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The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
WHAT IS PALEO? .................................................................................................................................................... 4

NUTRITION. ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

WHAT IS PALEO? .................................................................................................................................................... 5

GRAINS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
WHAT IS PALEO? .................................................................................................................................................... 6
LEGUMES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
ISNT FAT BAD FOR US? ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
WHAT IS PALEO? .................................................................................................................................................... 7
IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY, TRY IT! ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2. FITNESS .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. LIFESTYLE ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
ABOUT THE RECIPES IN THIS BOOK ............................................................................................................... 8
PALEO RESOURCES: RECIPES ............................................................................................................................. 9
MY EBOOKS ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
OTHER PALEO RECIPE BOOKS ................................................................................................................................... 9
COCONUT & PAPAYA BOAT ............................................................................................................................. 11
PALEO CHERRY RIPES ....................................................................................................................................... 12
PERFECT ALMOND BUTTER ............................................................................................................................ 13
PALEO GINGER BISCUITS ................................................................................................................................. 14
PALEO RESOURCES: ONLINE ........................................................................................................................... 15
ONLINE SUPPLIER .................................................................................................................................................... 15
LUNCHBOXES ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
COCONUT SLICE ................................................................................................................................................... 17
PALEO LEMON COOKIE CUPCAKES ............................................................................................................... 18
DOUBLE ALMOND AND BLACK CHERRY SLICES ....................................................................................... 19
PINEAPPLE, BACON & DATE BOATS ............................................................................................................. 21
PALEO RESOURCES: SUGAR ............................................................................................................................. 22
QUITTING SUGAR ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
JUST STARTING PALEO? .......................................................................................................................................... 22
PALEO SKINCARE ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
RAW CHOCOLATE COCONUT MACAROONS................................................................................................ 23
RAW CHOCOLATE CARAMEL TORTE............................................................................................................ 24

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

COCONUT CHIPS .................................................................................................................................................. 27
RAW CHOCOLATE MAPLE AND PECAN FUDGE ......................................................................................... 28
PALEO RESOURCES: WEIGHT LOSS............................................................................................................... 29
WEIGHT LOSS? ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
MEET PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE ............................................................................................................................ 29
RECIPE: CINNAMON AND MOLASSES FLAX COOKIES ............................................................................. 30
COCONUT CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES ................................................................................................................ 33
RECIPE: SWEET POTATO AND CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS ................................................................ 34
PALEO RESOURCES: SEMINARS...................................................................................................................... 36
PALEO OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 36
RECIPE: CHOCOLATE ORANGE AND FIG PUDDING .................................................................................. 37
RECIPE: RAW SWEET POTATO AND CAROB BROWNIES ....................................................................... 38
RASPBERRY & COCONUT SLUSH.................................................................................................................... 41
PALEO RESOURCES: SOCIAL MEDIA ............................................................................................................. 42
SOCIAL MEDIA .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
THANK YOU........................................................................................................................................................... 43

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

What is Paleo?
Given that youre reading this ebook, youve probably heard about Paleo (Paleolithic),
Primal, the Caveman diet or even the Stone Age diet. Call it what you will, what exactly
does this lifestyle involve?
As I see it, there are three crucial and interwoven elements to Paleo: Nutrition, Fitness and
Lifestyle. Individually, they are all very important, but all three elements are important to
achieve optimum health.


The basic philosophy behind Paleo nutrition is to eat as we have evolved to eat. We have
been eating meat and vegetables for millions of years. Grain was only introduced to our
diets 10,000 years ago. Whilst that sounds like a long time, it is only about 333
generations. Evolution doesnt happen that quickly. Over the three or four generations our
diet has probably had more changes than ever before. We have new foods which weve just
never eaten before. New foods that are not optimum for our bodies. New foods that have
undesirable results in our bodies. In the same time period we have significantly increased
rates of modern disease and obesity. Coincidence?

