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United States relations with Mexico

In the beginning, although the United States passed protective laws

which included Mexico and Latin America, such as the Monroe Doctrine,
(1883) (Meyer,1981) which said the monarchies of the East should not
attempt to regain what was lost in land from the republics of Mexico and
Latin America. When the Eastern monarchies did try to regain what was lost,
the United States did nothing to enforce the Monroe Doctrine, which left
Mexico and Latin America a little puzzled on why the Monroe Doctrine was
even passed and instituted.
Also, the United States itself went to war against Mexico (1813-1884)
and appropriated half of Mexico. (Meyer, 1981) it seems that as time went
on, not only will the illegal alien regain the land which belonged to Mexico,
a few states have given the illegal immigrant the right to vote, which will
start to cause the splintering of America, with certain ethnic groups claiming
the right to self governing as in Russia. This then will cause the disintegration
of America as we know it. This regaining of land is called the Hispanization of
America ( Meyer, 1981).
According to Raymundo Riva Palacio, correspondent for the Mexico
City, Excelsior the Hispanization of America has already begun, apparently
counties, in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and California are returning to what
they were before: Mexican lands. He added: No U.S. immigration laws, as

presently conceived, will change the Hispanization of the Southwest (Evans,

It seems that according to Immigration and Naturalization Service,
between two and three thousand illegal immigrants daily cross the border in
San Diego, County, California. Some are captured and set free while there
are many that escape. If an alien fails to appear at a deportation hearing , he
or she can be deported absentia and disqualified from gaining entry for five
years.( Evans, 1998). The INS, however, has trouble knowing who is
released and who is a flight risk.
So, the thousands of illegal immigrants put a strain on the U.S. welfare
and health care programs. The United States has the most liberal
immigration policy in the world. With illegals added the national budget is
under quite a strain. Congressional laws make these illegal immigrants
eligible for several kinds of welfare, as well as for educational and health
care programs. Opposition to the illegal immigrants cannot be dismissed with
charges of racism and other buzz words to scare off debate (Evans, 1998).
Seeing that Congress has not given the Border Patrols proper
authorization to enforce the immigration laws. They (Congress) instead
provided amnesty to over three million illegal immigrants already here,
which made them legal. This caused the three million legal immigrants to
bring in children and parents, bringing the grand total to nine million

immigrants, placing more stress on the national budget and job

market( Evans, 1998).
Not only does illegal immigration hurt the U.S. economy, also a
question arises. Is Mexico really our friend or is it our enemy? The U.S.A. may
find itself in a economic war which it cannot win, if the flow of illegal
immigrants isnt stopped. To further show the harm that illegal immigrants
are doing to America. Americans must also consider what it cost the states to
provide support for the illegal immigrant. In California alone in 1994 a study
was conducted, then governor Pete Wilson discovered that, in
unemployment, medical, educational and other services, the cost was more
than 4 billion dollars annually. This caused California to pass Proposition 187,
which passed in the wake of the study, Proposition 187 kept the illegal
immigrant from receiving most public benefits, including education, but was
overturned by the courts in 1998 (Hayes, 2002).
Hayes also explains, in California and Arizona, thousands of illegal
Mexican work six months in one state while collecting unemployment in the
other and then move to the second to collect unemployment from the first.
The U.S. Border Patrol is undermanned. In 1998, while supporters of the
Patrol in Congress were calling for a fourfold increase, the White House
budget proposed for fiscal 1999 contained no money at all for additional
agents (2002).

With costs over 4 billion dollars for unemployment ,medical,

educational and other services, in California alone, a financial crisis looms.
The other 50 states are facing the same or more costs annually, just from the
thousands of illegal immigrants and at times from the decisions of U.S.
courts. Some Americans ask how this country can survive under this
enormous burden.
When the Europeans arrived in America they quickly assimilated into
our economy. However, the Illegal immigrants do not. Instead of assimilating,
they send millions of dollars home, effectively boosting the Mexican
economy instead. The Mexican government appears to have little regard for
the United States. Vicente Fox, the newly elected president of Mexico,
flagrantly campaigned for Mexican votes in Southern California among legal
and illegal Mexicans and at his first press conference called for unrestricted
labor migration into the United States (Hayes, 2002). This then brings up
the question once again: Is Mexico really our friend? At this time, the U.S.
does not have complete control of its borders. The last time this was the
case, President Dwight Eisenhower, faced with large numbers of Mexicans
crossing the Rio Grande illegally, sent troops to the Mexican border. In six
months Operation Wetback ended the problem (Hayes, 2002).
One thing which might stem the tide of illegal immigrants is reform of
current immigration laws and the enforcement thereof. Some Americans
believe such controls are lacking. Some people favor illegal immigration and

