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Shamekia Schoffner
SW 3410
Personal Values
March 8, 2014



Who Am I

Know thyself. Plato

The abovementioned quote is comprised of two simple words, yet has such complex
meaning. Knowing thyself is a life-long journey. I cannot definitively say that I have mastered
the skill of fully knowing thyself. As an individual; I am constantly evolving, growing, learning
and mastering; I am a student and a teacher. As great psychologist Erik Erikson would pose, who
Am I?
Once upon a time, I did not know who I was. I suffered identity crises from childhood
trauma stemming from the age of four, or maybe I was five. Our brains are powerful tools;
repressing traumatic events from the psyche. What I do recall is some of the comments about me
not aspiring to be anything; that I was going to be another statistic. One thing that was so
profound about the negative comments I heard about me; I never believed it. It hurt, especially
because it came from family members, but I never entertained the thought as being true for a
second because I had aspirations for myself, I had goals I knew I could accomplish with and
without adversity.
During my quest of gaining to know thyself, I have had many factors influence me along
the way. The most influential has been my personal values. I am passionately driven by my
purpose and principles which I consider my personal values. My personal values are: integrity,
human relationships, and personal enrichment.



In the text, Understanding Generalist Practice, integrity is defined as trustworthiness and
sound adherence to moral ideals (Kirst-Ashman, Hull Jr., 2012). Integrity was instilled in me as
a child; from a personal and spiritual perspective. I was raised Pentecostal, often the subject was
on being upright, and of virtue was a constant reminder to do things in life as Christ-like. An
adage passed down to me from my mother, whats done in the dark; always come to the light is
a quote consciously embedded in me that I apply not only in principle as a form of fear, but
morally and ethically as well as a daily routine.
Human Relationships
Human relationships are important to me because as human beings, naturally we thrive
through social interaction and the connection of relationships with others. Human relationships
are essential in development and individual growth. My model on healthy human relationships
can be described as a hierarchical cycle in how we interact with others which produces outcomes
that are either positive or negative. Some of my growth has been in the form of human
relationships. Human relationships have had a profound impact in my life; from friends,
classmates to family, each person has contributed to my system of networks that has helped
change me in some form.
Personal Enrichment


Personal enrichment to me is multifaceted elements comprising of education and spiritual
enlightenment. Education has deep meaning to me as an African-American female; I take
advantage of the opportunity to become educated because as a descendent of slaves, the
opportunity was not available. My maternal grandparents had an eighth grade education; to see
educational progress in just two generations is humbling and a reminder to always strive for
excellence. Moreover, the importance of education was not valued in my household; only good
grades were valued. There is a distinction between grades and education.
As stated above, I grew up Pentecostal; questioning the bible was not an option.
However, as an adult I had questions from childhood about my religion that was still
unanswered. Several years ago I transitioned from being religious to spiritual; I still believe in a
higher power/creator but I still have many questions and uncertainties. At times, it is hard
accepting this truth for me because I was almost an absolutist when it came to being a Christian
believer. There are some things that I accredit to my religious upbringing that helps me in certain
predicaments, such as praying and mediating. My values having the two combinations of
education and spirituality creates an equilibrium which helps me to continue to grow and evolve
as an individual.
I am Who I am
In summation, I introspectively examined my personal values, personal experiences and
cultural identity. As mentioned, most of my values were passed down to me through family
tradition; however as an adult I gained my own set of personal values through experience and
enlightenment. My core values: The Importance of Human Relationships and Integrity are
parallel to the National Association Code of Ethics values. As stated above as an aspiring social


worker I believe my two personal values are mindful and congruent with the code of ethics. I
support by being a competent social worker.

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