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1) Be dedicated to the well being and best interest of the players .

2) The players ALWAYS come first
3) Teach to correct errors, study and evaluate all possible ways of
a. Players learn and respond differently to different strategies
4) Must believe in our program and be a salesman to the players.
Sell the system we choose. Our players must buy in to the
program. They cant believe if you dont.
5) Promote the program in public to the community. Speak
positively of the program
6) Loyalty is CRITICAL to the success of the program
a. Be loyal to me as the Head Coach
b. Be loyal to the players
c. Defend all coaches and the program
d. Respect each other
e. Have confidence in each other
f. Honesty- We will always be honest with each other
7) Communication is key to having a successful program and staff.
Great communication eliminates 99% of the issues
8) Any and all complaints or concerns will be aired outin staff
meetings. All staff members will have an opportunity to express
their opinions during meeting. What ever we decide on the issue
as a staff is how it will be portrayed on the field.
9) Any Staff member not able to attend a meeting should notify the
head coach. Only emergencies will be excused
No tardies to practice. Coachers are to be at least 30
minutes to the start of practice. The coach is not to leave
practice until they have checked with the head coach.
Coaches will be required to attend staff meetings
throughout the year.
You are role models to the players. Set an example with
promptness and appearance.
NO staff member is to use profanity around the players. It
does not have any use within the philosophy of the program.
Certain matters will be confidential and are expected to
remain strictly among staff members. These matters should not
be discussed outside of staff meetings.
We must develop relationships with the players. They wont
care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Give personal attention to the players. Always see a player
after practice if you have been hard on him that day
Fairness (treat all players the same)

Adapt as a coach and teacher of the game
High school players are not self motivated. We will have to
motivate them most days.
You have to have a positive attitude and be motivated on a
daily basis.
Coach every rep, every play or every opportunity period.
Constant and productive feedback is great coaching.
Never make personal attacks on players
You must be dedicated and work hard. Coaching is a big
Recruit students in our school district to play football
a. Carry out duties and responsibilities with passion and
b. Take pride in your job
c. You are the head coach of you unit, position, group, player
ets. It is your job to have them prepared to compete at the
highest level.
d. Be involved with game planning and scheming
e. Be involved in our decision making
Duties as an assistant coach go beyond Xs and Os. There
are many other jobs that will be part of your duties.
a. Issuing equipment
b. Camps
c. Scouting opponents
d. Field set up
e. Coaches clinics
Dates and responsibilities will always try to be scheduled
and communicated ahead of time. However, it is impossible to
plan and account for every facet of the program. Some flexibility
will be necessary
We cannot preach dedication, dependability and
responsibility unless we are going to personally practice it as a

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