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Teacher Candidate Rylee Slesk Grade Level 2nd Title: Adaptations
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors:

21 Students: 12 Girls and 9 boys

ELL Students and WIDA Level:
David: WIDA 4
Suri: WIDA 4
Jose: WIDA 3
Students with IEP:
Savannah- SPED and Speech
Advanced Student:
Jaxon-Advanced in all subjects
Behavioral Students:
Anthony has ADD. He REALLY struggles to stay in his seat. He constantly has to be doing something. If
he is at his desk, his hands are playing with things in his desk, he has his legs on his desk, he will crawl under
his desk etc. When he is at the rug, he will roll around and lay down. Simply, he just cannot sit still.
Jaxon feels very entitled, as well as has ADD. He has to always be right and only does what he puts his mind
to. He has a hard time sharing with others or considering the feelings of others. Jaxon also always feels like
he has to be talking. It can be very difficult to keep him quiet. Also, he has a hard time staying in his seat and
concentrating on an assignment. He just really struggles with concentrating.
Brock has an attitude most days. You need to be very careful when talking to him or about him in front of his
classmates. He shuts down really easily if something is taken the wrong way. He shuts down to the point
where he wont listen and will only do what he puts his mind to. Also, he has had problems getting along with
his classmates. Whenever someone claims that he did something to him or her, his attitude, is that it is never
his problem. He also has a very hard time sitting in his seat.
Porter is usually pretty well behaved. He gets really frustrated, to the point that he breaks down, if he does
not have enough time to finish his work. Jaxon and Porter get in arguments often because they are best friends
and seem to at times compete. At times, he does not watch what he says and can be mouthy.
David has a very hard time staying motivated. He typically likes to wander around the classroom, and wont
complete his work. He is also a behavioral problem, because he will shout out the wrong answer on purpose
and talk back. He can be disrespectful. He also will break down and cry when he has not gotten his way, or if
he gets reminded too often to do something.
Classroom environment:
The classroom is very clean and organized. The desks are grouped into groups of 4-5. This arrangement
makes it easy to reach each student, and to work as a table. There is a SMART board and a whiteboard at the
front of the classroom. The teacher has an Elmo at her desk. There is one horseshoe table at the back of the
classroom used for small group instruction. A rug is at the back of the classroom that is used for students to
gather at. There are computers in the classroom, but they are only used for Success Maker.

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)
State Standard/Objective:

Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of changes in
organisms over time and the nature of living things.
Objective 1 Tell how external features affect an animals ability to survive in its environment.
c. Create possible explanations as to why some organisms no longer exist, but similar organisms are still alive
Content Walk-Away:

I will read and identify why living things adapt over time.
Language Walk-Away:

I will read and identify why living things adapt over time.

Adapt, Migrate

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have
learned the Walk-Away?)

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):

I will observe students as we practice and use the vocabulary words. I will also observe
and assess students as they read, discuss and complete their Animal Adaptation
worksheet. I will also assess as students discuss with their groups the different animals
and their adaptations. I will provide necessary feedback and correct any misconceptions.
Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
I will assess each students Animal Adaptation worksheet. I will assess that they have the
correct animals and adaptations, and also which habitat they are found in.
Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
I will assess each students Animal Adaptation worksheet. I will also assess students as
they discuss with their group the different animals and adaptations. I will also assess their
understanding of their reading by assessing their Animal Adaptation worksheet and if
they comprehended how animals have adapted to meet their needs. I will observe and
assess as they use the vocabulary words: adapt and migration.

