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Chapter 6.4

Foundation in Judaism
Based on Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
Old Testament- Made up of Hebrew Bible
New Testament- the Gospels, Life of

Jesus, Letters of Paul, and other early

Christian writings.

Taught to seek forgiveness for sins, peaceful.
Born in Bethlehem near Jerusalem raised in Nazareth
Study writings of Jewish Prophets
Was a carpenter
Gathered a following of disciples
Performed miracles of healing and defended the poor and

Jesus was arrested, tried and sentenced to death
It is said he rose from the dead lived for 40 more days,
then went to heavan

Apostles- spread the teachings of Jesus and Christianity in

fear that judgment day was soon coming

Paul- pushed for the conversion of non-Jews or Gentiles
Paul helps distinguish Judaism from Christianity
Spread throughout Rome
Ideas of love and eternal life, regardless of status, was
appealing for many
Persecution- many persecuted out of fear in Roman EmpireMartyrs
Imperial Approval- Constantine made it official religion in 313

Most Popular Religion in the world
2.2 Billion People
About 32% of the worlds population
Practiced in every continent in the world

minus Antarctica
Many different sects and practices
Hold political and social influence in
many nations

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