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Final Exam
Andrea Bravin
LIB 525
June 2013
Professor Quast
Azusa Pacific University

1. Why are some reference materials more efficient and

effective than the Internet?
Today all of the information found in reference materials can be
found online in some shape or form. The question of which
sources are more efficient and effective is an important one as
students are constantly having more options opened up to them.
In the old days, not so long ago, students would seek their
information from the textbooks their teachers would provide
them or from the books in the library. Todays students have a far
greater selection of information via the internet but that does not
mean theses sources are necessarily better and students need
the tools to evaluate how good sources are before using them.
The whole process by which printed materials go through means
that information is checked by several people before it goes to
print and sale. The same cannot be said for online sources. It is
also much easier for students to find out information about the
author of printed materials while this can be very tricky with
many online sources. Students looking at online sites are very
likely to find examples of plagiarism and quotations that are
unclearly marked. This is far less common in printed reference
There are some great web sites and online databases that
students can access for information but there are also many

unqualified as well as partisan individuals uploading information

on to the web whereas printed reference materials would
generally be written by qualified individuals whose work is known
and respected.
2. What measures could Ken take to assure the use of all
reference sources?
a) By teachers?
First of all it is key that Ken realise the importance of
collaborating with teachers. I would recommend that he not wait
for teachers but should take the initiative of introducing them to
the library sources in general through offering to help with
projects. He needs to get teachers to realise that he is there to
help and that one of the main ways he can help is through the
reference sources available in the library. At first he may have to
pull resources for the teacher who may need them either for
prepping for a class or to pass on to their students. Once the
teacher sees that there are good reference materials in the
library Ken could then offer to help the teacher and their
students learn the best ways to use the library for reference
sources. It would be a good move for Ken to know the subject
curriculum so that the teacher would feel more confident about
using his services and the librarys. Book acquisitions that were

directly connected to curriculums would also go a long way in

getting teachers to use library reference sources.
b) By students?
The first thing I would recommend to Ken is that he makes
himself as known to the students as possible. Visibility is
important. Not only should you work out your schedule to include
curriculum planning meetings or other important committees in
the school, you need to be spotted at and involved with sporting
events, concerts, festivals, plays(Johns, 2008). He needs to
really be a part of the school community instead of just hidden
away amongst the bookshelves of the library. Students will feel
far less wary of entering the school library to look for information
or ask for reference help from the librarian.
Promotion is also extremely important. Ken could really get kids
interested in what the library has to offer if they know exactly
what is there is. A great way of doing this is through having a
great website. This is great for promoting novels and such but
can also be a great way of promoting reference sources that may
be available through the library such as databases and reference
books. Book displays and poster campaigns are a great way at
building hype and awareness. When Ken knows the curriculum
and what assignments are going to be given to students he could
tie in displays and bulletin boards to specific topics or subjects.

Through collaboration with the teacher the students can learn

research strategies and reference sources through library classes
specifically arranged to help with research projects.
c) By administrators?
Communication and collaboration are the keys when it comes to
working with the administration. They need to know that the
librarian is working with students and teachers in order to see
the benefits of the library programme and to see the importance
of investing in reference materials. Ken should work with
administrators so that resources are always updated so as to
support instruction. A Library Media Specialist is a
communicator. They talk, email, and share with administrators,
teachers, students, parents, and community members. They
communicate about how the library media program directly
relates to the vision of the school (Harvey, 2009) The library
also serves the needs of administration in a more direct way as it
can be used for professional development. Ken should definitely
promote the available resources to administration. He could send
emails, set up professional book displays and offer assistance
and information literacy training to all stakeholders students,
teachers, parents and of course administration.

3. Describe specifically what you would do to employ the use

of all types of references sources. Be specific, taking it
There is no doubt that students and staff need to be taught the
importance of using a variety of sources when doing
assignments. The process of accessing, evaluating and validating
sources is more important than ever now there is such a
proliferation of information out there.
To ensure the use of all types of reference sources it is firstly
extremely important that the sources available can do two
things. One, ensure that the demands of the school curriculum
can be met and Two that they and the library program support
the school mission.
The first step therefore is to work with administration in coming
up with a budget that covers the needs of the school library in
achieving these goals. Libraries need funding and students and
staff need a wide range of reference resources, both online and
The key to library success is through working with teachers. The
second step therefore is to approach teachers and let them know
that you are there as a support network for them and their
students. If teachers are going to set projects they should know

of all the reference resources that are available and how you can
work with their students in retrieving the best information.
To do both of the first steps it is essential to know the curriculum
of the subject you are planning to help. It should really be
discussed with teachers and administration that the use of the
library is included in curriculum planning and outlines of work.
Once the teacher is onside it is important to set up class
schedules in order to teach research skills to the students. It is
important to go through all of the variety of suitable resources
available to students while teaching them to be information
literate. This should include both physical and online materials.

Johns, S. K. (2008). What can teacher-librarians do to promote their work and the

school library media program? offensive formula: P+M=A. Teacher Librarian, 36(2), 3031. Retrieved from

II Harvey, C. (2009). The 21st century elementary library media program. Santa Barbara, CA:

Job, A. G and Schnare M. W. (1996. Reference Work in School Library Media Centers: A Book of
Case Studies. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press.

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