Paleo nutrition completely omits these foods. No grains or legumes. Dairy is also often
omitted. On the menu: lots of good quality meat, fish, vegetables, nuts, eggs and a little
fruit. Simple! So, whats wrong with grains and legumes?

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

What is Paleo?
The short word Grains covers a lot of common foods. In fact, for a lot of people on a SAD*
diet, it seems to encompass the greater majority of their consumption. Grains include
wheat, corn, rye, rice, barley, oats, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa and sorghum and
many others. These grains are used in many, many products. Bread, pasta, breakfast
cereals, cakes, biscuits, pastries, crackers they are all made with grains. The grain is the
reproductive part of plant; it therefore needs to protect itself to enable future generations
(Contrast this with fruit; which is designed to be eaten. Its digested seeds are consumed,
then spread further to ensure future generations). As protective mechanisms grains
contain antinutrients i.e. phytates, lectins, and proteins. This is our problem with grains.
Phytates bind to minerals, vitamins and enzymes preventing them from being absorbed in
your body. The Lectins found in grains have a significant impact in the gut, resulting in
inflammation and poor absorption of nutrients as well as insulin & leptin
resistance. Inflammation appears to be the cause of many modern diseases.
Gluten is another protein that causes a lot of problems and is found in wheat, barley, rye,
spelt, kamut, and oats (other grains have similar, troublesome proteins). Whilst a lot of
people may test negative for the autoimmune disease Celiac, there is evidence to suggest
most people do not handle this protein well. Gluten causes gut irritation and inflammation
a lot of people wont even realise that their problems
are caused by gluten.
Gluten has been linked to many conditions, such as
osteoporosis, irritable bowel, cancer, arthritis, multiple
sclerosis, schizophrenia, migraines, autism and
dementia. Grains are converted to sugar, which
requires insulin to bring down the blood sugar level in
the blood. High insulin levels result in inflammation and
insulin resistance which can lead to
diabetes. Consuming such a high carb load with every
meal results in unstable, fluctuating blood sugar levels
this results in hunger that is satisfied by consuming
another high carb meal.

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

What is Paleo?
Lentils, beans (i.e. kidney, pinto, broad
etc), peanuts (they arent nuts, despite the
name), soy beans, garbanzos and
chickpeas are all legumes. Like grains,
legumes too contain harmful substances
such as lectins and phytates, inhibiting
nutrient absorption and causing
inflammation. Raw legumes are toxic, so
they need to be prepared (by soaking,
rising, cooking, sprouting or fermenting)
however, preparation doesnt entirely
negate the harmful effects of the
lectins. Soy is particularly bad, since the
phytoestrogens content acts like the
female sex hormone estrogen. This has
been shown to have some damaging
effects with healthy hormone functions.
Isnt fat bad for us?
Fat is an essential part of our diet, from the right sources. The completely wrong low fat,
high carb message couldnt have been more incorrect and damaging. Fat should come from
foods like avocado, nuts and coconut. It is the refined SAD carbohydrates that cause
problems, not the healthy fats.
If youre wondering whether a food is a Paleo choice, as a general guide, the fact you have
to ask usually means it isnt. Eat whole, local, organic food where you can. Ideally meat
should be grass fed, its more expensive, but well worth it. Choose to make meals yourself
instead of buying readymade food. Avoid processed foods; real food doesnt need
ingredients. If you go out for dinner, dont be afraid to ask lots of questions and ask for
them to tweak your meal. Its too important to be embarrassed to ask. Make sure you
know exactly what youre eating, ask questions and educate yourself.

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

What is Paleo?
If you havent already, try it!
Everyone should try eating Paleo for 30 days. After trying it for 30 days youll see and
compare how different you feel, how your appearance has changed and how your energy
levels have changed. In the grand scheme of things, 30 days is such a small commitment
which could lead to amazing things. There really is nothing to lose, and everything to gain.


