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Case Study:

Creedence Bushert-Gonzales

a. Name: A.B
b. Age: 3yrs
c. Race, ancestry: White
d. Gender: Female


Information Source

I used 2 sources the 2-3 years old Mile Stone and The Arizona Early Childhood Standards. I
also sat and talked with dad and the other teachers and asked a few questions through
informal interview about her social life at home and at school and her time spent with other
children, adults and animals.
I used completely focused on the natural observations on the child and developmental
progress that she has made over the semesters, I also made daily notes and observed areas
that were initially missed, I quickly adapted the lesson plan to help A.B. by developing and
planning appropriate activities that correspond to the Arizona Early Learning Standards that
target specific domains that needed strengthening.

Background Information
a. A.B is a 3 year old child that is living with a single father, she is dropped off by
her father in the morning before dad works a 12 hour job. The social development
she receives is during a 2 hour period in preschool classroom with 15 other
children. She learned to develop positive relationships with her peers and she is

able to hold short verbal conversations of more than 30 minutes with her
classmates and teachers. Her mom was a teacher for first grade until she passed
away. Her father is a nurse at a hospital, he took classes at a University to become
a nurse.
b. A.B likes to play in all the centers with her classmates, she mentions that she
learns math, reading, and spelling at home and has games that incorporate
learning. In response to this statement, I have incorporated some challenging
activities in math, reading, and spelling such as multiplying in math, reading a
small chapter book to her dad, spelling her name, fill in the missing letters, and
rhyming words. I would ask her to multiply these numbers together 11 x 3 =?
she would think for a minute to count and then answer 33. A.B would take her
time filling out the packets that the teacher would provide for her.
c. A.B displays affection to peers and adults by frequently saying good morning and
hugs; she arrives in the morning and greets everyone by name. She would
recognize when friends are absent and asks why B.G not here, is he sick? As
the children are sitting down for breakfast, she would ask D.A if he can sit next to
her. When it is time for circle time the teacher would ask A.B which center do
you want to be in and she would respond to the teacher I want to be in the
Dramatic center area please. A.B would take turns playing Doctor with one of
her classmates by asking L.J if she wanted to be a doctor for the day. A.B would
move to another center to let her classmates have a turn. When it was time to
clean up and get ready for lunch I saw that A.B did not want to clean up for lunch
she made a sad face and turned to clean up where she was. A.B said Are we

going to be able to play in the centers again? I responded Yes, A.B we will after
we go outside and play on the equipment outside. She noticed that one of her
friends has a sad face and was crying, A.B went to her and asked her L.S what is
wrong? L.S responded as A.B helped her up from the floor, I did not have a
chance to play in the art area. A.B said It is okay L.S we can ask Miss. Jen if we
can play in the art area when we come back from outside.
d. I observed A.B cognitive Milestone, A.B develops quickly learning different sizes
of an object, time sequences where she knows when it is time to clean up or when
it is time for lunch. A.B Language milestone development improved by practicing
at home with her father, she uses 5 more letter words in a phrase by asking the
teacher if she needs help. A.B shows her social and emotional milestone by
making sure her classmates are doing well, she would ask if her friend wants a
turn in the dramatic area; A.B moves around the room independently without any
assistance from the teacher; she would be curious about what the other children
are doing in the different centers by asking her peers what they are doing. A.B
physical milestone improved when learning how to use scissors to cut a paper; she
learned how to balance on one foot while counting. A.B continues to learn when
she is given a challenging task or a challenge.

Developmental Performance
a. A.B is a very social independent child she demonstrates her respect towards her
classmates, adults and environment. She is very eager to learn new ideas,
material, and activities that are provided. When A.B goes to another center she is
willing to try out new things that she can do to challenge herself. When A.B

becomes frustrated doing a activity she would attempt to try it again, if she gets
more frustrated she would move on to another activity and come back to it later.
She handles her frustration by explaining why she is frustrated, she does not yell
or throw items. A.B will express her frustrations and say I do not understand or
this activity is too hard, can I come back to this activity later?
b. I have requested to use certain material such as technology, books, more activities
in the class to help assist in her developmental learning, and to stimulate more
challenges such as cognitive learning, social and emotional learning, language and
physical learning. After observing A.B interests in math and science I found ways
to incorporate more activities in math and science by adding an animal tank of
different insects in one; also I have added a small cage for a hamster or a bunny
rabbit. I observed A.B would go over to the small tank with a magnifying glass
and name all the insects that are in the tank. Her peers would see what she is
doing they would go over and participate in learning about the different insects
that are in the tank.
c. After observing A.B behavior around her classmates, and teachers; I observed that
she respectful to her peers by asking if classmate is doing well, she would ask
questions when she gets frustrated. I saw A.B ask her friend if they want to play
in the center? She would let her classmates take her spot in the centers and
would move onto another activity. A.B ask one of the teacher if she can play an
activity on the computer or on the smart board. After observing A.B milestones I
decided to ask to add more activities for the smart board to make the activities
more challenging for A.B. After finding more challenging activities when

observing A.B I found this to be my way to incorporate kindergarten activities

and lessons in the classroom.

Conclusion and Recommendations

a. I saw that A.B was really respectful towards her peers, she does not have any
problems getting along with her peers or the teachers. I notice that she does get
very bored very quickly when she is finished with an assignment I do give her
other things to work on around the classroom such as asking her to help her
friends with writing or spelling. She likes to go to the math and science to look at
the insects I introduced the hamster to the classroom she would go over and pick
up the hamster and hold it while sitting down. She is always happy and excited to
come to class to learn. When her father would come and pick her up she is very
happy to see him. She makes sure all of her friends are here and learning with her,
if one of her classmates are sick she would ask to make a get well card for them.
When it is time for lunch she would ask a friend that she has not sat next to yet to
come and sit next to her. When A.B is in the centers she would take turns with her
friends to play doctor or nurse. She is always smiling and laughing with her
classmates when she hears stories. She is willing to learn and participate in all of
the activities even if she does not understand she would come back to the activity.
Overall I see her moving up to kindergarten and making more friends at the end
of the school year.
b. My recommendation when A.B is in the classroom is to start her on Kindergarten
work. I would go talk to a kindergarten teacher for advice on what to give A.B to
make the activities more challenging. I would make more packets that correspond

to the day to day lessons but making it advance so she can learn new words. I
would send home packets for her to do, such as math, spelling, and reading. I
would continue making more of the activities more challenging so she can learn
more. I would make lesson plans based on her abilities and what her weaknesses
are then incorporate it into the classroom. I asked one of the teachers if she can
work one on one to give her challenging activities. I asked my supervisor if she
can test her to see where she is at and if she is at a kindergarten level I can have
one of the teachers work with her on kindergarten work.
c. After meeting with dad and expressing A.B needs to have more challenging work
for her to do around the house to keep her from becoming bored and not having
anything to do. Dad agreed to take her grocery shopping with him when he goes
to the store and have her write down the items and the prices of the items on a
note pad. Also I asked dad to sit down with her every night before bed to have her
read to him; or go to the library to pick out some books for her to read to him. I
encourage dad to come into the classroom when he can make the time to sit down
and have lunch or breakfast with her and her friends. I told dad that she was
working on a kindergarten level activities in the classroom and her homework is
packets of multiplication, reading a small chapter book, and spelling items from in
the house or when they are driving.

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