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Sport Project

Some of the best games come from the smallest towns and every sport
has its beginning. In no more than 15 minutes you will teach a select
group of students from your class about a sport that originated with in
the realms of your cultural background. (If you would prefer and by approval of
Miss Toane, you may submit a paper copy of your game selection and I or another student will
present to the class on your behalf)

My family is French Italian so I will pick a sport with a French or Italian
heritage. By researching online, I found that Tennis is a sport that started
in France originating from a game called paume. I will teach the class
about paume!

For full marks your lesson will include the following

(2 marks)- Brief history of the sport
(5 marks)- Rules of the game
(2 marks)- Equipment needed
(5 marks)- and, a demonstration of the game in action. ** Consider how
you teach your peers or explain the rules***

( /14)- Total Points

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