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Philosophy of Nursing

NURS 300- Introduction to Theories and Concepts I

NURS 431- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student to rediscover his or her personal
philosophy of nursing as it exists upon the completion of the baccalaureate nursing program.
Student Approach to Assignment
Reflecting upon my personal philosophy is a crucial part of my transition to becoming a
new nurse graduate. Personal philosophy dictates day-to-day nursing action and reaction. My
goal is to become a critical care nurse. In critical care there is an alarming amount of moral and
family dilemmas. End-of-life care is incredibly difficult for some families to discuss. It can be
even harder on the bedside nurse to see these patients suffer and, in some cases, pass away.
Withdrawing life-saving care is another potential issue that critical care nurses face on a day-today basis. When I approached this assignment, I wanted to be truthful and reflective. I was able
to incorporate nursing theorists whom Ive been writing about for the past three years. It was
definitely a great way to tie together three years of nursing education.
Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio
This required portfolio assignment shows my growth in understanding the depth and
breadth of nursing practice as I develop the framework that will guide my career.
The following program objectives are highlighted:
Critical Thinking
Uses nursing and other appropriate theories and models to guide professional practice
Example: In this reflective paper, I discussed how nursing theorists and their works,
have affected my nursing practice. Florence Nightingale and Dorothea Orem were
two of such theorists who subconsciously guide my practice. For example,
Nightingale discusses the importance of having a clean healing environment.
Whenever I enter a patients room I always tidy up. In this paper, I reflected upon my
assumptions of nurses in the relationship of the client and nurse, the community and
nurse and finally other healthcare professionals and the nurse.
Articulates the values of the profession and the role of the nurse as member of the
interdisciplinary health care team
Example: In this reflective paper, I described how nurses are an instrumental member
of the interdisciplinary health care team. I described how, as nurses, we are required
to be leaders but also need to take orders. Nurses delegate responsibilities to other

members of the health care, while simultaneously taking orders from nurse managers
and physicians. Meanwhile, nurses must also advocate for patients.
Applies an ethical decision-making framework and legal guidelines to clinical situations
that incorporate moral concepts, professional ethics, and advocacy for patient well-being
and preferences
Example: In this reflective paper, I described the American Nurses Associations
Standards of Practice. Furthermore, I discussed how these standards affect my day-today bedside care. In this paper, I describe the nursing process and how I utilize it in a
clinical setting. The nursing process then guides my clinical practice. I reviewed the
nursing process and deliberated how I utilize these concepts in patient care.
Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions
Example: In this reflective paper, I reflected on the nurse-client relationship. I
discussed the importance of culturally competent care. Furthermore, I discussed how
my inexperience leads to inaction occasionally. To remedy this behavior, I reviewed
how to solve the problem. I have to become more culturally competent. In this paper,
I discussed resources for new nurse graduates for patient-centered culturally
competent care. As a male nurse, Ive had to perform nursing interventions for
specific cultures to maintain a professional relationship. For example, Ive had Asian
female patients. When performing bed baths and assessment I ensure all proper
privacy measures are taken.

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