odations (ELL, IEP, GATE,

ELL students:
-I will show them
pictures of the
migration, so they can
make connections.
-I will also post the
definitions of the
vocabulary words on
the board, so they can
reflect back to them as
-They will have a
simplified information
-I will make
connections with how
we have adapted
overtime, so they can
understand better.
Students with IEP:
-I will provide a
simplified information
page for my lower
-I will work with
Savannah to help her
read her information
page, and allow Aspen

to work with her as

-I will also provide
pictures of migration to
help them.
Advanced Students:
-I will ask them to
answer probing
questions about
adaptation: Do you
think there are other
ways these animals
have adapted? What
would they be? Did
they adapt just because
of the habitat they lived
-They will share their
probing question and
answer with their
-They will have extra
books that they can
research more about
animals and their
adaptations they can
include them in their
Animal Adaptation
Behavioral Students:
-I will check on them
throughout the lesson
and give them positive
reinforcement when
they are well behaved.
-Anthony: I will make
sure to use proximity
and use positive
reinforcement while he
is working hard and
following directions.
I will allow him to use
his squishy ball at his
desk if he is getting
distracted and needs to

be doing something. I
will give him a job to be
the leader of his table
for discussion.
-Porter: I will make
sure to tell him he has
plenty of time to
complete his work, so
he does not get
frustrated about
-Jaxon: I will make sure
to give him positive
reinforcement when he
works cooperatively
and stays on task. I will
also set a standard that
students must raise
their hand throughout
the discussion. He will
be able to choose if he
wants to work with his
group, or
-Brock: I will use
positive reinforcement
and take notice of how
he works with his
group. I will give
expectations of how
they need to act with
their group.
-David: I will make sure
to compliment him
when he is doing the
right thing. I will have
him be the leader of his
-I will make sure to
involve all behavioral
students throughout
discussion and ask
them questions to
engage them.


10 minutes

10 minutes


Activate/Building Background Knowledge
Establish Rules.
We have been learning a lot about different habitats and the living things that can be found there.
Well, today we will be discussing and learning about how those living things have changed overtime
to be able to survive in their habitat. A big, fancy word that we will be using today is adapt or
adaptation. To adapt means to change to meet needs. Animals have to adapt or change over time to
meet their needs. Lets look at our vocabulary word together. Adapt: To change to meet needs.
(Read and define together) SIOP 9 I want you to think about yourself. Have you changed or adapted
since you were a baby? When you were first born, you couldnt even walk or crawl. Then you adapted
or changed to be able to crawl. Then when you needed to meet your needs to be able to get around
quicker and more efficiently, you learned to walk. You adapted over time to meet your needs. Also,
when you started Kindergarten, you probably could not read right? You have adapted or changed
overtime to be able to read. If you never learned how to read, it would be very hard to survive in our
world. SIOP 7 I want you to turn to your partner. I want you to use the word adapt by telling your
partner one way that you have adapted or changed overtime to meet your needs. SIOP 6,16 Just like
you have changed or adapted overtime, animals need to adapt overtime to be able to meet their
needs, just like you do! Lets read our objective, or goal, for today. I will read it first, and then you can
read it with me. Objective: I will read and identify why living things adapt over time. Now, turn to
your table and tell them what we will be learning today. SIOP 1,2,3
Formative assessment:
I will observe students to assess their listening. I will observe and assess students as they use the
word adapt by discussing with their partner a time that they have adapted.
Learning Goal
Success Criteria
Assessment Strategy
Students will have identified
Students will have successfully Students will show their
their objective. They will
understood their objective.
knowledge of the vocabulary
practice and understand their
They will also successfully use
word adapt by discussing,
vocabulary word adapt.
the word adapt by relating it
using, and relating it with their
to their life.
partner. They will understand
the objective by reviewing it
with their table.
Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
I will post the objective and definitions for our vocabulary words on the board, so they can see them.
I will relate the vocabulary word adapt to their life, so they can make connections to help them
Focus Lesson (I do it)
Animals have to adapt or change overtime to be able to survive and meet their needs. There are many
ways that animals have adapted and continue to adapt. One way that animals adapt is through
migration. Migrate: To move to a different location. (Define and act out together) SIOP 9 For
example, remember how we talked about the 24th of July, and how we celebrate the Mormon pioneers
moving locations and coming to Salt Lake City? Well these people migrated to a new place to meet

