen anywhere else. It embodies all the teachings I have received from other schools and so
much moreI consider you a master teacher in this field.
I cannot wait and see what you will produce next.
You are free to publish this email.
Michael Jura

Caroline Hurry sent this this testimony on November 29 2007.

Subject: Manifesting great outcomes with the Combo courses.
I am loving the course ... HUGE changes are happening in my life ... and the RI course is really helping me to
stay focused and manifest brilliant outcomes ....
To be continued ...
Thank YOU with love and gratitude

Hossein Johanian sent us this very nice feedback on November 13,
Increased ability to predict future (RV/intuition) and manifest reality (RI)
Dear Gerald,
I really want to thank you for giving this amazing gift to us. My life is not the same. My level of intuition has
gone out of the roof and I can't believe I manifest some of my desires so quickly!
Thanks a lot,

John Matias - a very serious student of our Remote Viewing/Remote

Influencing combination course, sent us this enthusiastic testimonial on August 20, 2007.
Very advanced manifestation powers over "reality" emerging after repeating our Combo
course for the 4th time. He is finally "molding" reality powerfully and rapidly to his
liking. Please read below.
Current Student---RI & RV courses
Dear Mr. O'Donnell:
I have completed the courses 3x now (01/07 - now) and am beginning my 4th walk through.
In a nutshell I am physically and mentally experiencing a shifting of time, space and recently, (last 6
months or so), material objects around me are vanishing on a continual basis of which the magnitude
and frequencies are rapidly expanding. Things literally disappear around me and reappear at later
points of time, sometimes in totally different space (up to 50 miles away). My family and friends have
been witnessing it as well and I need some feedback. Over the weekend I lost time while sitting in my
car in a parking lot. The car and I vanished for 5 hours and I have no idea what happened. Again
witnessed by son and wife.
Additionally, I am being physically touched by my fractal points within these outer realms,
sometimes intensely---(ask me about the blood coming out of my arm when my 2nd son was with me,
and identifiable marks as well}---- and it has been suggested to me that the "synchronicities" of this

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time present to future manifestation are a key of some sort, some higher level that I can not only
interface with as we all do, but also redirect in some sort of way on a major basis.
It has become a standing "joke" that if I say something, the physical manifestation of it will appear the
same day, sometimes within minutes of the conversation.
I am witnessing a "particulation" of all creation around me, almost like everything is "pixilated" and
with the correct thrust of focus I am led to believe that the matter around me is totally moveable and
manageable. What I witnessed in deep delta states was this matter of our space and time fluttering
away, like slivers of dark matter, continually shedding off everything and everybody. It seems as if
everything around us is like a huge web continually around our physical present existence looking for
the focal points of creative desire and intent.
I am experiencing shifts of immense proportions and I am not sure what all this means.
To a "normal" human this all sounds like I am losing my mind. My kids and wife have seen so much of
it recently it has become the family joke, "Dad is shifting again". My co- workers who have a level of
attunement see it as well and again have witnessed some of this. I feel as if I have fallen out of this
time and space and keep wondering ( as I have since my earliest recollections) what and why I am
doing here.
Additionally, I have a perplexing question about this "reality---where does it all go? And I do not
mean "relics" left behind, where does the tender energy go?
Would love to hear from you about this message and chat a bit, maybe you can help my redirection
that started in 1992 when I died (in a car nonetheless) and stood next to my prime source before I was
pushed back here. Thanks to you and your superb courses I have not only been put back on the
course of true enlightenment, I have been able to spread my high white light energies to all I come in
contact with, helping all as it should be.
May the creator and all light shine among you and all you touch at this time, thank you for helping
John Matias

Katherine Dahni a combo RV/RI student of our Academy sent us this
feedback on June 18, 2007
Better concentration and brain processing capability
Improved life and greater thought manifestations into reality
I like your new Arvari homepage. Seems these days that wherever I look your site seems to appear. I
am researching one thing and you show up, somehow?
I love your courses. I have become more focused and am able to process information more
effectively after listening to the Arvari program consistently for a year. I am overcoming "brain
freeze" disorder. My physical reality has changed considerably, for the better. I am watching my
wishes/repetitive thoughts take form and become my experience. My vibrational field has
heightened and is matched in physical form/reality.
The dance is becoming the mirthful fest it was meant to be.
Joyous Light Everywhere

