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Amber Karim

Graduation project paper

March 24, 2014
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and harmful affects of drinking while pregnant
Abusing alcohol during pregnancy is very dangerous because it pre-disposes
the fetus to potentially developing fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). There is no safe
amount of alcohol to consume during pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome causes growth
and mental retardation, symptoms of alcohol withdrawal in newborns and challenged
learning abilities in children michele. There is no cure for fetal alcohol syndrome.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder in which the fetus is negatively affected by
the mothers consumption of alcohol. These effects can consist of many physical
abnormalities such as, wide set and narrow eyes, smaller eye openings and flattened
cheekbones. Children with FAS usually have abnormally larger folds of skin near the
inner corner of the eye called an epicanthal fold. It is normal for a child with FAS to wear
glasses due to abnormalities of the corneas and pupils; this is because the optic nerve
does not fully develop.
Mothers who drink during the first trimester endanger their baby of developing a
severe case of fetal alcohol syndrome. The first trimester is when the brain is developing;
when alcohol is present during this stage the connections in the babys brain do not
develop. During the second and third trimesters, the babys central nervous system is
greatly affected by alcohol use. During any stage in pregnancy including the earlier
stages when the mother does not even know that she is pregnant, alcohol can cause harm
the fetus.

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Developmental health problems worsen as the child grows into adulthood Issues
concerning an adult with fetal alcohol syndrome include troubles with the law and
inability to live independently. The life of an adult with fetal alcohol syndrome is difficult
especially if they have suffered from neurodevelopmental disorders (associated with
FAS); This consists of behavioral and emotional problems that they would live with for
the rest of their lives. Many adults with this issue start psychiatric care or therapy in their
younger years. Common behavioral and emotional problems appear as stubbornness,
inability to succeed, hyperactivity, social withdrawal, anxiety, concentration problems
and poor memory; these problems can be helped by extensive education, therapy, training
for parents, and teachers who care kidshealth.
There are many treatment necessities for a child with FAS, some of which require
a stable home environment because children with FAS tend to be more sensitive to
change than other children. It is also important to keep these children in non-abusive
households because it is important for them to be taught how to control their anger and
frustration. It is necessary for a child with FAS to be involved in special educational
services to fit their specific needs and learning style so the child may reach their full
learning potential. Pediatricians and many other mental and physical health professionals
provide proper care and often, medications to help these children accomplish every-day
tasks. Part of psychological treatment may include friendship training that involves
learning how to socialize with other children. Children with FAS have different ways of
responding to normal parenting practices; therefore, parents need to be informed about
how to cope with their childs disabilities. Therapists offer parent training or special

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classes; these sessions or classes can be offered as a group to help the parents learn from
each other and hear about other experiences. There are many creative treatments available
that can be more appealing to parents and children and can be beneficial in fun and
helpful ways; these treatments include animal-assisted therapy, acupuncture and
acupressure, massage, yoga exercises, and creative art therapy. There are also types of
relaxation therapy that are mainly for children who have sleep problems and anxiety.
Fetal alcohol syndrome represents the most severe end of fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders. Fetal death is the most extreme outcome of drinking during pregnancy.
Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder or ARND involves problems with behavior
and learning. People with ARND might do poorly in school and have difficulties with
math, memory, attention, judgment, and poor impulse control. Alcohol-related birth
defects also known as ARBD include issues with the heart, kidneys, bones, hearing or a
mix of these. Fetal alcohol syndrome can consist of both ARND and ARBD and many
other birth defects fasdcenter.
There is no safe amount of alcohol to consume during pregnancy because there is
no exact amount that is known to cause birth defects. All women process alcohol
differently, but other factors vary the results such as the mothers age, consumption during
certain trimesters, how often the mother ingests alcohol and if the mother eats with the
alcohol. Chronic alcohol use results in more extreme cases of FAS (FAE and ARND)
occur only with occasional or binge drinking mchb.
When a mother consumes alcohol the fetus receives a much greater concentration
and it takes longer to pass through the fetus system than the mothers system. This

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happens because alcohol passes through the placental barrier very easily and the fetus is
not able to eliminate alcohol as fast as the mother can. After alcohol enters placental
barrier it enters the fetus bloodstream through the umbilical cord. Binge drinking is
considered four or more drinks in about two hours; this is especially harmful to the fetus
and can result in death of the fetus.
There are far more severe issues with drinking during pregnancy. Many women
dont realize the fatal consequences of fetal alcohol syndrome. Drinking while pregnant
can result in abnormal heart structure, premature delivery, miscarriage, failure to thrive,
infant death, and potentially stillbirth.
Alcohol is a leading cause of birth defects. Alcohol produces by far the most
serious neurobehavioral effects to the fetus. As shown in the chart below alcohol causes
more damage to the fetus than tobacco and amphetamines.

The harm of alcohol on

the fetus compared to
other drugs
Harmful affects




Growth deficiency




Behavior problems



Developmental delay


Facial abnormalities


Physical defects



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In the United States approximately 40,000 babies are born with FASD (fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders) in one year (fasdcenter). One in thirteen pregnant women in
the United States drink ( The highest rate of alcohol usage occurs in pregnant
women between the ages of thirty-five to forty-four ( and about eighteen
percent of women drink during the first stages of pregnancy (samhsa). The data shown in
the pie chart below is taken from a total of thirty states and New York City; this data was
contributed in years 2009 and 2010. This data shows a massive number of women who
consume alcohol while pregnant (approximately half of those women are above the age
of thirty).

percentage of pregnant women who consume alcohol

19 years or younger


20 to 24


30 to 34

35 years or older


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There are many organizations created to help parents and children FASD get the
help they need. Organizations such as NOFAS help parents find ways to get their children
help, and also to find support groups for the parent who may not fully understand the
seriousness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders samhsa.
There is only one way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome and that is avoiding
alcohol during pregnancy and before trying to become pregnant because there is no safe
amount of alcohol to drink. It is also wise to consider giving up alcohol during all
childbearing years. In conclusion women should not the use alcohol during pregnancy
because it pre-disposes the fetus to potentially developing fetal alcohol syndrome.

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