Fitness is something everyone should encompass as part of a normal, healthy life. Paleo
actively discourages chronic cardio. Instead we should move as much as we can, every
day. Walk to work (throw in the occasional sprint), take the stairs, move! Strength is really
important, but this doesnt mean you have to spend hours in the gym every day, or acquire
a body builders physique. High Intensity Interval Training is great for increasing fitness
and something I do regularly. Hunter Gatherers would be perplexed to see modern man on
a machine indoors, exercising for hours on end. They wouldnt perform any exercise for
the sake of exercise. Their exercise would all be as part of their lives hunting animals,
gathering food, perhaps even dancing as a social event. Theyd have certainly been doing
this barefoot too!


Without getting the lifestyle factors right, it is extremely hard to get the nutrition and
fitness right. In fact, lifestyle factors may be the most important factor to leading a long
healthy life.
Sleep is crucial, without regular, quality, sufficient sleep the body will not repair and
rest. Exercise will be harder and less beneficial. Without sleep avoiding un-Paleo foods, is
so much harder.
Stress is another big topic. We evolved with stress prompting a flight of fight reaction
(imminent danger from an animal perhaps). Our stress now however is related to factors
such as work or money. The stress lingers our cortisol is indefinitely raised resulting in
many detrimental health implications.
Other lifestyle factors such as community, connectivity with outdoors and nature are also
very important and can be undertaken from a Paleo perspective.
You can find out more about me here
*SAD is a commonly used acronym in the Paleo community used to refer to the Standard
American Diet. You know the diet; cereal for breakfast with skimmed milk, sandwich for
lunch with low fat margarine on wholegrain bread, pasta bake for dinner made with a jar of
reduced fat and salt sauce. Yum. I like to interchange the American in SAD for Australian
or Anglo, as from my experience living in Australia and the UK; the typical diet is just as bad
as America.

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

About the recipes in this book
Whenever I post sweet paleo recipes on my blog I am inundated with comments about
how sweet things arent paleo! And to a degree, I agree with this. However, I do think there
is a place for paleo treats. My most popular, most shared recipes are always youve
guessed it my sweet treat recipes!
When people first start cutting out wheat and processed foods, it can be a really hard
transition. Replacing the junk sweet things (with their HFCS, vegetable oils, sugar and
grains) with a paleo alternative can be a great way to cut these things out of your diet.
I hear from many readers who have birthdays, social events and work pot lucks that they
want to be a part of but obviously not with junk food. This is where I see the place for
paleo sweet recipes. Taking along a homemade cake, with simple ingredients, no grains and
no processed junk is a great idea. Who knows, you might even encourage some friends
and family to give paleo a try.
In terms of sweeteners, obviously even natural sweeteners are still sugar! So bear this in
mind many of the recipes in this book have optional natural sweeteners. Ive found since
going paleo my sweet tolerance has changed youll probably find the same.
I hope you enjoy this recipe book - I have several other recipe books that I hope youll
check out!
The Paleo Network

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Resources: Recipes

My Ebooks
I now have several recipe ebooks available, each focusing on a different area, be it breakfast
recipes, snack, dinner, lunch or childrens Paleo recipes. Check out for some great deals and offers on these titles!

Other Paleo Recipe Books

There are some other great Paleo recipe books available. I highly recommend these recipe
books, which you can purchase and download instantly. Click on the covers below for more

The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Coconut & Papaya Boat
Makes 1

cup cubed papaya

cup yoghurt or Paleo coconut yoghurt
1 tbsp coconut flakes

How To:
1. Place the papaya in a shallow glass or small bowl. Top with yoghurt and coconut
flakes and serve.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Cherry Ripes
Whilst dates are natural sugar bombs, my Paleo cherry ripes have no added
sweeteners. As an occasional treat these are a much better alternative and I happen to
think far tastier!