Diederik Willemans write us this feedback on May 8, 2007 after

having trained with our combination V/RI courses for only ONE week.
Feeling extreme joy and deep inner peace
Experiencing wile staying awake the Delta state (old sleep state)
Hello Gerald,
First thank you very very much for the combined RV/RI course. It arrived on Monday April 30th, just before
a short holiday May 1st-May4th so that I had plenty of time to start with it.
And indeed one of the experiences while being in deep meditation with your program after a few CD's was
extreme joy and deep peace. I am halfway through now and it is very exciting to embark to each next CD, I
also repeated every session and some of them I did 3 times.
Yesterday I finished the RI 7 CD where you for the first time go into DELTA (feels different than THETA). In
Theta there is always a kind of soft mild flickering before my eyes that comes up and later in DELTA disappears
Best regards,

Andy Beckman sent us this testimonial on January 22, 2007

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Our new enhanced CD version II of the combination RV/RI courses
Just wanted to give you a little bit of feedback here on the new courses.
I haven't had very much time to use them to their full extent, we rescued a puppy 2 weeks ago and it's
a little hard to be undisturbed during a session! But, while listening to CD's RI 2 & 3 reached very deep
Delta levels that I have not yet experienced before. After those CD's I've spent about 5 days rather
spaced-out. Reality seems to be more "bendy" and dream-like. I was so spaced-out that I thought it
proper to give it a few days and become more grounded. I'm also having dreams with much more
vividness and conscious control. There are many examples but I won't go into them as I know your
time is precious, yet I keep the experiences in my dream journal.
Many more insights have come to me about your mission. Hopefully, we can arrange a date and time
to talk on the phone at length about this. Just let me know when it is most convenient for you. Thank
you for your time and attention.
As to others who would like to get the courses, I say: Go for it and use them!

Dr. Linda Weatley Ph.D. wrote to us on December 8, 2006

the following comments:
Increased abilities to manifest realities
How your own inner Light becomes perceived by others
How a second time through the combination RI/RV program usually causes a quantum
leap in awareness.
Dear Gerald
Thank you!
I am seeing a tremendous increase in many abilities that I had before being exposed to your work
especially manifestation abilities. (I must be careful what I think about)
Lucid dreaming occurs regularly along with fairly accurate psychic and sensing abilities.
As a result, I have become uncomfortably "sensitive" to many new physical things such as bright
fluorescent lighting, loud sounds, telephones etc.
Many people have commented on the light surrounding and emanating from my being.
Thank you for this incredible work!
You were correct when you stated that the 2nd time through the program would result in quantum
changes!! It has been an awesome journey.
Thank you for this incredible work!
Linda Wheatley, Ph.D.,R.T.(R)(MR)
Chair, Radiologic Technology Program
Assistant Professor
Mercy College of Northwest Ohio

Linda in CA, wrote to us this enthusiastic testimonial on September 23,

Her first major "miracle" manifestation
Hi Gerald,
I Hope you are well and happy. I am so excited! I just had to write and share. I manifested a condo with no
$$ down, no earnest $$, and only had to spend about $50.00 and that was for a notary! It's exactly what I
wanted ! It was not something I was obsessed with, but it was a desire--this is sooooo coool! I've been
listening to your tapes for 2 years now and things are shaking!!! I think of you often and send you love and

Sue Parker a RI trainee from the UK sent us on October 22, 2002
Interesting comment about the effects of listening to our CD on its Delta track while
asleep, and experiencing what is commonly called "Yogi Sleep" that rare yogis
experience after many years of training. Body asleep and mind totally aware. Try it, it
opens a new realm of reality and potentials!
Dear Gerald,
A few months ago I received the first part of your 'Thought and Reality Course' and had an experience

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that was both amazing and unexpected while using the C.D.
I set the C.D player to repeat both tracks on continuous play throughout the night and as my body slept woke to a reality I have not experienced before.
I was aware of my room, thoughts and actions, the CD playing - In fact, I was sure I was still awake until
woken by my alarm!
I stand in awe, to have been fully aware while my body was sound asleep.
Sue Parker