10 minutes

their needs. SIOP 8 Just like these people had to migrate to meet their needs, animals have to
migrate to meet their needs. We have learned about Caribou who live in the arctic tundra, these
animals migrate once summer approaches. (Show pictures of caribou migrating) SIOP 4, 11,12 They
migrate north to be able to eat grass all summer. This way they can survive and it is very important
that they can migrate to be able to meet their needs. I want you to turn to your partner and try to
think of another animal that you know migrates or move locations to help them survive. (Give time
for them to share with their partner) SIOP 16,21, 22 Okay, great job. Lets talk about some other
animals that migrate. (Have time for students to share) SIOP 16,21 Ducks migrate south during the
winter to keep warm and be able to eat to get their nutrients. Also, zebras migrate when the land has
begun to dry up. They are in search of better food and water to help them stay healthy and strong.
Migration is key for helping animals to meet their needs and survive.
Formative Assessment:
I will listen, observe, and assess students as they begin to understand adaptation and migration. I
will listen and assess students as they talk with their partner about migration and share with the
class. I will correct any misconceptions.
Learning Goal
Success Criteria
Assessment Strategy
Students will learn about
Students will have successfully Students will learn about
migration and how it is a part
learned and understood
migration as I scaffold and give
of adaption.
migration and discussed with
examples. Also, I will show
their partner animals that
pictures and relate migration
to pre-learned concepts. They
will also learn through
I will provide the vocabulary word posted on the board for my ELL and visual learners. Also, I will
provide pictures of caribou and other animals migrating, so learners may have a visual.
Guided Instruction (We do it)
There are other ways that animals have adapted or changed overtime to meet their needs. We are
going to learn about these different adaptations. You have an Animal Adaptations worksheet on
your desk. It has different ways that animals have adapted overtime. For example it says long
eyelashes, long tails, furry coat, and more. These are different ways that animals have changed their
appearance overtime to help them to meet their needs. Just like we talked about earlier, we have
changed over time to be able to walk instead of crawl to get around. Just like this, animals have
changed the way they look and how their body functions to help them meet their needs. SIOP 7, 10
We have another paper that gives us information about animals and how they have adapted. We will
use this to help us fill out or Animal Adaptation worksheet. Our first animal we will read about is the
camel. While we read be thinking, What way has this animal adapted to meet their needs? How has
this adaptation helped them to meet their needs? And lastly, what habitat can they be found in?
Lets read our animal information page to see which adaptation the camel has used. (Read first
portion of animal information page) Yes, a camel has adapted to have long eyelashes. Now, we need
to find on our information page: How has this adaptation helped them to survive? How do long
eyelashes help them meet their needs? SIOP 10,11,12,14 Yes, it helps them to block the sand from
getting in their eyes, as well as the hot sun. Lastly, we need to find out what habitat you can find the
camel in. It says, A camel can be found in the desert habitat. Lets put that on our Animal
Adaptations worksheet. Great, now I want you to read about the elephant with me and we will find
out what adaptation they have used to help them survive. (Read about elephants) Okay, I want you to
turn to your partner, what adaptation has the elephant used and how has it helped them to meet their
needs? SIOP 16,21,22 (Call on partners to share) Great, elephants have adapted to have long tails.
They use their long tails to protect them from biting insects, lets write that on our paper. Now, what
habitat do elephants live in? Look on your animal information page to help you. Share with your
partner. (Give time for them to share) Elephants can be found in different forest habitats. Lets add
that to our chart. Do you think these animals have adapted in these ways just because of the habitat
they live in? Would they be able to survive in other habitats with these adaptations? SIOP 15

7 minutes

Formative Assessment:
I will assess as students help me learn about the adaptations of the camel as we read and discuss
about them. As students discuss with their partner the different adaptations of elephants, I will
assess their understanding. I will correct any misconceptions. Also, I will assess as they share their
knowledge with the class.
Learning Goal
Students will understand the
adaptations of camels and
elephants and how these
adaptations have helped meet
their needs. They will also
learn what habitat these
animals live in.

Success Criteria
Students will successfully
completed the long eyelashes
and long tail adaptations on
their adaptations worksheet.

Assessment Strategy
Students will show their
knowledge through discussing
with their partner and class.
Also, they will show their
knowledge through completing
the long eyelashes and long
tail adaptations on their
adaptations worksheet.

