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Name: Matt Bailey

Mentor Teacher: Marisa Fisher

Class and grade level: 8th Grade Science

Partner: N/A
School: Highlander Way Middle School
Date: September 17, 2014

Part I: Information about the Lesson and Unit

Topic: Mutations
The students will be introduced to mutations by discussing their initial definition of mutations,
using examples of mutations they are familiar with (i.e. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and XMen). Then, they will be shown two versions of eight organisms and will hypothesize which of
the two versions of each organism is mutated. They will support their hypotheses with reasoning.
After discussing the mutation powerpoint, the students will work in pairs, engage in inquiry and
use a puppet to model helpful and harmful mutations. The puppets ability to eat seeds will be
used to qualify the mutation as helpful or harmful. The normal that the mutations will be
compared to, is the puppets ability to eat, using the students dominant hand.

Part II: Clarifying Your Goals for the Topic

A. Big Ideas
DNA is the genetic material located in the nucleus of the cell that gives instructions about how
the organism grows and develops. It is made of four bases (A, T, C and G) and when they pair up
(A-T & C-G), they form a double-helix DNA molecule. It is the specific sequences of these bases
that determines each gene. Genes are located in the chromosomes of cells (MS-LS3-1). Genes
are passed on from parents to offspring in a process called heredity. When children inherit a trait
from their parents, they are inheriting a copy of the parents gene for a specific trait. Each trait is
inherited as a gene pair, one allele from the mother and one allele from the father. The gene pair
becomes the organisms genotype for each distinct trait. The physical appearance or observable
characteristics of the trait, is the phenotype. Organisms need two copies of the recessive allele to
have the recessive phenotype (unless the recessive allele is linked to the X-chromosome in a sexlinked trait) and one copy of the dominant allele for the dominant phenotype.

Each distinct gene controls the production of specific proteins, which in turn affects the
traits of the individual. Genetic information can be altered because of mutations (MS-LS3-1).
Genetic mutations occur when there are changes in a gene or chromosome. Though rare,
mutations may result in changes to the structure and function of proteins. Some changes are
beneficial, harmful, or neutral to the organism (MS-LS3-1). Mutations increase genetic
diversity and beneficial mutations can increase an organisms ability to survive and reproduce.
However, mutations can be harmful too. Two examples of harmful mutations include sickle cell

anemia and albinism. Examples of helpful mutations include seedless oranges and antibiotic
resistant bacteria.
(Italicized words = Content taught in mutations unit; Non-italicized words = content taught in
weeks prior in heredity and inheritance unit; Blue text = Taught next quarter during natural

B. Student Practices
1. Naming key practices
Students will work on a working definition of a mutation and make the connection
between a change in DNA and the resulting change to the structure of proteins. They will
develop and use a model to show how gene mutations result in harmful, beneficial or neutral
effects to the organism. Students will distinguish harmful, helpful and neutral mutations using
real-world examples (i.e. antibiotic resistant bacteria, Dalmatian mice, fluorescent pig snout,
Heterochromia, albinism, sickle-cell anemia, seedless oranges, and fasciated plants).

C. Performance Expectations for Student Learning

Performance Expectation

Associated NGSS

NGSS Performance Expectation(s)

Develop and use a
MS-LS3-1: Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to model
genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may
result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function
of the organism.
Specific Lesson Objective(s)
1. Explain how gene mutations occur.
2. Identify how helpful, harmful and neutral gene mutations may create
changes in the organisms proteins and/or traits.



Part III: Example Activity Sequence

A. Storyline for the Activity Sequence in Context

Role in Storyline

Lessons before
Heredity & Inheritance (Genes, Alleles, Dominant, Recessive, Homozygous, Heterozygous,
your sequence
Genotypes, Phenotypes), DNA & Chromosomes (Basic Structure and function), Pedigrees

Lesson 1

Mutation Powerpoint: Class discussion about mutations in the real-world, Gathering insight into
students prior knowledge and assumptions, introduction to various mutations: Slides 1-4
(antibiotic resistant bacteria, Dalmatian mice, Fluorescent pigs, Heterochromia)
Lesson 2
Mutation Powerpoint: Class discussion about mutations in the real-world, Gathering insight into
students prior knowledge and assumptions, introduction to various mutations: Slides 5-8
(Albinism, sickle-cell anemia, seedless oranges, fasciated plants)
Lesson 3
Mutation Inquiry Lab: Students will use a platypus paper bag puppet to model how helpful and
harmful mutations can affect an organisms proteins and/or traits, such as the platypus
ability to eat. They will use a single or combination of possible materials to alter their puppet
in a way to model each type of mutation.
Lessons after your Environmental factors that influence the growth of organisms, Plant Structure & Reproduction

B. Activity Sequence Details

Focus Objective
2. Identify how helpful, harmful and neutral gene mutations may create
changes in the organisms proteins and/or traits.

NGSS Practice

1. PEOE Inquiry Sequence

Stages in Your PEOE Sequence

Teaching Activities
The students will predict, with reasoning, about various slides in a mutation
powerpoint (refer to handout). The students will write their predictions on
page 24 of their science notebooks in this format: I predict that A/B is a
mutation. Reasoning:_________. I will model how to set-up the page in
their notebooks and then I will model how to write a prediction and reasoning
that meets my expectations.




