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Fall Semester Grades Check-In

Initial Discussion:
1. How do you feel last semester went academically?
2. Walk me through how/why you earned the final grades that you did
3. What are some of the implications of your GPA? (Family, other
organizations, future career goals)
4. How do you feel about your course load and extra curricular
involvement for the upcoming semester?
5. What steps will you take in order to ensure you receive above a 3.0?
6. In what ways can I help point out resources and hold you
Future Follow Up:
What I will do:
-Pass along any resources I think will be helpful
-Prompt a similar conversation around midterms to check-in and right
before finals
What I would like you to do:
-Create an academic action plan including the following
*3 things you will do differently this semester than last semester
*Set a goal for each class you are taking. (I.e. complete all extra
credit assignments, miss less than 2 classes, pull no all nighters)
*Give me a copy (by our next 1:1) and place your copy
somewhere you look at often
-Discuss any academic concerns as early as possible so I can help you
create an action plan
-Share if you feel overwhelmed or stressed out about school, SAC, or

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