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lieutenant of Ali was destroyed in a like way.

secure the succession of his son Y azid, Mu'awiyah
not hesitate- to break the _word he had pledged
Husayn, the surviving son of Ali And yet this
calculating, atheistic Arab ruled over the region
Islam and the sceptre remained il+ his family fOl'
space of nearly ninety years''. Mr. Osbom has
t a great charge against Mu'awiyah by picturhim as the murderer of several persons .but he,
the same ti:r:ne, has frankly admitted that Mu' aWas eoOl and calculating and ruled with wisover his subjects. We only ask him to judge
statement in the light of . the then European
Mu'awiyah was a good judge of men, matters
~:1'":?:-r:-;~;;.:n situation. He wanted to remove the pulpit and
of the Prop4_et from Madinah to Damascus.
the impious act was checked by the divine inter-;,.,,. v-.. ... ~tion.
He had the highest respect and regard
the Prophet. He . stood in the way of Ali but
never fought face to face with ~im. On the
.>whole, Mu'awiyah was astute, unscrupulous, diplo:.
- matic, liberal and forbearing. He was more ready
"'to win his opponents and enemies by lavish gifts
and spirit of eoncilistion rat~er than by harsh measures. In this respect he himself said, "If I can get
:-<~~-thing by using my whip; y do not use my 8word,~
' ~ words are sufficient to get it, I do not even use my
whip". . He led a luxurious and comfortable life,
but hiS -lUxuries and comforts did not interfere with
.the efficiency of his Government .



/Respect for

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