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9/4/14 5th period USH: Teacher is covering the inventions of the Industrial

Revolution, objective is posted. Teacher is writing inventions that the students are
giving her. Students are writing down what she does but not all of them are. She
says you have your phone, look it up twice. Only the kids in the front of the room
are participating. Many kids are having private conversations in the back of the
room. Where are the kids getting the information from? She tells kids to google
certain people to read about them.
9/17/14 5th period USH: Teacher asks the students to do a warmup out of the
textbook it appears to be a question from the board she takes role while the
students sit and have their own conversations, very few seem to be doing the
warmup. She then announces publicly which students are missing assignments,
students wait for her to while she looks through information for some other student,
she then gives them a short explanation and instructions them to open their
textbooks and answer ten recall questions.
9/30/14 5th period USH: students are working on an assignment independently while
teacher sits at her desk and gives instructions to another student. Students are
compliant and seem to be working diligently on their assignment. A cur sere
walkthrough of the students saw most of them knew what the assignment was
about. Teacher rotates around the room and some students have questions for her
as she does this. Students are very quiet and teacher prods them to be more
11/12/14 5th period USH: Students are divided into four groups as the teacher gives
instructions about how to conduct themselves in their project no phones she says.
They have a worksheet looks like and they are instructed to divide the questions up
to work on them. Looks like she is pitting the groups against one another in a race
to finish She plays music while the students work on their sheet. More direction is
needed, and more structure is needed. She also needs to rotate more and ask
specific questions. If you want students to read you must give them interesting
things to read.

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