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be used all production industries. This is an era of automation where it is broadly
defined as replacement of manual effort by mechanical power in all degree of
automation. The operation remains an essential part of the system although with
changing demands on physical input as the degree of mechanization is increased.
Degrees of automation are of two types, viz.
Full automation
Semi automation
In the early years of industrial revolution pulling of tools was anything but
systematic. But as more and more sophisticated machinery were developed a
whole range of pullers were delivered to the heavy works in the quantities and at
speeds appropriate to the situation. Detachable bearing pullers provide an efficient
means for the removal of gears, bearings, wheels, pulleys and other press fit
parts. Screw and nut methods controlled means of applying force without the need
for hammering, heating.
In semi automation a combination of manual effort and mechanical power is
required whereas in full automation human participation of very negligible.
Pneumatic system is used to most important process of Industries and Harbor. Any
work done by Pneumatic system, Ex: Lifting, Pulling, Pushing, Pressing, etc.,
above process can be made to easily vide by Pneumatic system. In this method of
machineries work is designed through Air Pressure. So these processes are used to
all kinds of work. All types of works can be successfully finished for this Air
pumping pressure-creating method. Pneumatic pump and Pneumatic cylinder are
used this process. Pneumatic cylinders ram is increase and decrease operation
finished in this process.


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