150g raw almonds

70g raw pecans
12 medjool dates
175g fresh cherries (weighed with stones)
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
A pinch of salt
30g shredded coconut

How To:
1. Put the nuts into a blender with the salt and blended until ground down.
2. Set the nuts aside and remove the stones from the cherries and dates.
3. Blend the cherries, dates and oil before adding this paste to the ground nuts, along
with the shredded coconut.
4. Mix everything together thoroughly into a ball and rolled it out between two pieces
of grease proof paper.
5. Put the rolled out mixture in the fridge for half an hour, before cutting it into cherry
ripe length strips.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Perfect Almond Butter
Makes one jar
Not only is almond butter absolutely delicious on its own, its great to use in loads of
different Paleo desert recipes. Its a store cupboard staple in my house, and this recipe is
perfect every time.


250g organic almonds

Pinch of sea salt

How To:
1) Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F / Gas Mark 4. Cover an ovenproof tray with some
baking parchment and lay out the almonds, making sure they are spread out next to,
and not on top of, one another.
2) Roast for 6 minutes, then shake, then roast for another 6. Remove from the oven,
then leave to cool for 10 minutes.
3) Pop the almonds into a food processor with a pinch of salt. On the highest setting,
blitz for around 10 minutes. At first, the ground nuts will stick to the side of the food
processor just push them back in to the barrel with a spatula. You may have to do
this 4 5 times depending on your food processor!
4) You should watch the nuts turn from solid, into a ball, into a thick liquid. At this
point, YOU ARE NOT FINISHED! Keep processing until a thin layer of oil begins to
rise to the top. Here, the nuts have released their natural oils, and at the optimum
for taste, texture and digestion. Pour into an empty jar, then keep in the fridge.
Whats the best thing about making your own almond butter? Scraping the remains
off the side of the food processor!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Ginger Biscuits
This recipe uses rice flour with a mixture of arrowroot and ground almonds to make these
wonderfully moreish cookies. Ive also cut out the sugar and replaced with unrefined
molasses. The butter is optional if you dont do dairy, you can replace it with coconut oil.

50g butter
55g arrowroot
55g ground almonds
2 tbsp molasses
1 tbsp raw honey
teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon mixed spice
1 teaspoon ginger

How To:
1) Preheat an oven to 180C / 350F / gas mark 4
2) In a saucepan, melt the butter with the molasses and honey.
3) Mix the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add the mix from the saucepan a little bit
at a time, stirring well.
4) Roll the mixture into biscuits. Cover a baking tray with parchment, and lay the
biscuits out side by side.
5) Bake for 10 12 minutes, or until golden brown


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Resources: Online

Online Supplier
I use iHerb for things like Coconut Oil ,Coconut Aminos, Herbs and Supplements. They
deliver worldwide, and Ive found them by far the cheapest supplier. Get $10 or $5 off your
first order using the link below (click on the photo!) When you check out enter the code
duv741 to get $10 or $5 off your first order.

I recommend lunchbots stainless steel lunchboxes. Find out more by clicking on the picture


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Coconut Slice
Makes 16 squares

3 medjool dates, pitted

1/3 cup coconut oil
3 x 70 g pastured eggs
1 cup coconut milk
Pinch sea salt
1 cup / 90 g coconut flour
1 cup / 80 g finely desiccated coconut
cup / 55 g almond meal

How To:
1. Preheat oven 180C and line a 20 cm2 baking dish with baking paper.
2. Combine dates and coconut oil in a food processor and pulse to combine,
scraping down the sides once. Add the eggs, coconut milk and salt and pulse to
combine. Add the coconut flour, desiccated coconut and almond meal and pulse
to combine, scraping down the sides once. Pour the batter into the prepared dish
and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, until set and nicely browned on top.
3. Allow the slice to cool on the counter then cover and refrigerate. When chilled
cut into 16 square pieces. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up
to 3 days.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Lemon Cookie Cupcakes

Serves 12
As the name implies, these treats are somewhere in the Venn diagram of a Cookie and a
Cupcake. Not that that makes them any less delicious! These guilt free treats are
delightfully light and lemony, and the coconut icing makes them feel just a little indulgent.


