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iFlJl Car,rpus L:enter, Pr+-Function Lounge, 4ih Fl-ncr

Welcome to Indiana University.P!.rrdue University Indianapolis and the 2015 ICA Conference
Collect your materials and prepare for an exciting conlerencel Your ICA stafl will be on hand to answer questions and help you feel at home. A continential
breakfast will be provided in the Campus Center, Room 450A as we prepare for our plenary sessions and keynote speaker.
ICA 2015 Conference Staff and lndiana Counseling Association Board of Directors

IUPU! eamnus eenter. Room 450A

Facing the Challenge of Diverting Kids from Pathways that Lead from Childhood Aggression to Vouth Violence
One of the important developmental starting points in understanding violence is that physical aggressron is essentially universal in infants (and equally so for
males and females). Early trauma creates risk that this early aggresslon will coalesce inio violent behavior in adolescence. lf no intervention occurs, this pattern of
childhood conduct disorder becomes the entryway into adolescent delinquent and antisocial violent behavior. The more socially toxic (and traumaiic) the
envjrsnment in which childhood and adolescence occur, the more likeiy it is that childhood conduct disorder will translate into adolescent violence. Changing
patterns of aggression in girls provide a useiul insight into how and why these processes take place. Traditionaily, females have "given it up" more readily ihan
males. One reason for this has been the cultural homogeneity o{ messages to girls "girls don't hit." Wth the culture shifting on this, it is not surprising that physical
aggression would increase among girls and that troubled girls would be more externalizing in their difliculties and that early trauma predicts later problems with
violence. The presentation is based upon the author's books Lost Boys (NY: Free Press, 1 999) and See Jane Hit (NY: Penguin Press, 2006)
James Garbarino, Loyola Univetsry Chicago

Track CS
Child and School

Ethical lssues in
Mental Health
View from the Board
The sesslon will discuss
current ethical issues in
mental health counseling
from the oersoective of an
active practitioner who
also serves as a memoer
of the staie licensing

Kimble Richardson
Cammuniry Health Netwotk

Learning about Human

Development from
Listening to Killers
This session will focus on
the insights we can gain
about orocesses of
human develooment from
listening to killers. lt
examines the social and
developmental psychology of "choice." Key
concepts in this
oresentation are the
i'moral" and "emotional"
damage that killers
experience and the role
these factors play in their
aggressive behavior. lt
explores the foundation
for understanding ihem.

Meeting the Needs *

RAD Kids Boot Camp

of Military Children

for Pros: Tools to Fight

Expressive Arts in a
Solution Focused

and Teens

the Battle Without



Losing the War

Want to use Expressive

Arts in your counseling
practice? During this
session, participants will
learn and experience
Expressive Afis
interventions tailored to
use with Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
within small group
stations. Each participant
will leave with a packet ol
Expressive Arts
interventions that can be
imolemented with various
age groups.

Social Judgment Theory.

Bridget Helms,

Kirby Reutter

Jennifer Vannell

Ptivate Practice, Ahio

Military children and

their families are one of
the largest American
subcultures, including
1.9 million children. The
number of children of
active duty, National
Guard, and Reserve
members seeking
mental health care has
been increasing. We
will utilize presentation
and discussion to
highlight some of the
pressing issues facing
military kids.

James Garbarino

Floyd Robison,
Brandon Currie

Loyo I a U nivers i ty C b icago


Children with Reactive

Attachment Disorder can
baffle parents, teachers
and therapists. Bizarre
behaviors, challenging
attitudes add to the
question of how best to
help. ParticiDants will
learn how to train parents
of RAD kids with specific
and practical tools
applicable that very day,
focusing on paradoxical
interventions, taking a
business approach, the
art of structure and
focusing on objects.

Charles Redwine

lntroduction to

Tri-Creek Schools

Private Practice. lN

Ethical lssues in
Mental Health
View from the Board
The session will discuss
current ethical issues in
mental health counseling
from the oersDective of an
active oractitioner who
also serves as a member
of the state licensing

Kimble Richardson
Co mmu n ity H eal th Netwo rk

Learning about Human

Development from
Listening to Killers
This session will focus on
the insights we can gain
about processes of
human development from
listening to killers. lt
examines the social and
developmental psychology of "choice." Key
concepts in this
oresentation are the
"moral" and "emotional"
damage that killers
experience and the role
these factors play in their
aggressive behavior. lt
exolores the foundation
foi understanding them.