I will allow Anthony, Jaxon, and Brock to stand if needed. I will spend more time with my IEP
students to listen and help them find any information they need on their information sheet. Also, I
will provide a simplified information sheet for my ELL and IEP students. SIOP 29
Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together)
Okay, now you will complete the next part of your Animal Adaptations worksheet by reading about
the arctic wolf with your table. As you read about this animal, be thinking: What way has this animal
adapted to meet its needs? How has this adaptation helped it to meet their needs? And lastly, what
habitat can it be found in? After you have read about this animal, you will complete the next portion
of your Animals Adaptations worksheet. (Model which part to complete) SIOP 11, 14 (Give time
for students to read and work on their worksheet) SIOP 13,16, 17, 18,20,21,22
Formative Assessment:
I will observe and assess students as I walk around and listen to them discuss and work with their
partner. I will correct any misconceptions. I will have Savannah and Aspen work together to read.
SIOP 29, 30
Learning Goal
Students will learn about the
arctic wolf and how it has
adapted to meet its needs.
They will also learn what
habitat this animal lives in.

Success Criteria
Students will have successfully
completed the furry coat
adaptation part of their
Animal Adaptation worksheet
by learning about the arctic

Assessment Strategy
IEP and lower-level students
will have a simplified
information page to help them.
They will work as a group and I
will observe and listen.

Students will be in a group with advanced, on, and lower-level students. SIOP 17 Savannah will work
with Aspen, since she will have a hard time reading. I will allow Anthony and Jaxon to stand as they
work if they need to. Also, Jaxon and Brock will be asked to share their probing question, Do you
think there are other way these animals have adapted? What would they be? Did they adapt just
because of the habitat they lived in? with their group. SIOP 15
Independent (You do it alone)
Okay, now I would like you to read about the snowy owl. As you read, be thinking: What way has this
animal adapted to meet its needs? How has this adaptation helped it to meet its needs? And lastly,
what habitat can it be found in? (Allow time for students to work independently). (Provide extra

10 minutes

5 minutes

books about these animals and adaptations for advanced students to use to research more about these
animals.) I will allow them to add any animals and adaptations to their Animal Adaption worksheet
that they research about on their own. SIOP 5
Summative Assessment:
I will asses each students Animal Adaptation worksheet. I will assess that they have the correct
adaptations for each animal. Also, I will assess that they have explained how the adaptations helps
the animal to meet its needs. SIOP 30
I will provide a simplified information sheet for my IEP and lower-level students, as well as Jose. I
will ask Brock and Jaxon to add any other animals and adaptations to their Animal Adaptation
worksheet that they research about on their own. SIOP 5, 6
Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Okay boys and girls, today we learned about different ways that animals adapt to meet their needs. I
would like you to turn to your partner and tell them what it means to adapt. SIOP 16 Lets practice
our vocabulary word together, Adapt: To change to meet needs. (Read and define together) SIOP
27 Great, I want you to turn to your partner and tell them about one animal that has adapted to meet
their needs. Tell them how they adapted and how it helped them to meet their needs. SIOP 16,28
We learned about many ways that animals have adapted. One of those adaptations was migration.
Lets review our vocabulary word migrate, read with me: Migrate: To move to a different location.
SIOP 27 Tell your table an animal that migrates to help them meet their needs. (duck, caribou, etc.)
Lets review our objective.
Objective: I will identify and understand why living things adapt overtime. SIOP 23, 24 Great job
learning about animal adaptations today.

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation
of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Comprehensive Input: 10-Appropriate speech, 11-Clear explanation, 12-Variety of techniques
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students
Practice/Application: 20-Hands-on materials, 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, 22-Language skills:
reading, writing, listening, speaking
Lesson Delivery: 23-Content objective supported, 24-Language objective supported, 25-Students engaged, 26-Pacing
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for
this lesson?
-Pictures of migrating animals
-Animal Adaptations Worksheet
-Animal Information


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?

I felt like students met the objective as they completed their animal adaptations graphic organizer. Students seemed
engaged and interested in learning about adaptations. It was effective to connect how animals adapt and how we adapt
or change overtime. I feel like another effective way to teach this lesson would be to have students research a certain
adaptation and then teach it to their table.

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