1 cups ground almonds

2 tbsps coconut flour
Zest of 2 large lemons
tsp baking soda
2 tbsps coconut oil
3 tbsps maple syrup
vanilla pod
For the icing:
1 can of chilled coconut milk
Zest of 1 large lemon
vanilla pod

For the cookie cupcakes:

1) Preheat oven to 180C / 350 F / Gas Mark 4
2) To make the cupcakes, combine the ground almonds, coconut flour, lemon zest and
baking soda in a large bowl. Whisk together the coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla
to form a thick oil, and then gradually stir in to the dry ingredients.
3) Tightly press the cookie dough into 12 muffin cups, about an inch and a half high as
the mixture will rise.
4) Bake in the oven for 10 12 minutes until golden brown.
For the cream icing:
1) Remove the can of coconut milk from the fridge. Drain off any excess liquid by
pressing the lid firmly down into the can and tipping upside down (over the sink
that is!)
2) Pour the remaining more solid coconut cream into a large bowl, and add the lemon
zest and vanilla. Whisk for 3 4 minutes, until soft and fluffy.
3) When the cupcakes are fully cooled, spoon 1 tbsp of the icing on to each cupcake.
Leave in the fridge to set for about an hour. Sprinkle with toasted coconut if you like
before serving.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Double Almond and Black Cherry Slices
This recipe really is one of those I cant believe its Paleo moments. The abundance of
almonds creates a delightfully buttery flavour, and is just heavenly when combined with
the black cherry. See how many of your non-paleo friends you can convert with this one!


1 cups ground almonds

1 tbsp coconut flour
cup flaxseed
cup almond butter
1 tsp baking soda
2tbsp raw honey
2tbsp high grade maple syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil
200g sugar free black cherry jam (I like the St Dalfour brand, but if you cant find any
its easy to make your own!)

How To:
1) Preheat the oven to 350F / 180C / Gas Mark 5. Line an 8 inch square pan with some
baking parchment.
2) In a large bowl, combine the ground almonds, coconut flour, flaxseed and baking
soda. In a separate bowl, whisk together the honey, maple syrup and coconut oil.
Blend in the almond butter a little at a time to make a thick, buttery paste.
3) Add the wet ingredients to the dry, and rub together with your hands to form a
dough. Set aside around a of the mixture.
4) Press the remaining dough into the baking tin. Smooth it out with a spatula, then
poke a few times with a fork all over. Bake in the preheated oven for 8 minutes.
5) Remove the tin from the oven. Spread the jam over the base, smooth out, then
crumble the remaining dough all over the top. Finish with a few flaked almonds if
you wish.
6) Return to oven and bake for another 10 12 minutes. When the top is lovely and
golden, the slices will be ready.
7) Set aside to cool for around half an hour before you cut into squares!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Pineapple, Bacon & Date Boats
Makes 8


4 medjool dates, halved lengthways with a knife & deseeded

1 rasher pastured bacon
approximately 1 large slice of pineapple, cut into 8 1 cm x 2 cm rectangles

How To:
1. Grill bacon beneath a medium heat for about 5 minutes, turning midway, or until
cooked to your liking. Allow it to cool a little before discarding the rind and cutting
the bacon into 8 pieces.
2. Use your fingers to enlarge the indentation in the dates. Place a piece of bacon and
then a piece of pineapple in each and serve.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Resources: Sugar

Quitting Sugar
Giving up Sugar is a great first step towards Paleo. These books help you every step along
the way as you give up sugar. Click on the covers below for more information.

Just Starting Paleo?

It can be helpful to have some guidance when starting out on Paleo. I really rate these
books as great companions when you first start Paleo and when you challenge yourself to
a strict 30-days. Click on the cover below for more information.

Paleo Skincare
Liz Wolfes excellent Skintervention guide will teach you how to get perfect skin the
natural, Paleo way. Click on the picture above to find out more.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons
Makes 12

Lets face it; sometimes, we all crave a bit of chocolate. Even we Paleos have our
weaknesses. Fortunately though, our chocolate fixes dont have to be laden with sugar and
dairy. In moderation, raw cacao is extremely healthy, bursting with antioxidants and
beneficial phytochemicals. Theres loads of different ways you can enjoy it, and for me its
much more delicious than the cheap and nasty stuff people buy stacks of in the
supermarket. What better way to enjoy it than as part of a delicious, no bake, easy to make,
mini macaroon?