James Garbarino
Loya la Univ e rs ity c h icag o

Controlling Anger to
Leadership in High
School Girls
In this workshop
participants will learn an 8
week process for working
with small groups of high
school girls. Utilizing afi
and crafts this session wiil
parallel SAMHSA's anger
management program.
The incorDoration of lhe
arts gives high school
girls the ability to discuss
their anger in a

Robyn Emde
Robyn's Nest
St. Joseph, Ml

Romantic Partners and

Attachment Styles
Prior attachment style
studies have focused on
the significance of an
individual's attachrnent
orientation within romantic
relationships. More recent
studies have examined
how both partners'
attachment style may
inf Iuence the relationship.
This presentation
describes an overview oi
these "interaciive effects"
and their implications
when working with
couples' attachment

Rob Kern,
Jerry Vucannon
Grace Collego

Dialectical Behavior

No More Missed

Therapy: AHowTo

Opportunities: Using

Dialectical Behavior
Therapy (DBT) is an
empirically validated
treatment for adolescents
suffering a number of
diagnoses. Through the
use of skills training
groups, individual therapy
and parent education
classes, adolescents
learn four sets of skills.
Viewing the world in
shades of grey,
adolescents reduce
lite-threatening behavior,
while increasing quality of
life and coping.

Valerie Row
Midwest Center tor Youth
and Families


for Brief

Expectations to provide
time-limited and etfective
counseling continue to
rise. Motivational
Interuiewing (Ml) is an
technioue that has been
shown to be highly
effective in many areas o{
counseling, including brief
intervention and brief
treatment. This session
will describe how Ml can
be used to support

Mallori DeSalle,
Jon Agley
lndiana University

Track S
Student Focus
Room 309

Pre-Function [-ounge

Book Signing with

James Garbarino

School Counselors
and MFTS Unite

Indiana Mental Health

Books will be available for

purchase from Barnes
and Noble.

Schools and lamilies are

central t0 most children
and youth. United, the
synergy of schools and
families promotes student
success, in and out of
school. Family values
influence and alfect the
students, and their
academic, social,
oersonal. and emotional
issues are often related to
family issues. This
workshop oJfers MFT
tenets, techniques, and
tips for your school
counseling practice.

Division Meeting
IMHCA is a local affiliate
of the American Mental
Health Counseling
Association, in addition to
being an interest group
within lCA. The session
will provide a chance for
mental health counselors
to connect and discuss
common concerns.

ICES Interest Group

Student Q & A


You have dreamed about

being a counselor and
you are almost there! But
how do you make the
transition from student to
working professional?
The discussion session
will help answer your

The session will provide a

chance for counselor
trainers and supervisors
to connect and discuss
common concerns.

Anthony McCrovitz
Glabe Star

Kimble Richardson,

Jim Nelson
ICA and Valparciso University

Duane Moore
Caring Counseling

Judith Justice,
David Thomposn
I n dian

Wes I eyan U n ive rsity

Room 450C
Welcome and Announcements - New Directions for the Indiana Counseling Association
This is a time to sit down, enjoy good food, reconnect with colleagues, and mee: new people! As we enjoy lunch we will listen to conference and ICA
staff talk about arrangements for the afternoon program. We will also hear from Jeremy Linton, current president of ICA and Anthony McCrovitz our
incoming president, who will give some reflections on the past year and talk about upcoming ICA aciivities and priorities for 2015 and 2016.
Gwen Hobley Chastain, MA, LMHC, ICA Executive Director and Conference Host , Jercmy Linton, Ph.D., ICA President . Anthony Mcoroviz, Ph.D., ICA President-Elect
I ndi ana Counseli ng Association

: , Track GYA, ., .

Help For the Helper: 8

Critical Coping Skills
lor the Counselor

Prevention of Child
Sexual Abuse - Whose
Responsibllity is lt?

Being a counselor is both

rewarding and
challenging. Mosi of us
have found ways to keep
ourselves healthier than
those we serve. Join
Heartland Intervention's
Scott Watson for a
practical look at coping
skills that will help
therapists help others.

This presentation is
based on my recent book
"Father Figure - My
Mission to Prevent Child
Sexual Abuse". This is a
critical subject for
counselors because it
discusses an issue that
victims often do not want
to talk about. lt elaborates
on family situations that
might put children at risk,
and how we can all help.