Carey Steward a remote Viewing/Remote Influencing graduate

sent us this feedback on June 27, 2006.
Manifesting his chosen career and life
Increasing his consciousness level "Hawkins score" on the map of consciousness
(Consult books by David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D. as to meaning and procedure) while
taking our training.
I love the Remote Influence & Remote Viewing courses. I have trained with the courses for many years. The
results are better and better with each year. The last time I wrote several year ago, I experienced seeing
colored circles and hearing vibratory noises in head. I experienced "The grand illusion" without having to
take a mind-altering drug. I reflect back on the past experiences and realize how powerfully you are able to
influence your world through thoughts.
The job I now have is a result of holding an intention through listing what I seek in a job. Everything came
true and yet, now is the time to move on to new exciting opportunities. This is just a sample of circumstances
manifested through a strong intention. I also do energy healing work on myself and others through a clinic. I
use energetic testing to make energy corrections and obtain information to verify through results. Energetic
testing reveals my Hawkins Score on the Map of Consciousness Scale is at 840 and listing to the Remote
Influencing Tape 1 & 2 raised my score nearly 43 points. The score is now 997 next to Christ Consciousness of
1000 with a combination of methods and pulling old non-serving beliefs out of my energy system. I checked
yours with a score of 187 3, which is off the charts of 1500 with the new revised charts. I am blissfully happy
all the time and the negativity just vanishes with no effect. I now understand how come some universes
connect and other do not.
Tape 2 of the Remote Viewing Course is extremely powerful. It has the most effect in bringing out creativity
and experiencing vibrations.
Expect Many Blessings in Health & Wealth

Bill Maas, a very advanced student, wrote to us on May 29, 2006 the
Using the courses to overcome the matrix of dark thought forms
Dear Gerald:
I am writing to you today in regard to your students. As I have told you I listen to all the Academy's tapes all
the time. I choose the one that my higher self decides. Tape # 4 is an excellent refresher for all that have taken
the course. I strongly recommend that they listen to it again or as many times as they need to in order to take
them out of the dark matrix. If this other energy exists, it is only that it is threatened by our awareness and
knows it will soon no longer have the grip it has had. The changes you and I see are the changes the One has
told us would happen, as painlessly as possible but with some pain nevertheless.
I vigilantly manifest with high vibratory light the world at peace . True as it is, I expect resistance from a force
that had no adversaries for thousands of years and as we are all the One then we all should expect the same.
Until that day when we all cross that bridge together, we still have to smile knowing that is where we want to
go and that is where we are going to go as One. That is the Happy Thought to remind your students as they
speak to you and write you. Reassure them in themselves that they are the One and they will then stop crying
and be in joy as your course teaches and as their higher self knows. Soon it will be a new world in which we
will all wake up to.
Happy Thoughts I send love to the world to you and your family Bill Maas

Stephanie Yamout, former Silva Mind instructor; NLP, Quantum

Entrainment and ThetaHealing practitioner, took our courses and sent us this enthusiastic
testimonial on April 29, 2009
After much experience as a Silva Mind instructor and practitioner of different advanced
mind modalities, she finds that our combo combine them all and goes far beyond them
in its teachings.

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Feeling the "inner Smile' and Peaceful happiness in her daily life. Regaining the "inner
child" within.
Purging and transmuting old lower vibrations of painful fear-laden memories
Experiencing, all of a sudden, while in Delta, the unfathomable super-bright Light of the
"Inner Sun" of the One Creator Energy.
Dear Gerald
I am in the process of doing the RV/RI course. I take my time because I listen to every CD two or three times
and then I practice on a daily basis what I have learned. You probably can imagine how much I enjoy your
course, it is the BEST I have ever done so far and I have done quite a bit. I am an old Silva Mind
practitioner even used to teach it, an NLP practitioner, Quantum Entrainment practitioner (QE) and a
ThetaHealing practitioner (among quite a few other practices). You have put something together that
combines all of these techniques and tops them off. Never have I been able to reach such heights of mind. I
have been doing quite a bit of automatic writing, channeling, past life regressions with others and and and.
however, with your training I feel I have arrived home. Much has already happened since I started the course
and I know a lot more will follow. Ill give you details later.
I already have a constant smile not only on my face but all over inside of me and there are always songs
playing in the background of my mind, quite entertaining. I can laugh much more easily and mostly about
myself. I found the little girl again that I used to be , full of laughter and mischief (positive). I am totally in
love with myself and happy for no reasons at all. I wish everybody would one day take your course and arrive
where I am.
Spending every day from one to two hours in expanded awareness and higher vibrations has me going
through a purging process that at times is painful. When I ask myself, why the pain, I become aware that this is
a necessary process because states of high vibration do not sustain lower vibrations of fear in all its facets.
Once I am able to let go of the story that is seemingly attached to the emotion (energy in motion to be exact),
I am at peace. My new understanding of "I AM THAT I AM" is so much more profound than before and actually
brings me closer and closer to where I want to be: One with ONE, at peace within peace. Unconditional Love
for what IS.
Well, today, as I was laying under my umbrella at the beach being in "mental state delta" all of a sudden, the
light in my inner "eye" became as bright as a super bright sun/light. First I thought that the umbrella was
being pulled away but then as the light got so bright I got "scared" and opened (unfortunately) my eyes and the
whole experience was over. At least, now I know what light I am IF I let it happen. This was quite something
for me and I hope it will happen again so that I can bathe in this light and receive the information that is
connected to it. I am still listening to any of your CDs and they reveal more and more................
Your exercises are of such value that there cannot be put a price in dollars to them. I really wish that all of
humanity (well, maybe half of them.... lol) would pick up your teachings and DO the exercises. For me it is not
so much the manifesting or viewing part, but the self-realization of what I am in REALITY. I guess once I am
totally aware of the power of my reason for being a human being, I'll be a master manifester of Paradise,
Garden of Eden.
Once more I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom with me and the wonderful CDs of, in particular the
remote influencing ones, your courses. I don't think I'll ever tire of either listening to you or doing the
exercises on my own.
Thank you for everything you do for humanity. You have my highest respect.
Warm greetings,
Stefanie Yamout

