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Hallelujah Chorus Listening Lesson!

Joseph C Kim !
- Texture -!


At the end of thus lesson, students will be able to identify different textures (monophony,
homophony, and polyphony) of a music by listening with an accuracy of 80%!

During this lesson, students will encounter: listening to and describing music, reading musical
map and making gestural representation of different textures (visual).!


1. Briefly review terms learned during last class:!
Monophony: Music with a single part
Homophony: Music with two or more parts
creating harmony !
Polyphony: Music with more than one part
(simultaneous notes)!

I. Prepare

2. While T plays a song with three different

textures learned on the piano, Ss!
Monophony: Make a gesture with a finger!
Homophony: Make a gesture with two fingers!
Polyphony: Make a gesture with both hands!

1. Play a recording of the Hallelujah Chorus by
II. Listen & Identify

G.F. Handel!
2. Class discussion:!
How did Handel vary texture throughout the

1. Listen again!
III. Participate / Process

Pull up the musical map!

While listening, S show three different gestures!

1. Pairing:!
Pair with a student seating next to you and
come up with 3 reasons why composers use
IV. Question / Response / Information

various textures in a music.!

2. Class discussion:!
Pairs share with the class.!

1. Listen without gesture or the musical map to
V. Listen Again

allow students to hear and identify different

textures individually and internally.!

1. Listen to another movement in the Messiah or

VI. Connect

to another song and have S show three


different gestures.

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