Scott Watson
Heattland lnteruention

Sumi Mukherjee
Author and LecturcL MN

Atrican American
Boys and the
Pipeline; A Call to
Action for School
This presentation will
highlight the "school to
prison pipeline" among
African American boys.
Various factors that
contribute to this
Dhenomenon will be
exolored. Floles and
responsibilities of school
counselors will be
highlighted, as well as the
knowledge and skills
needed to address this

Ty Crook
Xavier Univetsity

As You Were: Helping

Veterans Return to
Between 2001-2013
about 2.300.000 service
members were
deployed to combat.
Some return and end
up in the criminal justice
system. Communities
are responding by
establishing Veteran's
Treatment Courts. We
will view and discuss an
IWU documentary
tracking three vets
through the court,
highlighting needs.

Richard Hooker
lndiana Wesleyan

U niversity

Counseling LGB
Clients: LGB Related
Knowledge and
Affirming Attltudes for
56% of psychologists saw
at least one lesbian, gay,
or bisexual (LGB) client in
the previous week, and
LGB youth report higher
levels of harassment,
substance use, suicidal
ideation, and risky sexual
behaviors. We will learn
about helpful LGB
knowledge and attitudes
to effectively counsel LGB

Joseph Campbell,
Kylie Rogalla

Student Presentations
"Exploring the efficacy of
interventions for
substance abuse'by
Laura Cempel, Joelynn
Marconi and Victoria
Barnes. "'l'm Proud of
You': The lmoortance of
Interventions and
Affirmative Communication with At-Risk
Adolescenls'by Alexis

Laura Cempel,

Joelynn Marconi,
Victoria Barnes,
Alexis Wolf
Valparaisa University
and IUSB

Track SP
Student Work

Counselor Flacial
ldentity: White
Privilege and the

Student Veterans,
Psychological and
Physical Wounds:
Enhancing Transition
and Integration

Caucasian counselors, I
ask you "What does it mean
to be white?" Counselors ot
color, "How would you
answer this question?"
(Sue & Sue,2013). Many
counseling programs fail 10
train students in acknowledging racial privilege or
unconscious oppression.
Join us in this discussion
designed to enrich each
attendee's personal
awareness of white
privilege and improve
multicultural skiils.

This presentation focuses

on understanding the
experiences of student
veterans with mental
health and physical
conditions transitioning
from military to academic
lile and the role that
counselors can play in
supporting their goals.
Reintegration issues
facing student veterans,
the importance oi suppon,
and available resources
will be discussed.





, Uotty tscnopp


Working with
Kids and Adults
Counseling approaches
for individuals with high
inteilectual ability receives
little, if any, attention in
counselor education.
Based on her own and
others' clinical oersoectives and reseaach, the
soeaker will examine
development, diagnostic
problems, extreme ability
as a risk factor, the
concept of therapeutic
rupture, and social and
emotional characteristics
ol this population.

Addictions in DSM-IV,

Adler's Postcard:

Student Presentations

DSM-S and Beyond

Understanding Early
Recollections to
Overcome Life's

"Counseling Considerations ior Using Therapy

Dogs for Romantic
Coupies lmpacied by
PTSD" by Ryan Hess,
Sara Evans Frank Carr
and Jessicah Schrack;
"'Evide nce-Based
Practices in the
Treatment of Relationship
Distress in Couples: A
Hard Nut to Crack" by
Paul Morales

Addictions is a basic life

issue for many in our

h' rt th6

professional diagnostic
systems have struggled to
capture the problem
efiectively. This
presentation looks at the
evolution of addiction
within the DSM system,
with a focus on changes,
strengths and inadequacies in the new DSM-s

Jim Nelson
Valparaisa University

In this unique presenlation, participants will

understand how early
recollections impact
current functioning. A
participant will be solicited
from those present for a
live presentation of
Adlerian theory, showing
the utility and practicality
of helping clients
understand their

Ryan Hess,

Paul Morales,
and others
Ba|l St6te and Grace

Dale Wayman

Jean Peterson

Qapela Univercity

Purdue University

stare tJnlversifl

Track CYA
GhildrYoung Adult

Enhancing Recovery
using a Wellness
This Dresentation reviews
specific changes in
clinical and diagnostic
practice enshrined in the
new DSM-5 that affect
counseling work with
adults. Particular attention
will be devoted to
orooosed revisions in
diadnostic practice for
personality disorders, and
areas o{ the DSM-s vital
for work with older adults
such as neurocognitive

Martin Justice,
Leslie Hughes
LawrenEburg CMHC

Bullying: Ain't Nobody

GOt Time For That
This presentation is
designed to empower
everyone to make a
dilterence when it comes to
bullying. lt will give you the
tools and suDoort to be
effective in and out of the
classroom. Bullying affects
the person being bullied,
the bystanders, the bully,
teachers, parents and the
community. lt leads to low
lest scores, school
absence. deoression and
thoughts oi suicide. This
presentation will encourage
everyone to make a positive
difterence and take
immediate action to achieve
athose goals.