1 banana
cup Almond Butter
cup Coconut oil
2 tbsp Maple Syrup
5 tbsp raw cacao powder
1 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
tsp vanilla extract (optional)

How To:
1) Cover a flat baking tray with some baking parchment.
2) Mash the banana in a large bowl. Whisk in the almond butter, coconut oil, maple
syrup and vanilla if using to form a paste.
3) Add the cacao powder to the mix, one spoonful at a time, stirring well.
4) Stir in the coconut, making sure all the mixture is well combined (I used my hands
for this part!). Form the mixture into 12 mini macaroon shapes, and place on top of
the baking parchment.
5) Leave in the fridge for at least an hour to fully set. If you cant wait that long, 10
minutes in the freezer is just as good!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Raw Chocolate Caramel Torte
Delightfully decadent chocolate cream, layered on top of rich caramel and a crisp, buttery
biscuit base. Sound like the kind of thing you can only eat in your wildest, non-paleo
dreams? Think again! The power of almonds, avocado, cacao and coconut make this treat as
good for your body as it is for your soul.
I used maple syrup as my sweetener in this recipe, but raw honey will work just as well.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

For the base:

1 cup ground almonds

1 cup unsweetened, finely shredded coconut
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 medjool dates, pitted
1 tbsp raw honey / maple syrup

For the caramel:

50g almond butter

1 tbsp coconut oil
4 medjool dates
2 tbsp raw honey / maple syrup
A dash of almond milk
A little vanilla extract and sea salt (optional)

For the chocolate:

1 avocado, skinned and pitted

cup raw cacao powder
cup raw honey / maple syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 handful cacao nibs (optional)

How To:
1) Line a 6 inch round cake tin with some baking parchment.
2) To make the base, combine the ground almonds with the coconut in the food
processor. Add the coconut oil, dates and maple syrup, and whizz together until
combined. Press the mixture into the cake tin, and put straight into the freezer for
10 minutes to set.
3) Meanwhile, make the caramel by combining almond butter, coconut oil, dates,
honey, vanilla and sea salt. Whizz together in the food processor until a smooth,
thick paste is formed. Gradually add a little dash of almond milk to thin down to
your desired caramel consistency (I used about 2tbsp). Spread evenly over the
biscuit base, then return to the freezer for another 10 minutes.
4) Make the chocolate topping by combining all ingredients in the food processor.
Smooth evenly over the caramel, top with cacao nibs if using, then leave to set in the
fridge for an hour (if you can wait that long!)


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Coconut Chips
Makes 1 cup


1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes (seek out some big ones as this makes the
chips much more satisfying)
generous pinch each of sea salt, cinnamon & ground ginger

How To:
1. Heat a large frying pan over a medium-low to medium heat. Add the coconut flakes
and cook, stirring constantly, for about 4 to 5 minutes or until golden brown. If any
cook particularly quickly pick them out and set aside until the rest are done. Remove
from the heat.
2. Combine the salt and spices and sprinkle over the warm coconut chips then turn
onto a wide plate or slide tray and allow to cool completely. Store in an airtight


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Raw Chocolate Maple and Pecan Fudge
Makes roughly 20 squares

The classic combination of Maple and Pecan tastes like heaven in this silky smooth raw
chocolate fudge. I added Lucuma for a touch extra sweetness and to ramp up the levels of
iron and calcium, but its not essential.


