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Faith Knaus

9034 Star St. NW

Los Angeles CA 12526

March 8, 2015

Xi Jinping
Zhongnanhai, Xi Chang'an Jie
Beijing 100017

Dear President Jinping;

I am very concerned about the rather cruel rule of the One Child Policy in China. What I have found in my
research is that the policy allows women to have only one child. The reasoning is to control Chinas enormous
population and keep the spending rate down in China. Saying that the policy is just for the two reasons just
listed doesnt seem too bad but the effects that the policy has had on your country is more severe.

This policy has gotten out of hand due to most of China being biased towards males. I understand that males
are more likely to carry on the family name and work. This causes more and more chinese infant girls to be
abandoned, given up for adoption and even aborted before birth. The number of boys in China is way larger
than the amount of girls. In the future when these men need to marry someone will there be enough women?
This has a huge impact, or will in the future on the Chinese peoples social lives.

The main problems that have come out of the One Child Policy above are a few of many. The policy has been
in act for about thirty years now and has helped with the population and money in China. Now that its been
going on for quite some time, I feel as if its doing more harm than good.

Faith Knaus

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