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GaIvANOG ‘d TAY Ad GaLIGa uonlpy pepuedxy pue pastaay ALVddd SNVWO' AHL Copyright © 1977, 1991 by Hendrickson Publishers, Ine. P.O. Box 3473, Peabody, Massachusetts 01961-3473 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-943575-42-7 Second Printing—June 1995 ‘The original edition ofthis book appeared as The Romans Debate, published by Augsburg Publishing House: Minneapolis, 1977. ‘The bas relief on the cover comes from the funeral monument of a rich ‘merchant at Neumagen near Tréves (2nd century ce). The scene depicts ‘a master and his three pupils. The cover art appears courtesy of the Rhineland Museum in Trier, Germany, and is used with permission, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ‘The Romans debate / edited by Karl P. Donfried.-Rev. and expanded ed. p. em, Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 0-943575-42-7 1-Bible—N,_Romans—Criticism, interpretation, etc, I. Donfried, Karl P. BS2665.2.R65 1991 27'.106—de20, 1, 91-13252 cP EVANREO@¥) TEOLOSKI Far “K Te aa” a BABA ye IRL MAG. tay IN MEMORIAM GUNTHER BORNKAMM (October 8, 1905 - February 18, 1990) TABLE OF CONTENTS In Memoriam Preface 1977 Preface 1991 Original Location of Articles Bibliography and Short Title List Introduction 1977 Introduction 1991 PARTI 1. St. Paul’ Letter to the Romans—and Others TW. Manson, The Letter to the Romans as Paul's Last Will and Testament Gunther Bornkamm 3. Paul's Purpose in Writing the Epistle to the Romans Gunter Klein 4. A Short Note on Romans 16 Karl Paul Donfried 5. The Letter to Jerusalem Jacob Jervell 6, Romans 14:1-15:13 and the Occasion of Romans Robert J. Karris 7. The Jewish Community in Ancient Rome and the Origins of Roman Christianity Wollgang Wieret 8, False Presuppositions in the Study of Romans Kar! Paul Donfried ‘The Occasion of Romans: A Response to Prof. Dontried Robert J Karris 9, Paul's Rhetoric of Argumentation in Romans: ‘An Alternative to the Donttied-Karris Debate Over Romans Witheim Wuellner 10. The Form and Function of the Greek Letter-Essay Martin Lather Stirewals, J. 16 29 65 85 102 125, 128 “7 “vill___ ROMANS DEBATE: REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION __ PART Il Section A: Historical and Sociological Factors 11, The Romans Debate—Continued ns FF Bruce 12, Purpose and Occasion of Romans Again 195 ALM. Wedderburn 13, The Two Roman Congregations: Romans 141-1633 203 Francis Watson 14, The Roman Cheistians of Romans 16 216 Peter Lampe 15. The Purpose of Romans 231 Peter Stuhlmacher Section B: The Structure and Rhetoric of Romans 16. The Formal and Theological Coherence of Romans 245 James D. G. Dunn 17, Romans Ill as a Key to the Structure and Thought of Romans 251 William S. Campbell : 18, Following the Argument of Romans 265 Robert Jewett 19, Romans as a Logos Protreptikos 218 David E. Aune ‘Section C: The Theology of Romans: Issues in the Current Debate 20. The New Perspective on Paul: Paul and the Law 299 James D.G. Dunn 21. Israe’s Misstep in the Eyes of Paul 309 Lloyd Gaston 22. The Faithfulness of God and the Priority of Israel in Paul's Letter to the Romans 327 4.C Beker 23, The Theme of Romans 333 Peter Stuhlmacher Index of Modern Authors 37 Index of Ancient Sources 353 PREFACE 1977 “Tie essays inthis volume ar international and ecumenical in sope ‘Authors from Great Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, and the United States, Roman Catholic and Protestant, are included. The essays by Klein, Jer- vell, Wiefel, and Stirewalt are printed in English forthe first time. The first three of these are translations from the German, My colleague, Jochen Hoffmann of the Smith College German Department, collaborated with ime in these translations, and | am much indebted to him. Where possible we have preserved the original writing and footnote style of the in authors. [These have been conformed to the Short Title List for Romans Debate: Revised and Expanded Edition. Ed] | am also grateful for