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Syeda Ali

Lori Klein-Shapiro
SW 4997
5 April 2015
Reflection 5
It was necessary to behaviorally define many of the primary goals for Trent because in
this way, Janet would have not only a measure of the total category of behaviors indicative of a
given type of behavior but also measures of each specific behavior that can be easily used to
understand Trents progress throughout the program. Janet stressed not using visits with the
grandmother as a reinforcer because these connections for Trent were too important to be used as
reinforcements, the point being that she could be withheld when the targeted behaviors werent
achieved. His grandmother is seen as a primary love object. Janet pointed out that because the
provision of love should never be contingent on performance, visits with his grandmother should
not be used as reinforcers. In this case, the baseline is referred to the starting point of Trents
progress of total behaviors within categories in n weeks. The value of case consultation
received from Jos peers and her supervisor was carefully planned and thought out as they
suggested several great ideas that left Jo less confused. The problem in identifying what caused
the changes in Trents behavior is the uncertainty of whether his classroom behavior links to the
problems within the home. Trent seemed to be experiencing parallel difficulties including his
recent move to his fathers home, his separation from his mother and grandmother, and the
beginning of kindergarten. These were all major adjustments, each of which could have caused
considerable upset in Trents usual coping mechanisms. Many of Trents problems might actually
stem from the combination of all these changes rather than from a significant lack of social
skills. My primary love objects are my parents. I would negatively react to their time with me
being contingent on my performance in school by possibly blaming them for my inappropriate

behaviors or becoming upset if I did any wrong. A reinforcer is a reward for a desired response
and it differs from punishment because punishment is disciplinary action taken for an offense.
Both immediate and intermediate rewards were important for Trent because it incorporates
positive reinforcements and could help prevent problems. The potential problem involved in
having Jo observe Trent for purposes of establishing a baseline prior to the intervention and then
having the teacher and teacher aide monitor behavior after the intervention was the limited
research she would have gathered if she was observing Trent by herself versus the amount of
information she obtained from his teacher and teacher aide.
It was important for Sandy to keep the school principal and others informed about her
plans because the referrals initially came from the schools and they would be reported on the
progress of the students. The possible advantages of having a worker from the same culture as
the group members are nonbiased judgements, an understanding in communication as they will
speak the same language, no culture differences, recognizing the different meanings in eye
contact, and having many things or experiences in common. A possible disadvantage may be that
they find the worker boring and the group less interesting because of how common they are to
each other. Structure was so important in working with the group because it keeps everything
balanced and under control. If there had been less structure, Sandy would have lost control of the
group and everything would have been chaotic. By making each girl summarize what the
previous speaker said, defining the problem was achieved. Having the girls think more about
their responses instead of just trying to answer back was the skill the worker was trying to
teach. Not letting members critique ideas until everyone had finished was a prohibition because
it would deter others of the opportunity and process in getting to know each other. I think
working with the girls individually could not have achieved the same results as using the group
approach because the problem is at most external (i.e., with other group members) and is not

seen as an internal issue. It was important to have the group members discuss and vote on the
purpose of the meeting because it gave the girls a chance to work together and coordinate the
discussions and activities. The advantages of having the ability to select group members are
looking into their diverse strengths, unique qualities, and collective understanding that will work
great in the group. The advantages of closing the group and not allowing any new members to
enter were that it provided members with a sense of legitimacy as they know that the people in
the group have gone through an approval process and it provides assurance to members that
everyone in the group belongs.
Linda might have approached Reverend Sutter about discussing his child-rearing and
discipline practices by asking him several questions on what triggers his actions and how it can
be decreased without the use of religion. Linda could have educated the Sutters about
differentiating normal from dysfunctional adolescent behavior by providing informational
research on adolescents and how they behave during that stage. Adolescents should play the
primary role in the decision-making process about foster care and returning to his/her own home.
Parents and children have complete rights in determining choices about religious beliefs;
however, children may not understand the importance of religion until a later age. The state does
not have the right to interfere with the rights of parents to raise their children according to the
dictates of their church unless there is a violation of public policy or it is viewed as wrong
because religion may be more important to the family than policy as a whole. Parents decide how
they want to raise their children, not the state. Strengths that I see of Reverend Sutter and Jeannie
are that they are fully complying with the law, do want to fix the problem within the home, and
have not given up on each other. The worker might use these strengths to build a bridge between
father and daughter by reminding them and moving forward with only the positives of their
father-daughter relationship. In evaluating the success of the worker's intervention in this case, I

think she should have pulled more outside resources to help her with the Sutter family instead of
doing it alone. School staff, Jeannies friends, and individuals who regularly attend Reverend
Sutters church might help in this situation.

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