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SINUMERIK 802D Key Definition CD pexaisoy FD roe cpa aratoy BI ercmy ram pain aay FA pamscnvaganenves §— Eras opraingaenkoy TL crn satroverny Bream vag pein say Be wwrsy TL sexmsyeem pening sreatay sims a A ccoratey Bl etccagen Ban HE tstoien BE srscemsern a a Detekon ky (Baskapay &_& eres castors BZ asitan tte toy estan tay B Buus 74 Derren rnpaty Pet aes on he Mod External Machine Control Panel CJ usercetnea key wan Le0 TY serene key witout LED aH INCREMENT e. JOG ()rereneyoeronr 3 AUTOMATIC Cy SINGLE BLOCK a MANUAL DATA 7) semoue stanruert Sow reteton 5} sonoue stant pean EW ton 4 SPINDLE STOP as RAPID TRAVERSE OVERRIDE: Rose FX) ace Nestor 2) ans Ne staar © Feed Overide emergency stop Spindle Soved Override (eption) 15 — Coordinate Systems For machine tools, right-handed, right-angled coordinate systems are used, ‘The movements on the machine are described as a relative movement between tool end workpiece, 42 + Fig. 1-12 Defining the directions of the axes another to one (rectangular coordinate system) Machine coordinate system (MCS) How the coordinate system is located with reference to the machine, depends on the machine type convemed, tcan be rotatedin different postions. Fig. 1413 Machine coordinatesimachine axes using the example cf amiling machine The origh cf this coordinate system is the machine zero. In this paint, allaxes have the poston '2e10. Ths point represents only a reference point defi- ned by the machine manufacturer. Itneed notbe approachable. The traversing range of he machine axes can be in the negative range. Procedure Enter the reference poltin the relevant field X0, YO ot Zo Please observe: For ming took, length and radiue must bo determined, and for cling tools only length + Using the actual postion f point E (machine coordinate) and the reference poi, the control system can calculeta the compencstion value assigned to length 1 or the can calculate the tool rac, Noto: You can alco use a zero oftctalraady dotermined (e.. valuo of GE4) as tho known machine coorcinata. In fhisease, use the edge of the tao! apprcach the workpiece 2er0 point. Ifthe edge is posticned diractly at workpiece zero, the reference point ie zaro, ten mecine ‘Bondnete rae Z Ofost Fla. 3-4 Determining the lenath compersaton using the example of a cil: Lenath 4/2 exis Workpiece coordinate system (WCS) The coordinate system described above (see Fig. 1-12) is also used to describe the geometry of a workpiece in the workpiece program. The workpiece zero can be freely selected by the programmer. The programmer need not know the real movement conditions on the machine, i.e. whether the workpiece or the tool moves. This can be diferent in the individual axes. The directions are always defined such as if the workpiece does not move and the tool moves. W = workpiece zero point Fig. 1-14 Wlorkplece coordinate system Relative coordinate system Apart from the machine and workpiece coordinate systems, the control system provides ae lative coordinate system, This coordinate system is used for seting reference points that can be trely selected and have no influence onthe active workpiece coordinate systam. Al axis movements are cisplayed relative to these reference points, 24.2 Drilling, centering - CYCLE81 Programming RIP real Retraction plane (absolute) REP real Reference plane (absolute) SD18 real Safety distance (enter without sign) De real Final driling depth (absolute) DER real Final driling depth relative to reference plane (enter without sign) Programming example Drilling centering You can use this program to make three holes using the ding cycle CYCLE81, whereby tis cyele is caled with iffeent parameter seings. The ding axis is always the Z axis. eA 100 ‘Specifcation of technology values Traverse to retraction plane Travers to fist dling postion ‘Cycle call with absolute final driling depth safety distance, and incamlete parameter list Traverse to next dillng postion ‘Cycle call without safety distance ‘Specification of technology values ‘Approach next postion ‘Cycle call wth relative final dling depth and safety distance Woo Wo End of program

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