bring all they can bear against the immigration laws now in place, or they
use politicians who also stand behind illegal immigration. Case in point, we
might date the abandonment from INS raids in Georgia during the Vidalia
onion harvest in 1998, which caused large numbers of illegal immigrants
knowingly hired by the farmers (Krikorian, 2010)
To abandon the fields to avoid arrest, by the end of the week, both the
states senators and three congressmen had sent an outraged letter to
Washington complaining that the INS does not understand the needs of
Americas farmers, and that was the end of that (Krikorian, 2010). At every
turn where the INS tries something to stem the flow of the illegal immigrants,
someone or some attempts to tie the hands of the INS so it can not function
as it should. Many believe this misguided thinking could bring about, as
stated earlier the Hispanization of America.
Not only does the tying of the INS hands increase the number of illegal
immigrants, it is also a haven for all sorts of terrorist who gain entry into
the United States through US/Mexico borders. One example is Iraqi born
smuggler George Tajirian, who pled guilty in 2001 to forging an alliance with
a Mexican immigration officer to smuggle Palestinian, Jordanian, Syrian, Iraqi,
Yemeni, and other illegal immigrants through Mexico and into the United
States ( Kirkorian, 2010).
As well, the illegal immigrants cause a problem by crossing U.S.
borders by the thousands. The fact remains smugglers, not only smuggle

illegal immigrants, they also bring in illegal narcotics, which the Border patrol
has seized about 1.2 billion in narcotics ( INS Statistical Yearbook 1996).
The increased crackdown, especially on the Mexican migrants, makes
crossing the border riskier, which fuels the growing use of smugglers.
Immigrants rights groups charge that the new crackdown, dubbed Operation
Gatekeeper, is increasing demand for smugglers and putting more migrants
at peril. An estimated 800 have perished since 2000 ( Sanchez. 2002, 17
LeMay, 2004).
Upon closer inspection, the reason there are 800 or more illegal
immigrants according to Samuel Francis, is because Mexico wants its own
population to invade the United States partly to get rid of what it considers
excess people, partly because it regards, unofficially, the southwestern
United States as still Mexican, and partly because, as Mexican leaders have
openly stated in the past, Mexicans in the United States can build a fifth
column that the compadres in Mexico City can manipulate to their
Furthermore Mexicos refusal to staunch its own demographic
overflow tells us something else as well (Francis,2002) So, as stated above,
about Operation Gatekeeper , 800 plus illegal immigrants , have died, since
the illegal immigrants are now forced to cross at more dangerous points
along the Rio Grande river, all due to Mexicos unconcern for its own people

According to Duncan Hunter, a United States representative from the

52nd District of California. Its all to obvious that America is under threat
because its land borders are largly porous and unprotected. In response (in
2006), Congress passed, and the President signed into law, legislation calling
for the construction of those 854 miles of border fencing along the
U.S./Mexico border. Despite this legislation mandate by the U.S. Congress,
the Department of Homeland Security recently announced its intention to
build only 370 miles of fencing along the border, not the 854 miles required
by the legislation.
When San Diego County, CA, built fencing between the U.S. and Mexico
in 1966, the smuggling of people and narcotics had dropped drastically,
crime rates have been reduced by half, according to FBI statistics vehicle
drug drive throughs have been eliminated and apprehensions have
decreased as the results of fewer crossings ( Hunter,2002).
A new program called Secure Communities, where finger prints
collected by police departments across America are shared with the FBI, to
detain and deport illegal immigrants held on criminal charges will be put in
effect nationwide, in 2013 ( The New York Times, November 2010).

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