Morton Glazera sent us on August 02, 2006 his very interesting
experience of the the Remote Viewing/Influencing Combo course's ability to teach anyone
how to tap the Infinite Power within to influence thought and our Holographic
Light/Universe. Case in point: healing, reshaping, or rejuvenating any biological process.
Improving Cerebral Palsy
Rapid Healing of friends' ailment such as kidney stones, chronic pain, bad backs,
migraine headaches etc..
Making people loose weight by reshaping their physiology and morphogenic fields.
Changing the physiological cup size of his girlfriend's breasts.
Experiencing Astral Projection and the Eternal Flame of Light within
Dear Gerald,
I want your students to know about the healing capabilities of your Remote Influencing course. Specifically,
what can be done with tape 6.
With this tape, I have healed dozens of people, some of the most notable healings being:
Cerebral Palsy
I've been telling you about my cousin for a while (he has cerebral palsy, and is in a wheelchair). I've been
working on him again, and there has been progress. His hand is still improving, and his legs (both paralyzed)
have feeling in them. His feet are almost straight (before they were pointing in opposite directions, and were
useless). He has full
movement in his toes, which before were gnarled and twisted together. He told me that his legs "have feeling
in them, and I can almost feel the blood pumping through them". They are also more limber, and he can move
his legs more. I'll tell you what; when he can walk, whenever that is, I will have him send you an email