the consistently good help I have received from my two student assistants, Bitsey Shaw and AmysJll Levine. wish to acknowledge with thanks the courtesy of the following peri- odicals, publishers, and individuals for permission to use their copyrighted ‘material in this volume: The John Rylands University Library of Manchester for the article by T. W. Manson; the Australian Biblical Review for the article by G. Bornkamm: the Chr. Kaiser Verlag for the article by G. Klein; the Journal of Biblical Literature for the article by K. P. Donfried; Studia Theologica for the article by J, Jervell; Judaica for the article by W. Wiefel, The Catholic Biblical Quarterly for the articles by R. J. Karris, K. P, Don- fried, and W. Wueliner; and M. L. Stirewalt, J. for his permission to pub- lish his typescript. My deepest gratitude goes to Professor Ernst Kasemann, who, more than any other scholar, has helped me to better understand the complex mind of Paul and who has made me restless with many of the standard presentations of Pauline theology. From him and the other members of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas Paul Seminar, which Professor Kar! Kertelge and | were privileged to chair from 1974 to 1977, as well as from my friends in the Paul Seminar of the Society of Biblical Literature, | have learned much. May this small collection make a further contribution to our rethinking of Paul and especially his letter to the Romans. Karl Paul Donfried Smith College PREFACE 1991 The purpote of this volume i bth to assess the impact of The ‘Romans Debate (1977) on subsequent scholarly discussion and also to assist the student of Romans in understanding the neuralgic issues in the cur- rent analyses of this Pauline letter. ‘An obvious challenge for the editor of a book such as this is that of selection and inclusion. The factors entering into such decisions are sev- eral and complex; one can only hope that the essays chosen achieve their intended purpose. I am grateful to several of the contributors in this new volume for their generous assistance and guidance in these matters, as ‘well as to Joseph Fitzmyer, Paul Meyer, and Wilhelm Wuellner. Frank Hughes’ critical reading and suggestions with regard to that section of my introductory essay dealing with rhetorical criticism were invaluable. Regi nald and tise Fuller’ translation of Peter Stuhlmacher's article is splendid The unfailing encouragement and the exeptionally diligent efforts of Pat- rick Alexander, Academic Editor of Hendrickson Publishers, are deeply appreciated, and I am enormously indebted to my two student assistants, Eleanor Applewhite and Christine Arena, for their excellent assistance in producing indices of authors and ancient texts. To bring some degree of consistency to the latter index, while, simultaneously, not transforming to the point of non-recognizability the individual and unlike ways in which the many international scholars contributing to this volume have cited the ancient texts, was a most complex task. Needless to say, none of these Bracious colleagues and friends are responsible for any shortcomings Which may still be present. This volume is dedicated with much gratitude and affection to the late Gunther Bornkamm who was both my distinguished teacher and faithful friend, For almost thirty years now I have had the privilege of turning to him as a model and an inspiration in the task of theological exegesis. In ‘a most real sense The Romans Debate, as well as this new edition, is deeply indebted to him. Much of my own thinking and scholarship on Romans have had their origin in a respectful tension and dialogue with Bornkamm. Perhaps the greatest tribute to Bornkamm's work on Paul is the fact that hardly an article or book dealing with Romans fails to ac- xii ROMANS DEBATE knowledge his significant insights. His profound and productive scholar: ship, his commitment to the church, and his unfailing kindness have left 1a profound impression on all who knew