1 cup pecans, roughly chopped

cup pecan butter (best when home made!)
cup coconut butter
cup raw cacao powder
100ml maple syrup (adjust to taste)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lucuma powder (optional)

How To:
1) With a fork, combine the pecan butter and coconut butter. If you dont have coconut
butter available, I guess coconut oil would work just as well, however you may want
to use a little less.
2) Whisk in the cacao powder until smooth. Add the maple syrup, vanilla, and lucuma if
using, and whisk well until thoroughly combined. Stir in the chopped pecans.
3) Line a baking tray with some parchment paper. Pour the mixture out evenly, then
transfer to the freezer for an hour or so. When completely set, remove, leave for 10
minutes at room temperature, then fall in love.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Resources: Weight Loss
Weight Loss?
Sean Croxtons book is everything you need to know about Paleo Weight Loss. A lot of
people find Intermittent Fasting an invaluable tool in weight loss. The book Eat Stop Eat
tells you everything you need to know about Intermittent Fasting. Click on the covers
below for more information.

Meet people in real life

Check out PaleoConnect, the completely free site enabling you to meet real people, in your
are, who have the same mindset as you!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Recipe: Cinnamon and molasses flax cookies
Makes 6 cookies

Cinnamon and molasses flax cookies the name says it all doesnt it? These paleo treats are
warming and lightly spiced, with a melt in the mouth texture. The molasses and flax work
together in this recipe to bind the cookie dough, so no eggs are needed. Best of all, they are
ready in less than 15 minutes!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


1 cup ground almonds

2 tbsp ground flaxseed

tsp cinnamon

tsp baking powder

Pinch sea salt

tsp ginger (optional)

1 large tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp blackstrap molasses

1 tbsp coconut sugar + 1 tsp cinnamon, to coat

How To:
1) Preheat your oven to 160C / 325F / Gas mark 3. Line a baking tray with some
parchment paper and set aside.

2) In a mixing bowl, combine the ground almonds, flaxseed, cinnamon, baking

powder, salt, and ginger (if using). Then add the coconut oil and molasses, and mix
well. This is best done using a stand alone mixer, but if you dont have one, your
hands will be just as good. Just be sure that all ingredients are thoroughly combined.
The dough will be relatively sticky, but still workable.
3) In a separate bowl, combine the coconut sugar and cinnamon. Using your hands,
roll the cookie dough into golf ball sized shapes, then coat evenly with the cinnamon
and coconut sugar mixture. Lay out on the baking tray, and flatten slightly.
4) Bake for 8 10 minutes, then remove from the oven. Leave to cool for 5 minutes
before serving these are best eaten straight away but keep for up to a week.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Coconut Chocolate Truffles
Makes 12


4 medjool dates, deseeded

1/3 cup coconut oil, softened
2 tbsp macadamia or almond butter
80 g cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch sea salt

How To:
1. Combine all ingredients in the small insert of a food processor and pulse to
roughly combine. Scrape down the sides and pulse again until well combined.
2. Lightly dampen hands and roll tablespoons of the fudge into balls. Store in an
airtight container in the fridge.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Recipe: Sweet Potato and Chocolate Chip Muffins
Makes 8

I find myself wanting to eat baked goods like muffins, cookies and cakes very rarely now
Im Paleo. Theres always an abundance of real food like meats, veggies, eggs, fruit and
nuts sitting in my fridge, and nine times out of ten I will always go for something from this
list rather than starting a batch of Paleo brownies or cupcakes. There are times, however,
when the aspiring chef within you wants to make a sweet treat for the whole family; but its
often a battle finding a recipe that is full of goodness.
These sweet potato muffins are one of the exceptions to the rule. They pack in a ton of
goodness from the nutrient dense eggs, coconut flour, flaxseed and the sweet potatoes
themselves. The sweet potato and cinnamon combination is divine, and the chocolate chips
add an extra bit of indulgence. Give them a try you wont be disappointed!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


1.5 cups roasted sweet potato, mashed and left to cool

2 tbsp coconut oil

3 eggs

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1/3rd cup raw, organic honey

2 heaped tbsp. ground flaxseed

cup coconut flour

100g dark chocolate chips (at least 70%) or a 100g bar of dark chocolate,
chopped into small pieces

1 tbsp gluten free baking powder

tsp salt

2 tsp cinnamon

How To:


Preheat the oven to 180C / 350F. Line an 8 hole muffin tray with paper or

silicon cases.

