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Robinson the Book

Book cover : life adventure bigger

words, drawing of a boat, Robinson
Crusoe account pirate and big
words that pop out
-> action and unfamiliar/exotic places.
-> danger, blood, suspense : thrilling +
-> attract/ catch the attention (eyecatching at the time)
Not the 1st castaway story but its a
new subgenre. Main points of the
narration :
- at first, danger of death because he
doesnt know how to survive and hes
in an unfamiliar and hostile
- Then, learns how to survive and
adapts to his environment
- The desert island becomes his home
and he controls/dominates nature
Rousseau: Robinson Crusoe is about
natural education.
Being surrounded by nature is the only
valid education for people according
to Rousseau (survival, learn about
yourself, your limits, you get stronger,
learn by trying, imagine Kaaris trying
to survive on a desert island).

Robinson The Character

monarch of all he surveys

At the beginning of the story/his

arrival: he hates the island (negative
vocabulary unfortunate despair).
However in the painting of Wyeth:
hes a warrior at the end (cf weapons),
he feels safe.

Faulks on Fiction :
There is an opposition between nature
(= wilderness) and civilization. Does he
continue to behave like a civilized man
or does he become a wild person?
Does he give in to his wild side?

Adventure stories key elements:
- Nature, beast animals -> wilderness
- Action
- Courage
- Exoticism
- The sea

Voyage and return stories key elements:

- Castaway/stranded
- Loneliness
- Survival, you master nature
- Education
- Learn about yourself, your limits, you grow up

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