him. Karl P, Donfried ‘Smith College Northampton, Massachusetts 1991 ORIGINAL LOCATION OF ARTICLES TT W. Manson, "St. Paul's Letter to the Romans—and Others” in Studies in the Gospels and Epistles (ed. M. Black; Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1962) 225-41 Gunther Bornkamm, “The Letter to the Romans as Paul’ Last Will and Testa- ment,” ABR 11 (1963) 2-14, Gunter Klein, “Pauls Purpose in Writing the Epistle to the Romans” This ar- ticle appears here in English translation; it was originally published as "Der Abjassungseweck des Romerbriefes” in Kleins volume Rekonstruktion und Interpretation (BENTH 50; Munich: Chr. Kaiser, 1968) 123-44, Karl Paul Dontried, “A Short Note on Romans 16," JBL 89 (1970) 441-49, Jacob Jervell, "The Letter to Jerusalem,” SiTh 25 (1971) 61-73. Robert J. Karris, “Romans 14:1-15:13 and the Occasion of Romans,” CBQ 25 (1973) 155-78. Wolfgang Wiefel, “The Jewish Community in Ancient Rome and the Origins of Roman Christianity” This article appears here in English translation; it was originally published as “Die judisehe Gemeinschatt im antiken Rom und die ‘Angange des romischen Christentums, Bemerkungen 2u Anlass und Zweck des Romerbriels" Jud 26 (1970) 65-88, Karl Paul Donfried, "Fase Presuppositios inthe Study of Romans." CBQ 36 (1974) 332-58, Robert J. Karris, “The Occasion of Romans: A Response to Prof. Donttied,” CBQ 36 (1974) 356-58. Wilhelm Wueliner, “Paul's Rhetoric of Argumentation in Romans: An Alterna- tive to the Donfried-Karris Debate Over Romans,” CBQ 38 (1976) 330-51 Martin Luther Stirewalt, Jr. "The Form and Function of the Greek Letter Essay! Previously unpublished EF. Bruce, “The Romans Debate—Continued,” BURL 64 (1981-82) 334. A.J.M, Wedderburn, "Purpose and Occasion of Romans Again.” ExpTim 90 (1979) 13741 Francis Watson, “The Two Roman Congregations: Rom. 14:1-15:13" This essay is from Watson's monograph Paul, Judaism and the Gentiles: A Sociological Approach (MSSNTS 56; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986) 94-10. Peter Lampe, “The Roman Christians of Romans 16." This essay'has not been previously published but itis dependent on his book Die stadtromischen Christen in den ersten beiden Jahrhunderten (WUNT 2/18; Tubingen: Mohr, 1987), Peter Stuhimacher, “The Purpose of Romans” This essay appeared originally in German as "Der Abfassungszweck des Romerbriefes.” ZVW 77 (1986) 180- 93 and was translated for this volume by Professors Reginald and lise Fuller. ROMANS DEBATE: REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION James D. G. Dunn, “The Formal and Theological Coherence of Romans” 7 ‘say irom the introduction to Dunn's commentary Romans 1-8 (WBC 38a; Waco: Word, 1988) Ix-bal William 5. Campbell, “Romans Il asa Key tothe Structure and Thought ofthe etter" Nov? 23 (88 22-40 Robert Jewett, “Fllowing the Argument of Romans” This essay was adapted and ‘expanded by Robert Jewett for ths volume from an earlier essay with the Save tite In Word and World 6 1986) 382-89, David E. Aune, “Romans as a Logos Protreptikos”” This essay is an abbreviation ‘ofa more extensive atcie ented "Romans a a Lagos Protrepttos in the Context of Ancient Religious and Philosophical Propaganda’ to appear in Paulus als Misionar und Theologe und das anikeJudentur, ed. Martin Hengel Tubingen: C. & Mohr, forthcoming James D. G: Dunn, “The New Perspective on Paul: Pil and the Law This essay is from te introduction to Dunes commentary Romans 1-8 (WBC 38a; Wace: Word, 1988) Ixiv-bot Lloyd Gaston, "Isaes Mistep inthe Eyes of Paul” This essay appears in Gatons ook Paul andthe Torah (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Pres, 1987) 135-50. 41.C. Beker, "The Faithfulness of God and the Priority of lsrae in Paul's Letter to the Romans” in Christians Among Jews and Genes (ed. G. WE. Nickel burg with GW MacRae: Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986) 10-16 Peter Stuhlmacher, “The Theme of Romans” AusBR 36 0988) 31-44 ‘The above are used with the kind permission of the respective publishers. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SHORT TITLE LIST ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, forthcoming ‘Achtemeier, Romans Achtemeier,P.J. Romans. Interpretation, Atlanta: John Knox, 1985 ‘Aland-Aland, Text Aland, K. and B. Aland, The Text of the New Testament Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987, Aletti,"“Incohérence” lett, J-N. “Rm 1,18-3,20: Incohérence ou coherence de Targumentation paulinienne?” Biblica 69 (1988) 47-62. Altaner, Aitology —_Altaner, B Putrology. Trans. H.C. Graef. Freiburg: Herder; Edinburgh/London: Nelson, 1960. Amir, "foudaismos” Amir, V. “The Term loudaismos: A Study in Jewish Hellenistic SelFidentification” Jmmanuel 14 (1982) 34-41, AnBib—Analecta biblica ANRW Austief und Niedergang der romischen Welt ‘Araud, “Interprétations patrstiques" —_Araud, R. "Quidquid no est ex fide pec: ‘catum est: Quelques interprétations patristiques” Lhomme devant Dieu: Mé: langes offerts au Pére Henri de Lubac. Théologie. Etudes publiées sous la direction de la facuté de théologie S. J de Lyon-Fourviére 56. Paris: Aubier, Editions Montaigne, 1963 ARW Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft ‘Askowith, Toleration and Persecution of the Jews __Askowith, D. The Tolera- tion and Persecution of the Jews in the Roman Empire, New York: np. 1915. TANT Abhandlung zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments ‘Aune, Logos Protreptikos_Aune, D. “Romans as a Logos Protreptitos in the Context of Ancient Religions and Philosophical Propaganda” In Paulus als Mis. sionar und Theologe und das antike Judentum. Ed. M. Hengel. Tubingen: J.C. B Mohr, forthcoming, Aune, Literary Environment Aune, D. The New Testament in Its Literary En: vironment. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1987. ‘Aune, Prophecy in Barly Christianity Aune, DE. Prophecy in Early Christianity ‘and the Ancient Mediterranean World, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983. ‘Aus, “Pauls Travel Plans” Aus, R.D. "Paul's Travel Plans and the ‘Full Numm- ber of Gentiles’ of Rom. xi25" Nout 21 (1979) 232-62 AusBR ‘Australian Biblical Review ‘AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies BA Biblical Archaeologist Baarda, “Maar de toorn is over hen gekomen” _Baarda, T. “Maar de toorn is ‘over hen gekomen." In Paulus en de andere joden. Deitt: Meinera, 1984. BAGD Bauer, W., W. E Amdt, W. F Gingrich, and F. W. Danker. A Greek- ‘English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 2nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979. Bammel, “Judenverflogung und Naherwartung” Bammel,E. “Judenverflogung und Naherwartung.” ZTK 56 (1959) 294-315. Bammel, "Pompelus und rOmischudische Bundnis” __ Bammel, E. "Pompeius und romisehjdische Bundnis" ZDPV 75 (1959) 76-82. Barrett, Essays Barrett, C. K. Essays on Paul. London, 1982. xvi____ ROMANS DEBATE: REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION __ Barrett, “Pauline Controversies” __ Barrett, C.K, “Pauline Controversies in the Early Church” NTS 20 (1973-74) 229-45. Bartett, Fist Corinthians Barrett, C. K. HNTC. The First Epistle to the Co- rinthians. New York: Harper & Row, 1968, Barret, "Things Offered to Idols” Barrett, K. “Things Offered to Idols” NTS 11 (1964-65) 138-53, Barrett, Romans Barrett, K. A Commentary on the Episte to the Romans. 'BNIC. London: A, & C. Black, 1957. Barth, Shorter Commentary on Romans Barth, K. A Shorter Commentary on ‘Romans. London: SCM, 1959. Bartsch, “Die Emplinger des Romerbriefes” Bartsch, H. W. “Die Empfanger des Romerbriefes" ST 25 (1971) 81-89. Bartsch, "Die antisemitischen Gegner” Bartsch, H. W. “Die antisemitischen Gegner des Paulus im Romerbriet” In Antijudaismus im Neuen Testament. Mu nich, 1967, Bartsch, “Paulus und die Juden” Bartsch, H. W. “Paulus und die Juden. Zur ‘Auslegung des Romerbriefes” Kirche in der Zeit 20 (1965) 210 Bartsch, "Die historische Situation” Bartsch, H. W. “Die historische Situation ‘des Romerbriefes” In Studia Evangelica W, Part 1. (TU 102) 281-31. vine Impartiality” Bassler, .M. "Divine Impartiality in Paul's Let- ter to the Romans” NouT 26 (1984) 43-58, Bassler, Divine Impartiality Bassler, 1. M. Divine Impartiality: Paul and a Theological Axiom. Chico: Scholars Press, 1982. Bauer, Orthodoxy and Heresy Bauer, W. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity. ET ed, R. A. Kraft and G. Krodel. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1971. Baur, F-C., "Uber Zweck und Gedankengang des Romerbriefes” Baur, FC “Uber Zweck und Gedankengang des Romerbriefes” ThJb 16 (1957) 66-108, 184-209, Baur, FC, Paul Baur, FC. Paul: His Life and Works. ET by A. Menzies. ‘Theological Translation Fund Library, 1876. Baur. F.C, Kirchengeschichte Baur, FC. Kirchengeschichte der drei ersten Jahr hhunderte, 1862 (= Neudruck, 1969). Baur, F.C, "Romischen Gemeinde” Baur, F.C. “Uber Zweck und Veranlas- sung des Romerbrief und der damit zusammenhangenden Verhaltnisse der romischen Gemeinde” Tubinger Zeitschrift fur Theologie (1836) 59-178. BC The Beginnings of Christianity. Ed. Jackson, F. J F and K. Lake. 5 vols. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1979. Beale, "Periormative Discourse” Beale, W. H. “Rhetorical Performative Dis- ‘course: A New Theory of Epideictic" Philosophy and Rhetoric 11 (1978) 221-46, Beare, St Paul and His Leters Beare, FW. St Paul and His Letters, London: ‘A. & C. Black, 1962. Beare, Philippians Beare, FW. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Philip- piians. London: Black, 1959. Beauchamp, “Epouser la Sagesse” Beauchamp, P. “Epouser la Sagesse-ou ‘iépouser quelle? Une énigme du Livre de la Sagesse” In La Sagesse de Ancien Testament. Ed. M, Gilbert. Leuven-Gembloux: University Press, 1979. Beker, Paul Beker, J.C. Paul the Apostle, The Triumph of God in Life and Thought. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1984 Bel, Juden und Griechen Bell, H. 1. Juden und Griechen im romischen Al exandria. np, 1926. Berger, “Hellenistische Gattungen” Berger, K, “Hellenistische Gattungen im ‘Neuen Testament” In ANRW. Part Il, vol. 25/2. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 1984. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SHORT TITLE LIST__ xvi Berger. Formgeschichte Berger, K. Formgeschichte des Neuen Testaments. Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer, 1984 Berger, “Almosen fir Israel” "Berger, K. "Almosen fir Israel: 2um historischen Kontext der paulinischen Kollekte” NZS 23 (1976-77) 180-204. Bergmann, Einleitung 2u Ciceros Bergmann, A. Einleitung zu Ciceros Rede ‘ur L. Valerius Flaccus. Programm Schneeberg, 1893. Berliner, Geschichte der Juden in Rom. Berliner, A. Geschichte der Juden in Rom. np, 1895. Bernays, “Juvenal” | Bernays, J. “Die Gottesfurchtigen bei Juvenal” In: Com- Ientaionespitologca in honorem Theodor: Momsen (187), Pages SE3- 596. Bertholet, Die Stelung der Israeliten __Bertholet, A. Die Stelung der sraelten tund der Juden zu den Fremden. n.p., 1896. BETL Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensi Betz, H. D, “Literary Composition’ Betz, H. D. “The Literary Composition and Function of Paul's Letter to the Galatians” NTS 21 (1975) 353-79. Betz, H.D, Sokratische Tradition Betz, H. D. Der Apostel Paulus und die so- hrratische Tradition. BHT 45. Tabingen: J. C. B Mohr, 1972. Betz, 0, "Die Vision des Paulus” Betz, 0. ‘Die Vision des Paulus im Tempel von Jerusalem" In Verborum Veritas: Festschrift fr G. Stahlin, Ed. O. Bocher ‘and K. Hacker. Wuppertal, 1970. BEVTh _Beitrage zur evangelischen Theotogie BECT —_Beitrage zur Forderung christlicher Theologie BHT Beitrage zur historischen Theologie BibS(F)__—Biblische Studien (Freiburg, 1895-) Bickermann,"Ritualmord und Eselskult” Bickermann, E.“Ritualmord und Es- elskult” MGW 71 (1927) 255-64. Bjerkelund, Porakalo —Bjerkelund, C. Parakalo. Form, Funktion und Sinn der parakalo-Satze in den paulinischen Briefen. Oslo: Universitetforlaget, 1967, BURL Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester Black, Romans Black, M. Romans. NCBC. