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Research Topic: Learning

Com m unity in H igher

Prepared & Presented by Pa Yong Xiong

My Role & Reason for the research
TRIO Advisor, Metropolitan State University
Implemented a learning community for incoming freshman

Research Project: It is hypothesized that

college students who are in the learning

communities will achieve a higher GPA and
retention rate than the general student

Literature Review
A learning community is created by a cohort of students
that takes 2 or more classes together in their first
semester in college and continue to take future classes
Builds connections, community, & enhances learning

Graduation rates: Public 4 years: 20% and Metropolitan

State: 12%
Learning community increased engagement and
positive feelings about the college experience.
Low GPA is often time caused by lack of motivation.

M ethod & Procedure

College Freshman
Random Selection
Random Assignment

Survey- created on RightNow CRM system

2X survey (beginning Fall & ending Spring)

Rate: Strongly Agree


Neutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree

1) Staff, faculty and students at Metropolitan State University are encouraging of me to

participate in school-wide events (such as join organizations, attend events, help plan events,
2) There is at least one person (staff, faculty, and/or student) at Metropolitan State University
that I feel comfortable to speak to when I have concerns and need help.
3) I have opportunities to join organizations, attend events, and hold student leadership roles
at Metropolitan State University.
4) I am provided with resources on and off campus so that I know where to seek help when I
need it.
5) I have opportunities to talk to staff and faculty about my personal, educational and
professional goals and career.
6) I would recommend Metropolitan State University to other students to attend.

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Waldron, W. R., & Yungbluth, S. C. (2007). Assessing Student Outcomes in Communication-Intensive Learning
Communities: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study of Academic Performance and Retention. Southern Communication Journal,
72(3), 285-302. doi:10.1080/1041794074233

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