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himself. Or call you, for that matter. He now believes that he will walk one day, and I continue to use RI to
help him.
Removing kidney stones.
A friend was in terrible pain, and couldn't get out of bed. He was not far from going to the hospital. This was a
grown man, and he was in tears for two days. I used tape 6 on him. I did as you instructed, I formed the
energy body and from there I saw myself as him, seeing through his eyes and thinking with his voice. I
visualized bright gold light, and thought with his voice, saying "the pain is gone! I don't feel any pain! It's
over! Thank God, the pain is gone!" The next day, he was out of bed, talking about how much better he felt.
He was feeling no pain whatsoever. Two days later, he went to the doctor just to be certain. The doctor told
him that there was nothing wrong with him at all, and that he couldn't tell that there were ever any kidney
stones at all.
People with chronic pain can be fixed effortlessly.
Using the same technique, just think with their voice, "I don't feel any more pain!" Put emotion in with it. This
works for arthritis, bad back, migraine headaches, whatever you want to use it for.
Weight problem
Here's another fun one. Find somebody with a weight problem. Use tape 6, and with the same method, think
for them, "I am losing weight! The fat is melting away! This is amazing! I am really losing weight!" Then sit
back and enjoy the show.
I have not been able to defeat cancer, but I have drastically reduced it, up to 80%. I am sure that with
enough practice I will be able to clear it all out.
Congratulations, Gerald. You may be helping to make medicine obsolete.
Astral projection, seeing the One EYE, experiencing the ETERNAL Flame, the Infinite White
I want you to know also about what I have done with tape 7 of the RI course.
This exercise causes out of body travel, or astral projection. For two months, I worked with tape 7 A about
five times a week. I didn't get any results for a long time, but I kept up with it. Finally, toward the end of the
tape, I fell asleep. At least, I thought that I did.
Then I saw my leg jerking around and I couldn't feel it. The room was dark, but it was somehow illuminated.
Then, I had a real astral projection. I saw clouds everywhere, but they were not really white. They had soft
touches of red, purple, blue, yellow, and so on. The clouds were dissolving and changing shape very quickly.
I have had a few where everything is foggy looking, but then I see a swirl of colors and shape, and I see things
that I could never have imagined. Colors and shapes that are more brilliant than anything I have ever seen in
my life. Everything has a grid pattern, with colors everywhere. Sometimes there are eyes in the grid. I have
seen a golden triangle with an eye in the center in this place. These are the most intense experiences I have
ever had.
After working with tape 7 for two months, tape 5 becomes easier. After the Eternal Flame exercise starting
working for me, tape 5 did also. When I got to the end of the first side of the tape, I got to the part where you
turn off a switch. This time, when I turned the switch, I saw an incredible flash of white light and felt nothing.
Then I got a real experience with the other side of the tape.
Thank you very much for making this course available to anyone. I can't thank you enough.
Breasts enlargement
I HAVE SOME MORE AWESOME NEWS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll start at the beginning. This girlfriend of mine,
had some ailments before she met me. She had migraine headaches every day....well, they are completely
gone now. She would wake up and vomit every morning...... that's gone too. She had very oily skin and she
thought that she had a bad complexion. Well, now she can't get over how beautiful her skin is.
Now get ready for this: I MADE HER BREASTS ALMOST DOUBLE IN SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear to God, I did
this. After all of these ailments were disappearing, she started asking me if I could make her bust size bigger. I
wasn't sure I could do it. But, on Tuesday, she kept whining about how she doesn't like her breasts and wished
that they would be bigger. I told her, "fine, I'll do it. I'm tired of hearing you run yourself down." I didn't talk to
her the next day. I waited until I knew she was asleep, and used the exercise on RI tape 6A. I saw her body as a
golden shape, except with prominent breasts. I filled her with thoughts and laughter, like "Oh my God! My
breasts are BIG! This is AMAZING!!" I kept on for a couple of minutes until I knew for sure it had all gotten
through. Thursday, I called her. She sounded shaky and nervous. The first thing she said to me was: "Morton,
did you do something to me?" She sounded like she was freaked out. I said, "I guess your breasts have gotten
bigger, huh?" She was in shock, stuttering, talking about how it is probably a coincidence. I said, "Since when
do breasts just grow like that?" I think the shock of the whole thing is really setting in. I have never done
anything like this before. She said that she will be totally convinced if I can get a whole cup size increase. I told
her to sit back and watch me work. I'll wait a week and do the procedure again. I just thought you would like to
know this. It looks like you may be helping put plastic surgery out of business as well!! If we ever meet in
person, I owe you a steak dinner!!!!
Your friend, Morton

Morton Glazera, a dedicated Remote Influencer, trained with the

Academy's courses, sent us this heart-warming message on April 12, 2006. Morton used as a
young man to sit in school next to his physically challenged and debilitated cousin Calvin, and
write/type for him. Please read also the beginning phase of his healing sessions and results
Love (the power of One) is the Real Infinitely powerful force of Creation. Nothing can
stop its transforming and healing power.
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Greatly healing and improving a relative's cerebral palsy condition. The young man has
now full use of his right hand, feet, toes, and can stand up from his wheel-chair.
Dear Gerald,
My cousin was supposed to email you and tell you some of what has happened recently.
I have used RI on him regularly for about a year, specifically the method on tape 6. He's got cerebral palsy
and there have been dramatic improvements. His hand was partially paralyzed until recently. Slowly his two
bad fingers improved, and now they are fully functional! They are good enough that he can type and is
learning to play the guitar.
His legs have always been paralyzed, until recently. His feet were always turned the wrong way, and had
very little movement of his toes. Now his feet sit straight and he's got full movement of his toes. Over the
week-end I saw him stand up!! This has never happened before. He can get up on his own and stand up for
about a minute. It's small, but I'm going to continue the program, and I'm sure he'll take a few steps soon
enough, and then keep building on that.
I've noticed that RI starts small, and then gradually gets more powerful the more it's used. Who knows what
I'll be doing in five years? Or ten?
Thank you for everything.

