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Reflection: The Nursing Act of 1991; Protecting the Public

Maria Claudia Esquivel Vasquez
805 349 214
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning



Having the opportunity to work as a Practical or Registered nurse in any hospital, long
term facility, community home, etc., I believe is a great privilege that we should respect and not
take for granted. To be able to give the best service to others, there are certain rules in place that
must be followed as well as being mindful and able to recognize that we cannot perform certain
acts no matter how capable we may think we are. To guide nurses do this, there are various
legislations in place that help us not only protect ourselves from harm, but also protect the public
from harm. The Nursing Act of 1991 is one of the legislations that determine how the nursing
profession is regulated in Ontario. It is written with sections such as scope of practice statements
along with controlled acts authorized to nursing, provisions and regulations as well as a Quality
Assurance Program. Most importantly, it is a legislation that promotes its best interests in
protecting the public.
The nursing scope of practice and the controlled acts authorized to nursing are a great
way to not only set rules and let nurses know what they are allowed to do in their practice, but it
is also a great way to also inform the public that they too have a right to know, for example, that
nurses cannot perform such acts as setting or casting a fracture of a bone or dislocation of a
joint. If there is ever a nurse that attempts to perform a controlled act they are not entitled to, the
patient will know that they have the right to refuse treatment form that certain nurse, and in some
cases the patient will be able to report and prevent other patients from potentially being harmed.
I believe that nurses always want to do the best they can, and some might get caught up in
wanting to fully help a patient by doing things they might not be qualified to do, therefore, this
legislation is very important to keep in mind and have handy as it highlights and is a reminder of
the kind of controlled acts nurses are allowed to perform. Being fully knowledgable of what the
scope of practice statement for nurses is, and aware of the controlled acts nurses are allowed to



perform, will definitely lower the incidents in which a patient is harmed as it will lower the
chance of a nurse with good intentions from being reprimanded and from potentially losing their
Another great section in the Nursing Act of 1991 which not only has its best interests in
protecting the public but is a means for nurses to maintain and improve their competence, is the
Quality Assurance Program. It is designed to help and allow nurses to reflect on their practice
because it is based on principle that lifelong learning is essential to continuing competence.
For this program to successfully work, nurses must critically think and be honest with
themselves and their colleagues to be able to improve their practice. I like that this is a
mandatory program for every general and extended class of nurses as anyone could be audited at
any time and this encourages nurses to always be alert of their daily practice, and to hopefully
take the time to reflect at the end of their shift on what they could have done better, or keep in
mind an action they and/or their colleagues thought was a great way of dealing with a patient.
Reflecting and having goals to be better or how nurses can improve an assessment, controlled act
or therapeutic communication will ensure that there are always competent individuals working in
any health care facility.
I am glad that I have chosen a career path that will encourage me to always be alert and
want to have as much knowledge as possible to be able to help those that are in need to the best
of my abilities, and to the best of what I am allowed to perform in my practice. Having such
practices, regulations and provisions in place are beneficial to the health care environment and
health care system because it ensures that nurses and anyone in health care are always striving to
be the best and are always improving to make sure that there is no unnecessary harm done to the
public or to themselves. The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) assures the public that nurses



are competent and held accountable for their actions by encouraging colleagues to report any
behaviour that is not considered beneficial and/or therapeutic in nature. Also, if there is evidence
of anyone not respecting the scope of practice statement or acting in an ill manner towards a
patient(s) they will have a discipline hearing and if found guilty, their name will be posted on the
CNO section- Protect the Public under discipline decisions. Having this in place is helpful as
employers can and are encouraged to use the Find a Nurse section before hiring a prospective
nurse, which in turn is beneficial to the health care system and environment by filtering those
who do not respect the rules and those who might not have the publics best interest.



Service Ontario Elaws. (1991). Nursing act, 1991. Retrieved from
College of Nurses of Ontario. (2014). Quality assurance program: Overview. Retrieved

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