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Entry #1: Observation of the teachers instruction

With my experience in the classroom I observed my CT teach a lesson on

main idea. The teacher explained to the students that the main idea, is
what the story is about. The teacher l put on a digital book on the
SmartBoard, which recited the book orally to the students. Once the book
was over the teacher asked comprehension questions about the main
idea. The students could point out key facts about the book. With direction
questions from my CT they were able to figure out the main idea. One
student was also able to use her prior knowledge of using clues to figure
out what the book was about; she used the title. My CT was able to get the
students to think on a level that they are comfortable with. She asked what
clothing do you wear in fall? The student then was able to think that they
needed more information of when fall was. They were in turn able to have
great dialogue about the weather and what causes it. They had a mini
science lesson. My CT knows the students well enough to have mini
lessons that require a lot of student interaction and movement for
kindergarteners. She keeps them brief and allows the students much time
for independent practice. I know that in my future teaching I will have to
incorporate technology whenever possible. There are so many different
aspects that will engage students, develop their technology skills, and
encourage developmental growth.
Entry #2: Classroom document
For a center as a review the student were reviewing beginning sounds.
This day they were reviewing the beginning sound of /ch/. There
assignment was a worksheet called Ch Book. The students were
instructed to cut out and paste the picture names that began with /ch/ I was
stationed at this center to assist the students. I observed the students
struggle more with trying to figure out the pictures than the beginning
sound. Once the students were able to recognize the pictures, the focused
returned to the objective of the worksheet. From that experience I realize
that images are great for kindergartners, but the student must be familiar
with or can recognize the picture in question. This activity allowed the
students the opportunity to practice hand eye coordination with handling
scissors. I observed some student not knowing how to properly hold the
scissors, which in turn made there time with using scissors difficult. The
struggle with the scissors caused the students to take much longer than
intended on the worksheet.

Entry #3: Teacher Interview

1. How long have you been a teacher? This is my sixth year teaching.
2. How long have you teaching in kindergarten? This is my second
year in kindergarten.
3. What is your approach to classroom management? Well since this
bunch came along I have had to change some things with how I
manage. I notice that they are big on parent satisfaction. So I do
send home notes in their agendas everyday on how the student has
behaved throughout the day. Some parents will sign to let me know
that they saw it. Some will actually respond to the note.
4. What role have parents played in your classroom? Parents really do
not play any role. They are not a presence inside the classroom and
dont email as much as you would think, in fact known do.
5. What kinds of materials have you used to assess student strengths
and/or weaknesses? Ive used ten frames, reading level books, sight
word chart, letter land letters, manipulative, you name it I have just
about used it all.
6. What kinds of tests do you like to give? My entire tests are given to
the students orally. I found with kindergarten, thats the only way it
works for me.
7. What do you include in your daily lesson plans? How closely do you
follow your plans? Well let me tell you. You never ever follow your
lesson plans. I almost have to ask myself why do I stress myself, but
then I realize how much it guides me through where I should be not
just tomorrow, but two weeks from now.
8. How would you incorporate technology in your classroom? With our
center rotations some students may get on the computer twice: once
for reading and again for math. They also use the iPad when they
are working with myself at a center.
Through my conversation with my CT, I got the impression that she is
comfortable and confident in her teaching. She is very relaxed in her
position. She is willing to try anything to ensure that each student is
able the same learning experience in a way fit for that student. She has
encouraged myself to enjoy lesson planning a little more and to use ALL
resources possible to help with the planning. My CT encouraged me to
have a classroom management, but be forever flexible because I will
have to get to know the students to have an affective management
Entry #4: Student Interview

1. Do you enjoy school? Yes. I like seeing my friends.

2. What is favorite part about school? Recess whenever we get a
chance. Cause sometimes we have to stay in and put our head
3. Do you enjoy writing? Yes, but I dont know how to read
4. Do you know how to write your name? Yes, I can write for you right
5. Do you enjoy reading? I dont know how.
6. What is your favorite book? Ummmm, I like Brown Bear, Brown Bear
What Do You See.
7. Why is that your favorite book? I like the animals and some of the
colors, not all of them though.
8. Do you have that book at home? No, I only have a little bit of books.
The library has a ton of books.
Through my conversation with this student I saw that they are
developing their love for reading and writing. My own experience with
this student I know that they have seen progress on to a B level book.
This student is encouraged and motivated through their own will without
anyone pushing them. Their behavior can sometimes get in the way of
their learning and attention. With constant practice with reading and
writing any student can develop the proper skills needed for continuing
Entry #5: Overall reflection
The daily schedule includes periods of activity and movement. The
students were provided an assortment of engaging learning experiences
and hands-on materials. Those materials included books, writing materials,
math related games and manipulative, art materials, props for dramatic
play, and blocks. It was described to me that the materials were chosen for
how well they support the overall curriculum and the goals of that
classroom. My CT used a variety of learning contexts throughout the day
and throughout the week in order to guide the childrens learning these
included a whole-group setting, small groups, learning centers, and daily
routines. In addition to the teacher directed lessons and activities, there
was time allocated each day for a student guided understandings. These
were during center time or other parts of the day. My CT supported the
childs engagement in these experiences by scheduling enough time,
providing stimulating materials, and thought fully intervening in supporting
as needed. Throughout the school the teachers modeled positive

interactions with others and they encouraged positive attitudes. All

students in the class were provided opportunities to get to know and work
with each other, and friendships were also encouraged. The
communication between my CT and her students is respectable, even if
the students do not always do as they are told. I noticed when my CT was
speaking with students they take into account the childrens ability as a
listener, and they recognize that there is a wide range of kindergartners
speaking skills and the ability to focus their attention. They conversed
information in small units, they tie in new material into what the student
already knew, and would check for understanding. At the end of a lesson
or unit they would encourage questions or remarks to engage their higher
level of thinking. Through my clinical experience I obtained the knowledge
that the workshop model is tougher to implement in some kindergarten
classes. I observed the students get off task and stay off task until my CT
made her round to correct their behavior. The students enjoy the
interaction with their peers, but they just are not reaping the benefits of the
workshop. It is so unfortunate for this group of students, because they are
the one that would benefit the most from it. Over half of the class is reading
and writing below grade level, entering into the fourth quarter. Since I have
first experienced the writing workshop I knew I would implement it into my
classroom setting. I saw the benefits are much greater than its
weaknesses or drawbacks.

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