Kimberly Ewing

Teen Concussion:
What you Need to

Concussions account {of
80% of all traumatic brain
injuries in the U.S. The
consequences are
particularly severe for the
adolescent brain. TBI
injuries impact everyone
from sports to theater
students, all ethnicities
and genders. This
session provides a
orotocol for TBI students
in a school environment.
We will observe the
exoerience of a
concussion from the
teens themselves.

Third Culture Kids *

Third culture kids are an
emerging population with
unique counseling needs.
Join this interactive
presentation 10 learn
more about this
population, gain practical
knowledge and skills, and
learn about counseling

Aimee Krouse,
Joseph Campbell

Rebecca Pavlik-Heger

You have seen the

television show but there
is much more to using
intervention to help
families who struggle with
substance use and
addiction. Join Scott J.
Watson from Heartland
lntervention for an honest
look at whai goes inio
planning and conducting
and intervention.

Scott Watson
HearTland lnteqention

With the popularity of

"geek" interests and
online socialization,
counselors must
understand elements of
these cultures. This
oresentation wiil discuss
key subcultures within
"geek" and internet
culture, explore their dark
side, and share
interventions and
resources like online
communities. memes.
Jandoms, graphic novels,
and video games.

Evelyn Huffman,
Rich Usdowski,
and others

ISU: A Graduate Student

Discussion" by Evelyn
Huffman, Megan Neitling,
Courtney Hull and
Chelsea Boink; "CounseF
ing from an Attachment
Perspective: EFT and
N/uch More" by Fich

lSU and Ball State U

Rose-Hulman lT

First Generation /
Low-income College
are They Facing?

"Connect'LA Relationship The New Face of PTSD:

Based Program that Helps Updates on the DSM-s
Prevent Bullying
Trauma-focused treatment
"coNNECl-',is a
has emerged as lhe current

Everyone is concerned with

are taking the time to learn
the reasons why a large
population of First Genllow
income are not completing
their degrees. This
Dresentation will share
insight on barriers and
conditions that abound
today and how one program
at Purdue University is
addressing this and
achieving marked success.

relalionship based program

that helos children and
adults to get to know each
other by creating an
aifectionate atmosphere in
the groups they belong to
through activities that
motivate for positive
changes in their environment. The program otfers
the unique opportunity for
participants to share their
dfeams, challenges and life
stories in a healthy, safe
and honest way.

Yvonne Smith

Milene Jeffirs

Pudue University

Pivate Practice, lN

ihe low US coilege

graduation rate. Yet few

The Grosjean Clinic at

Michelle Bond

Cathedral HS

KDE Mativates

lntervention: More
Than Just'a Televisiofi'

Student Presentations

Using "Geek" and

Internet Culture in
Therapy: Interventions
and Resources

paradigm within residential

olacement. This workshoo
will explain how traumatic
experiences affect the
neurological functioning of
developing children,
resulting in PTSD
symptoms, and how the
aftef-eff ects of traumatic
events can take on a life of
their own. Soecilic oarts of
the DSM-s view of PTSD
will be discussed.

Kirby Reutter
Pivate Practice. OH

Mlndfulness and

Student Presentations
In education and counseling,

diagrms are often used io help

Are you easily upset?

siudents and clints u.derstand,
Need help managing day rsall, and retain infomation (van
to day stressors? Practice Amelsvoori, van der Meij,
Anjewierden, van der [,1eij, 2013).
mindfulness skills to
Node-link mapping consists of
recognize and manage
visually displaying a node, or graphic
stress in the moment.
box or ckcle, in a visual system as a
Learn to recognize when
you are being reasonable, way to present ideas or data {Dees &
Dansereau, 2000). Nodelink
emotional, or wise
mapping is a lype of mapping-enminded, and whether your
hanced counseling, which according
decisions are effective.
to Dees md Dmsereau {2000) is a
Quick and accessible
type ot counseling that is
relaxation techniques and evidence-basd, and is included in
a tool to change your
tho Nationai Regislry of
reacting to responding will Evidenccbased Programs and
be demonstraled.
Practices (NREPP, 2008).

Dorothy Hughes

Ben Wilson

Pivate Pactice. lN

Capella University

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