Munjal Patel a Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing student of

the Academy, sent us this important feedback on April 6, 2006.
Subject: Experiencing himself as the Unified Field of All that Is.
The answer given by Gerald O'Donnell is posted below. This aspect of infinite power of
Influencing reality is in the RV/RI courses, and will be explained on this site more and more
openly so, and be the subject of the more advanced courses coming soon. Stay tuned to the
channel of US as ONE: The Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Thought and Reality.
Dear Gerald,
I have been doing the course for one year now and I really love it, and appreciate all your great
efforts. The only thing that I can give you is the vibrations of love. However I have got a query. You always
say that while in deep delta your body is asleep and mind awake, my problem is that I totally forget about the
body and become the huge peaceful ocean of blue energy. I feel extremely relaxed and joyful, not as myself,
but rather as the huge infinite ocean of consciousness. It is as if I become the totally the ocean. My question
is: am I experiencing the mental state of delta?
Answer sent to Munjal by Gerald O'Donnell:
You are experiencing your REAL Self. The ONE Unified (quantum and more) Field of
Consciousness. This is the Infinite Field of Consciousness which is your real origin, from which you
emerged as a differentiated baby at birth and slowly detached from - only in perception - within the first
months, only to reintegrate it in perception as you do now, or later, as we all do as living things, in the illusion
of life/death. In reality alike the dual particle/wave reality of quantum Physics, although you still
perceive the world as matter (particles), it is still waves (One Field of all probable possibilities and selfreflective existences as consciousnesses). It all depends on your perspective. You have just
experienced the One Unified Field of One. It is your Real Source. You real Creator and you (created) at the
same time. It contains ALL that IS, and is where you are still bathing as you experience the illusion of life and
Create within it. It serves no purpose to describe it in books, it needs to be experienced for yourself, as you
do, so It brings you back to the reality of who you really still are: One. At that level of perception you can
select from ALL the probable futures the one that you desire and make it your Future reality. You can
Remote Influence ALL.

Now that you have experienced who you really are, were, and will forever be, realize that you have never left
It, and with that realization know that all "things" big and small are within you - within this Eternal Field.
Meditate on that realization and make it yours, and you will ripple that Oneness all over the Field and affect all
of It, influence all of It, and wake up all of It to that same realization of Oneness.
Congratulations and thank you from the Us: the many within One Field, who are still One - whether we know
it, like it, and/or accept it or not - even though many forget it for a while.

Gerald O'Donnell
Jill Richbur sends us this feedback on December 28, 2005.
Helping one's self and others though learning in the Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing
combo how to manifest good things in their lives.
Thank you Your RI/RV program has truly blessed me, and more importantly, it is blessing the people in my life,
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for whom I find I am able to envision good things in meditation and see these things materialize in
their lives. I cannot thank you enough. I am your fan and supporter for life. May love and light flow
into your dimension for all time.
Jill Richburg

Morton Glazera, a Remote Influencing/Remote Viewing Combo

trainee, sent us this feedback on March 1, 2005:
Remote Influencing the thoughts of friends (with their permission) [comments from
Gerald: Morton asked for permission, and as we have it programmed it into the course,
using such powerful mind techniques for undesirable ethical reasons and not for a
higher good purpose, will cause one to loose them forthwith].
Going through a "wormhole" portal into a much higher dimension of Creation
Hi Gerald.
I wanted to tell you over the phone about some things that have happened, but I'll go ahead and write some of
them here.
First off, I can Remote Influence (mind to mind) in less than 5 minutes. I did it five times in a row and it
worked perfectly.
Here's how it happened:
I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone, and I asked her for her permission to do an experiment. She
agreed, and I told her to close her eyes. I did the RI 6A exercise very quickly, formed my light body, and went
inside her head. I sensed something about chocolate and thought for her "I want chocolate, I want to eat some
chocolate". I told her to open her eyes, and I said "Do you want some chocolate?"
She was about to CRY!! She said her heart skipped a beat. She had a box of valentines chocolate right beside
her. SHE NEVER TOLD ME THAT. I did it again with another thought. Then I did three on my cousin (as you
advise, Gerald, I asked for his permission). First, I made him want to drink water, second time I made him
think of building snow men, and the third time I made him think of a character in a movie. He was amazed, to
say the least.
Now for those out-of body things. I have had a few lately. I was doing tape 5, and I left my body and went into
space. This wormhole thing appeared above me, and I went into it. Everything blurred with lots of colors, and
I found myself in this big room made of glass, or diamonds/crystals, or something. In the center of the floor
was a Geometric figure with profound symbolism. It seemed alive. I'll tell you more about this experience
personally. It was very powerful and transformative.
Humphrey M Mubiru, a trainee from South Africa send us this grateful
note on April 30, 2004
Connecting to Source and forcefully manifesting one's desires.
Dear Mr. O'Donnell,

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