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1973, Blank, Paulus und Jesus Blank, J, Paulus und Jesus, Eine theologische Grund- fegung. SANT 18. Munich: Kosel, 1968, Blass-Debrunner-Funk, Grammar’ Blass, F, A. Debrunner, and R. Funk. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961 Blass, Kunstprosa Blass, F Die Rhythimen der asianischen und romanischen ‘Kansiprosa. Hldesheim: Gerstenberg, 1972. Reprint of Leipzig: Teubner, 1909 edition Blass, Hermes Blass, F. Hermes 30 (1893), 465-70. BNTC Black's New ‘Testament Commentary (= HNTC) Bompaire, Lucien écrivain —Bompaire, J. Lucien écricain: imitation et création. Paris: Boccard, 1958, Bonhotler, A. Epikter Bonholler, A. Epiktet und das Neue Testament. Gies- sen; Topelmann, 1911, Bornkamm, "Last Will and Testament” _Bornkamn, G. "The Letter to the Ro- ‘mans as Paul's Last Will and Testament.” In The Romans Debate: Revised and Expanded Edo. Ea K.P Dontred. Peabody, Mass: Hendicaon Publishes Bornkamm, “Romerbrief als Testament” _ Bornkamm, G. “Der Romerbriet ‘Testament des Paulus” BEWT 53. Munich: Kaiser Veriag, 1971. xvili__ ROMANS DEBATE: REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION Bornkamm, Paul Bornkamm, G. Paul. Trans. D. M, G. Stalker, New York: Harper & Row, 1971. Bornkamm, Paulus Bornkamm, G, Paulus, Stuttgart: W. Koblharnmer, 1969, Bornkamm, "Baptism and New Life’ Bornkamm, G. “Baptism and New Life in Paul” In Early Christian Experience. London: SCM, 1969, Bornkamm, “Die Offenbarung des Zornes Gottes” _ Bornkamm, G. “Die OF {enbarung des Zornes Gottes (Rom 1-3)" In Das Ende des Gesetzes. Munich: Kaiser Verlag, 1953. Bouwman, Paulus Bouwman, G. Paulus an de Romeinen: Een retorische ana- iyse van Rom 1-8. Abdi,Averbode: Werkgroep voor Levensverdieping, 1980. Bowers, “Jewish Communities" Bowers, W. P. “Jewish Communities in Spain the Time of Paul the Apostle” JTS 26 (1975) 395~402. Brandon, Fall of Jerusalem Brandon, S.G. F. The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church. 2nd ed, London: SPCK, 1957. Brandt, Rhetoric of Argumentation Brandt, W. J. The Rhetoric of Argumen- tation. New York: Bobbs Merril, 1970. Brauch, "Perspectives" Brauch, M. T. "Perspectives on God's Righteousness in recent German Discussion.” In E. P. Sanders, Paul and Palestinian Judaism. London: SCM, 1977. Pages 523-42, Brongers, "Die Zehnzahl” _Brongers, H. A. “Die Zehnzahl in der Bibel und in ihrer Umwelt” In Studia Biblica et Semitica Festschrift T.C. Vriezen. ‘Wangeningen: Veenman, 1966. Pages 30-45, Brooten, “Juni” Brooten, B “Junia .. . Outstanding among the Apostles (Romans 16:7)" In Women Priests, Ed. i. and A. Swidler. New York, 1977. Bruce, “Continued Bruce, FF. “The Romans Debate—Continued” BURL 64 (1981-82) 334-59, Bruce, Paul Bruce, FF Paul: Apostle of the Free Spirit Exeter: Paternoster, 1977. Bruce, "Christianity under Claudius” Bruce, FF "Christianity under Claw ius” BURL 44 (1961-62) 316-18, BS Bibliotheca Sacra Bujard, Stdanalytische Bujard, W. Stlanalytische Untersuchungen zum Kolos- serbrief als Beitrag 2ur Methodik von Sprachvergleichen. SUNT 11. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1973. Bullinger, Figures of Speech ' Bllinger. . W. Figures of Speech Used in the Bible Explained and llusrated. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1968, Reprint ofthe 1898 tition by Eyre and Spottiswoode, London. Bultmann, Exegerica Bullman, R. Exegetica, Aufsatze 2ur Erforschung des ‘Neuen Testaments. Ed. E. Dinkler. Tubingen: 1 C. B Mobr, 1967 Bultmann, Theology of the New Testament Bultmann, R. Theology ofthe New “Testament. 2 vols. Tans, K. Grobel. New York: Seribner’s, 1951, 1955, Bultmann, In Memoriam Ernst Lohmeyer Bultmann, R. “Die kirchliche Re- daktion des ersten Johannesbriefes” In Memoriam Ernst Lohmeyer. Tubingen: LC. B Mohr, 1951. Pages 381-93. Bultmann, Diatribe Bultmann, R. Der Stil der paulinischer Predigt und die ynisch-stoische Diatribe. