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Student 1: PLAAFP

Jack is a 7th grade student who is classified as having a specific learning disability in the areas of
math calculation and math reasoning. Jack needs specialized instruction in order to access the
general curriculum. Jack can do double-digit addition with regrouping. Jack can also do single
digit subtraction. Jack knows his five times tables and he can do division with numerals one
through nine. Jack struggles to do basic addition of fractions with common denominators,
adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, and multiplying single digit by single
digit equations. He is able to do two out of sixteen correct on a 7th grade level math assessment
measure of numbers and operations, algebra, and geometry. Jacks deficits in the areas of math
calculation and math reasoning make involvement and progress in the general education math
curriculum difficult.

Student 1: IEP Goals

By the end of the school year, when given math number and operations problems representing
the scope of 3rd grade level math computations, Zack will be able to correctly answer 13/16
problems in 2/3 trials as measured by curriculum-based assessment.

Student 2: PLAAFP
Charlotte is currently in the 7th grade and has been classified as having a specific learning
disability in the areas of math fluency and math reasoning. Charlotte needs specialized
instruction in order to access the general curriculum. Charlotte presents as a hardworking
student who is diligent about completing assigned work. Charlotte can do double-digit addition
with regrouping and double-digit subtraction with regrouping. Charlotte can multiply single and
double-digit numbers with numerals one through twelve. When given a 7th grade level math
assessment Charlotte scored below grade level. Charlottes instructional skills for math numbers
and operations are at the 3rd grade level. Charlotte struggles to do basic addition of fractions with
common denominators. Charlottes deficits in the areas of math fluency and math reasoning
make involvement and progress in the general education curriculum difficult.

Student 2: IEP Goals

By December 12, 2014, when given math number and operations problems representing the
scope of 3rd grade level math computations, Charlotte will be able to correctly answer 13/16
problems in 2/3 trials as measured by curriculum-based assessment.

By the end of the school year, when given when given math number and operations problems
representing the scope of 4th grade level math computations, Charlotte will be able to correctly
answer 13/16 problems in 2/3 trials as measured by curriculum-based assessment.

Table of Contents:
1. CBM Math Data
a. Progress Monitoring
b. Graphs
c. Math Probes
2. PLAAFP and IEP Goals
a. Student 1
b. Student 2
3. Unit Map and Three Lesson Plans
a. Unit Map
b. First Lesson Plan
c. Second Lesson Plan
d. Third Lesson Plan
4. Self-Reflection Essay
5. Lesson Materials
6. I Can Statements

7. Math Vocabulary
8. CRA
9. Number Sense
10. Examples of Student Work
a. Word Problems
b. Starter
c. Student Math Notebook Materials

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