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1/27/15, 7:17 AM


FOR the purpose of labeling GMO based products.

I. Book Facts
A. Cottonseed Oil
Quotes: Cottonseed contains bromorynil, wich causes birth defects and is suspected as a
cause of liver tumors. Cottonseed Oil is found in many foods.
Comment: Liver tumors are dealdy. This is another reason GMO's need to be labled.
Source: Miller, Debra A. Genetically Engineered Food. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2012. 3839. Print.
B. Pollen
Quotes: Inhaling pollen from GM crops is creating new threats that need to be
Comment: Pollin is how we get our food. If it's causing threts, that will harm the bees,
who are a huge part of crop growing.
Source: Miller, Debra A. Genetically Engineered Food. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2012. 3839. Print.
C. Cancer
Quotes: BGH found in most milks has been linked to breast cancer and diabetes.
Comment: GMO's need to be labled. Cancer is uncureable. Also most people some how
consume milk.
Source: Miller, Debra A. Genetically Engineered Food. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2012. 3839. Print.
D. Studies
Quotes: Studies indacate that residue of of glyphosate increases the incidence of certain
Comment: This is a problem because studies are showing that gmos cause cancer. If no
one knows about it then it will lead to cancer and later on death.
Source: Miller, Debra A. Genetically Engineered Food. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2012. 3839. Print.
II. Labeling facts
A. Labeling Policy
Quotes: Since 1992, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required labeling
of GM foods only if the food has a nutritional or food safety property that is significantly
different from what consumers would expect of that food. For example, if a new GM
food includes a protein that may be an allergen not expected to be present (such as a
peanut protein expressed in a soybean), then it would have to be labeled. Otherwise, the
Samuel Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 7:17:16 AM Pacific Standard Time


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FDA has not considered the methods used to produce new plant varieties (such as
hybridization or genetic engineering) to present systematic differences in nutritional
properties or safety concerns compared to standard methods of traditional plant breeding.
Comment: Only some foods have to be labeled but not all foods. This shows that some
people may think GMOs are labeled when they are not.
Source: "Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods." Labeling of Genetically
Engineered Foods. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.
B. Voluntarily Labeling
Quotes: A number of companies and initiatives already voluntarily provide labeling of
food products regarding their avoidance of GM ingredients. Voluntary labeling does not
require further regulatory measures.
Comment: The companies that do this are the nonGMO companies. This is great but no
companies like Monsanto label their food products.
Source: "Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods." Labeling of Genetically
Engineered Foods. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.
III. Countries
Quotes: Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. In more than 60 countries
around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, there
are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs.
Comment: If other countries don't even alow them why should we not even put on a harmless label.
60 countries is a lot. We need to put labels on starting in the state of California.
Source: "GMO Facts." The NonGMO Project RSS. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.

Seifer, Samuel

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 7:17:16 AM Pacific Standard Time


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