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Final Leadership Reflection

Leadership comes in all shapes and sizes; it doesnt mean you have to be the president of
an association to be a leader. Leadership roles are all around us, not just in defined roles or
specific settings. Leadership opportunities can take place in your personal and professional life.
Over the past two years I have had the opportunity to increase my leadership roles
professionally as well as in my personal life. I ran and won for the Student Occupational Therapy
Association (SOTA) President position. This position gave me numerous opportunities to
exercise my leadership skills. I provided leadership for the members of SOTA as well as other
cohort members in the many events that SOTA organized. I lead in organizing funding
opportunities, volunteers, delegating tasks, and set up for many of the events. Also, I have
gained leadership roles in working within groups. Working in groups is a common theme in this
program therefore it has aided me in gaining experience and insight into my leadership traits
while working with others. I had the opportunity to work on my people skills including
delegation skills, motivating others, and giving and receiving feedback.
Also, over the past two years I have gained experience organizing and heading social
justice events. I had the opportunity to work with the foundation, Positively Kids to organize and
fundraise for their annual Duck Derby. I also worked with the organization Special Olympics to
organize a campaign on the Touro University Nevada to end the use of the R-word. R-word,
spread the word to end the word is a campaign that asks people to pledge to stop saying the Rword as a starting point toward creating more accepting attitudes and communities for all people
I organized the group of volunteers, the supplies, and booth for the two day campaign we held in
the school cafe. I also had the opportunity to spread the word to fellow Touro students for one of
the campaigning days. We received over 100 pledges over the two day campaign. This was one

of my favorite leadership opportunities because it is a subject that people believe in and are
willing to work hard to end it.
I believe the experiences I have had in leadership roles over my experience in graduate
school have helped to prepare me as a leader in the field of occupational therapy. I will be able
to use my leaderships skills such as communication skills, personal skills, organization skills,
planning skills, and work skills throughout my practice. The skills I have gained will help me to
be a better leader to my patients and maybe even my colleagues.

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