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Types of Rollers

Basic Foam Roller

-Simple, cheap, & available in varied densities from soft to firm
-More effective and last longer
Grid Roller
-Durable, strong, & with textured massage zones
-Light weight
-Range of colors
Rumble Roller
-Heavily textured for maximum tissue therapy
-Gentler than it looks
-Two density options
Do not always have to use a foam roller. You can use a stick or some sort of small ball

Benefits of foam rolling

-Muscle tension relief
-Correcting muscle imbalances
-Increased range of motion
-Injury prevention
-Improve blood circulation
-Helps remove lactic acid

How long does foam rolling take?

-10-15 minutes
-30-90 seconds per stretch
-If you feel a certain pain, stay in that position for about 20 seconds before continuing

When is it best to use?

-After a workout prior to stretching

Upper stretching

Lower stretching

-Upper back
-Lower back

-Hip Adductors
-IT Band

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