In a bowl, combine the sweet potato mash with the coconut oil, eggs,

almond milk and honey. Whisk together until smooth.


In a separate bowl, combine the flaxseed, coconut flour, baking powder, salt

and cinnamon, before folding into the wet ingredients to make a batter. Stir in the
chocolate chips.

Pour the muffin batter into the cases, filling to about 2/3rds of the way up.

Bake on the top shelf of your oven for approximately 30 minutes, or until golden
brown and a toothpick comes out clean.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Resources: Seminars

Paleo Overview
These are some great online summits packed with presentations, videos, audio and reading
material to give you a great overview.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Recipe: Chocolate Orange and Fig Pudding
Serves 2

Caught somewhere in the dreamy middle ground of a chocolate mousse and a chocolate
pudding, this recipe is about as indulgent as it gets on a Paleo diet but you can sleep
soundly knowing that its full of healthy fats and nutrients, and low on the sugar. The secret
ingredient in this recipe is the Avocado, which provides a smooth texture & creamy flavour.


1 ripe, large avocado, stone removed, peeled

an orange, juice and zest

1 tsp raw honey
1 tbsp cocoa powder
2 medium sized fig, diced

How To:

1) In a food processor or high powered blender, blitz your avocado to a pulp.

Squeeze in the orange juice before blending again to combine.
2) Add the raw honey and cocoa powder and blitz once more. Spoon out of the
food processor and into two small desert bowls. Chill for at least an hour before
3) When ready to serve, stir in the diced figs and sprinkle the orange zest over the
top. Garnish with a mint leaf it you have one.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Recipe: Raw Sweet Potato and Carob Brownies
Ive fallen a little bit in love with carob recently. Its a richer, less sweet alternative to
chocolate, and it makes wonderfully intense brownies and hot chocolates. Ive adapted my
go to raw chocolate brownie recipe to include carob instead of cocoa, but the secret
ingredient in these is the sweet potato. Not only does it bind the brownies together
effortlessly, it brings the sugar content right down as it is a direct alternative to honey or
extra dates. Whip up a batch of these in 10 minutes and munch on them throughout the
rest of the week!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


1 medium sweet potato, peeled and diced

cup walnuts

cup pecans

cup unsweetened, shredded coconut

2 tbsp melted coconut oil

cup dates, soaked for 30 minutes and drained

cup carob (or cup carob, and a cup + 2tbsp cocoa for less intense

Pinch sea salt

Dash of vanilla extract

Dark chocolate chips / cacao nibs / goji berries (optional)

How To:
1) Line a square cake tin with a little parchment paper and set aside.
2) Steam the diced sweet potato for around 10 minutes until soft. Set aside to cool.
3) In your food processor, blitz the walnuts, pecans and coconut until crumbly. Add the
coconut oil, dates and sweet potato, and process again until a sticky dough is formed.
4) Add the carob, sea salt and vanilla before whizzing together again. For a bit of extra
texture, stir in (but dont process) some dark chocolate chips, cacao nibs or goji berries.
Spread the brownie mix evenly throughout the cake tin, before leaving to set in the freezer
for around an hour. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Raspberry & Coconut Slush
Serves 1


cup frozen raspberries

300 ml fresh coconut water
Ice cubes, to serve (optional)

How To:
1. In a blender or food processor combine raspberries and coconut water. Whiz on
high power for about 15 seconds, or until well combined- dont overdo it or your
slush will be bubbly. Serve in a chilled glass with ice cubes, an empty coconut or a
drink bottle / jar if youre on the run.


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Paleo Resources: Social Media
Social Media
Finally check out the social media links below where youll find lots of very regularly
updated information, recipes, jokes, hints and tips!


The Paleo Treat Recipe Book

Thank You
I hope youve enjoyed the recipes in this book. Remember to check out for lots of new recipes and posts each week!


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