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Jonathan Progress Report- March

Reading Level
Benchmark- J
Read grade-level text to 80 words per minute
AimsWeb fluency
AimsWeb Maze
Retell in sequence at least 3 major events
Text 1- Mongos Migration
Text 2 Text 3 Text 4Use text features to increase comprehension
Text 1 comprehension question Text 2 comprehension question Text 3 comprehension question Text 4 comprehension questionWrite at least 2-3 sentences with correct grammar to answer a writing prompt or to
match a picture
Writers Workshop prompts- Dream day, expert writing
Guided reading writing prompts Book group writing prompts Writing prompt Match a pictureCorrectly spell 15 new sight words
Spelling tests- three with 5 words
Add/subtract fluently two numbers up to 4 numbers
Addition without regrouping- 6 problems
Addition with regrouping- 6 problems
Subtraction without regrouping- 6 problems
Subtraction with regrouping- 6 problems
Identify the correct operation in a 1-step word problem and solve accurately
Addition- 2 problems
Subtraction- 2 problems
Multiplication- 2 problems
Division- 2 problems
Recognize/know how to use 10 new math vocabulary terms
Vocab sheet- match definition, give an example/draw a picture
Sum, difference, product, quotient, double, numerator, denominator, improper
fraction, mixed number, whole number, fraction, horizontal, vertical, analog,
digital, elapsed time,

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