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8th Grade Nonfiction Syllabus

Mrs. Brown
Byhalia Middle School Email Address:
Purpose of the Class: As a common form of writing that people encounter on a daily basis, it is important for students to
learn how to engage, comprehend, and analyze nonfiction writing, which ranges from essays, opinion pieces, memoirs,
biographies, articles, and speeches. This class will provide the skills needed for students to develop the abilities to
understand and produce these types of written works as they prepare for high school, college, and future careers. Over the
course of the next year, the students will:
Read famous biographies.
Write an autobiography of their life.
Evaluate opinions presented in articles.
Participate in debates that allow them to present their opinions.
Research social issues and write a paper on their findings.
Analyze persuasive techniques in speeches and create their own.
Cite secondary sources in their research as support for their ideas.
Compose text-based responses to articles and essays.
Classroom Expectations:
1) Rules: The following rules will be in place in the classroom and must be followed at all times.
1. RAISE your hand and WAIT to be called on to speak or to stand.
2. Keep all hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
3. Follow all directions first time given.
4. No eating or drinking in class.
2) Consequences: The consequences listed below will be issued if students are not following the rules listed above.
1. Warning
2. Copy Assignment
3. Loss of Indian Bucks
4. Silent Lunch
5. Behavior Training
6. Office Referral
***Severity Clause: The teacher reserves the right to skip to any consequence on the ladder or to call home if
Grading Policy
Students assignments will be graded according to the scale listed below. I will be posting grades on a weekly basis, and
progress reports will be sent home with students every two weeks.
Grading Scale:
A = 93-100
B = 85-92
C = 78-84
D = 70-77
F = 69 and below
Supply List
Students will be required to provide a composition notebook that will only be used for this class. In addition to the
notebook, they will need a writing utensil (pen or pencil) for class each day. Students may bring packs of copy paper for 5
extra credit points.
Tardy Policy
Students will enter the classroom silently and respectfully. If a student comes to class after the door has been closed, then
they will receive a tardy. After three tardies, the student will receive behavior training.

Bathroom Policy
Students will not be allowed to use the bathroom during class. They will have a break every 55 minutes that will provide
time for them to use the restroom and get a drink of water if necessary. Students will be given one bathroom pass per nine
weeks to use in the case of an emergency. This pass should be used wisely because they will only receive one pass for all
of their 8th grade classes.
Bell Ringer Policy
Bell Ringers will be on the board daily and must be completed upon the first 5 minutes of entering the classroom.
Students should be working on the Bell Ringer as soon as they pick up their materials for the period, sit in their desk, and
pull out their folder for the day. Be mindful that you will have a Bell Ringer EVERY SINGLE DAY to start class! The
point of Bell Ringers in our class is to help you practice answering multiple choice questions that you will encounter on
your assessments. Also, remember that every single Bell Ringer will be worth a grade. I will check students Bell Ringer
sheet each week and give them a grade for completing all of them.
Homework Assignment Notebook
Students will be asked to provide a three-ring spiral notebook, which will be used to record homework assignments in
their classes. Homeroom teachers will be monitoring and ensuring that students are using the notebook on a weekly basis.
This notebook will instill organizational skills into the students and assist them in tracking their assignments.
Handbook Policies
Uniform, cell phone, and other electronics violations will be dealt with according to the rules and regulations in the
student handbook.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please sign the clause below and return this syllabus to class by August 15, 2014. Students will receive a class assignment
grade for returning this slip.
Student Behavior Clause:
I, ___________________________, give my word to show respect, honesty, and responsibility toward my classmates, my
teacher, and myself at all times. If I have a problem with my grade, an assignment, a rule, something the teacher says, or
anything else, I will respectfully bring it to the teachers attention. I realize that I will get as much out of this class as I put
into it. I also realize that if I participate in class, complete all assignments, and ask for help as needed, I should have no
problem earning a good grade.
To the Parent:
Please read through this syllabus and review it with your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
We have read and reviewed the 8th Grade Nonfiction syllabus:
___________________________________ (Student Signature/Date)
___________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature/Date)

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