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1910. Burdick, “oida and gindsko” Burdick, D. W. “ida and ginosko in the Pauline Epistles” In New Dimensions in New Testament Study. Ed. R. N. Longnecker and M. L. Tenney. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974, Pages 344-56. Burgess, “Epideictic Literature” "Burgess, T.C. “Epideitic Literature” ‘sity of Chicago Studies in Classical Philology 3 (1900) 89-261 BNW” Beihefte zur ZNW Univer BIBLIOGRAPHY AND SHORT TITLE LIST xix Cadbury, Atm History Cadbury. 1-The Bao of cts in History New York, I CCampbel, “Reaction to Watson” Campbell, W. S. “Did Paul Advocate Sep- ‘aration from the Synagogue? A Reaction to Francis Watson: Paul, Judaism, ‘and the Gentiles: A Sociological Approach” SITh 42 (1988) 457-67 Campbell, "Salvation for Jews and Gentile” Campbell, WS "Salvation for Jews and Gentile; Krister Stendahl and Paul's Letter to the Romans” Studia Biblia Ii, Sheffield, 1980. Campbell, "Why?" Campbell, WS. “Why Did Paul Write Romans?” Exp 85 (1973-74) 264-68. Campbell, D. A, Rhetoric of Righteousness Campbell, D. A. The Rhetoric of Righteousness in Romans 3:21-26. Diss, University of Toronto, 1989, Cancik, Epistulae Morales” Cancik, H. Untersuchungen zu Senecas Epistulae “Morales, Spudasmata 18. Hildesheim: G. 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Not only is there a plethora of articles, but the number of commentaries and monographs which have been published since 1970 alone is overwhelming. New commentaries have been written by such prominent scholars as Matthew Black,! Charles Cran- field? Karl Kertelge.’ J. C. O'Neill Ernst Kasemann® and Heinrich Schlier:® major new monographs have been authored by Paul Minear” Walther Schmithals® and Dieter Zeller? ‘The inevitable question arises: why such enormous interest with re- gard to this particular letter of Paul? Up to the time of F.C. Baur,!° vir- tually all scholars would have agreed with Melanchthon’s evaluation of Romans as a christianae religionis compendium. Although Baur was one ofthe first major scholars to break with such an understanding of Romans as an abstract theological summary, his insights were quickly overlooked and the situation continued virtually unchanged right to the present. Typi- cal of this understanding of Romans as a “compendium of the Christian religion’ is the commentary by Anders Nygren,!! published as recently as 1944. ‘The dominant methodological concern and presupposition of twentieth- century biblical scholarship is the historical-critical method.!? Among the ‘many contributions of this method is the insight that all New Testament Black, Romans. 2caird, Romans Skerteige, Romans ‘sOVNeil, Romans. SKasemann, Romer. This commentary is now in its third elton in German and has ‘been transltedino English by the Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan [= Kasemann, Romans) ‘Seer, Der Romerbrie. Minear, Obedience. ‘Sehnithals, Der Romerbvief als historisches Problem. “ele, Juden und Heiden "Baur, F.C, "Romischen Gemeinde”; dem, Paulus, der Apostelfesu Christ (1848) ET = Paull TiNygren, Romans; original Swedish edition: Ramarbrevet Stockholm; Verbum, 1944), "agee further Keenta, Historical Cruical Method. -xlii___ ROMANS DEBATE: REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION documents were written by the early church for its own needs. In other words, the New Testament texts were written to specific audiences who had conerete concerns and problems. Matthew is different from Mark pre- cisely because the needs of his congregation are different from those of Mark’, and thus the gospel must be actualized and conceptualized in a new way. Similarly, Pau!’ letter to the Galatians is different from that sent to the Corinthians because the actual situations of the two congregations are different: the Corinthians must be warned against an arrogant indi- Vidualism and the Galatians against reversion toa Sprit

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