Students model and explain mutations using real-world examples or models:

-- Students will make individual hypotheses and give reasoning for all 8
hypotheses in their notebooks. Then, they will discuss their hypotheses and
reasoning with the people at their table. Each table will agree on either A or B
being the mutated organism for each example and write their answer and
group reasoning on a white board.
-- Day 1: Students will work on examples 1-4; Day 2: students will work on
examples 5-8
-- Students will look at each groups whiteboards and look for similarities and
differences among other tables answers. A class discussion will commence
discussing the various answers each table had and I will inform them of the
correct answers (which organism on each slide is mutated and why)
-- Do you think example __ is helpful, harmful, or neutral? Why do you
think that?
Students will begin Mutation Inquiry Lab (refer to handout):
-- Introduce driving question of the lab
-- Introduce learning targets of the lab
-- Explain purpose of lab
-- Students will work in pairs for this lab, but brainstorm individually
-- Explain the students task at hand: Model the platypus eating (using their
dominant hand) and then change its phenotype in different ways to model a
helpful and harmful mutation
-- Students will work with their partner to build their new puppet for the
helpful and harmful mutation sections in the lab
-- I (the teacher) will review ideas and help students stay organized and on
-- I will ask for reasons why they think their design will benefit or harm their
platypus ability to eat more/less seeds
Students will explain what they observed when they changed the phenotype of
their platypus puppet and then assign a type of mutation to that change, using
evidence from their lab.

C. Lesson Plans

Lesson 1
Lesson 1 Materials
Copied materials (Handouts, worksheets, tests, lab directions, etc.): Mutation powerpoint
presentation, whiteboards, markers, erasers
Lesson 1 Activities
Lesson 1 Introduction (15 minutes)
Opener/Hypothesis: Add 2 new proteins to your gingerbread person on pg. 23 of your science
notebook (Refers to lesson on proteins from previous day).

Class discussion: use probing questions to assess students prior knowledge

In eighth grade language, what do you think a mutation is? Do you have a personal
experience with mutations?
How do you think mutations occur?
What kind of mutations do you think there are? What effects do they have on an
organisms traits?
all mutations deadly? Why do you think that?

Lesson 1 Main Teaching Activities (25 minutes)

1. Proteins Overview Continued
1. Types of Proteins (
2. Collect DNA paper models from each class
1. Models will be stapled together in long strands and hung throughout the
3. Mutations Powerpoint Continued
1. Introduction to mutations
2. On each slide, students will hypothesize which of the two pictures contain the
1. Discuss what mutations are
1. A change/alteration in the genotype and phenotype of an organism
2. Mutations will vary from helpful, harmful, or neutral, from slide to slide
3. Hypothesis and support/reasoning will be written on pg. 24 in their science
1. I hypothesize that A/B is a mutation.
2. Reasoning: ____________
1. Students must not start their reasoning sentences with
Because or It
4. After 4 slides, I will lead a whole-class discussion about the normal vs.
mutated organism on each slide (Self-check slide)
5. Discuss types of mutations: helpful, harmful, neutral
6. Students will share hypotheses and reasoning (at the checkpoint slide),
with the students at their table
7. Slides 1-4
1. Slide 1: Beneficial mutation (for the bacteria); Plates contain
antibiotic discs. Slide on left shows bacteria that are killed by
antibiotic discs and slide on right shows antibiotic resistant

- Would it be more dangerous for you to have a bacterial
infection with bacteria A or bacteria B?



- Bacteria B is antibiotic-resistant and can be
dangerous to humans (i.e. MRSA)
Slide 2: Neutral mutation; Dalmation mice have a mutation that
does not affect immune system strength, lifespan, or fertilitiy.
Slide 3: Neutral mutation; Pig on left (with yellow nose) was
injected with jellyfish gene for fluorescence as an embryo, so it
possesses a mutated gene that allows it to glow in the dark.
Slide 4: Neutral mutation; Heterochromia in huskies does not
affect the dogs. It is merely a physically observable difference in
eye color from the "natural" state. Relate to Max Scherzer, the
Detroit Tigers pitcher with the same condition.

Lesson 1 Conclusion (10 minutes)

Students will take the last ten minutes to discuss each example with their table. Each table
will agree on A or B being the mutated organism. Then, they will write their tables
answer and agreed-upon reasoning on a whiteboard for all four examples.
Each whiteboard will be placed on the front class whiteboard ledge. Then, the students will
look for similarities and differences among their tables answers and other tables
I will discuss which organism is mutated and why it is mutated.
Is this an example of a helpful, harmful or neutral mutation? What makes you make
that claim?

Lesson 2
Lesson 2 Materials
Copied materials (Handouts, worksheets, tests, lab directions, etc.): Mutation powerpoint
presentation, whiteboards, markers, erasers
Lesson 2 Introduction (10 minutes)
Opener/Hypothesis: What are two examples of a plausible (realistic) example of a helpful
- Class discussion: Teacher will ask for student ideas and probe their reasoning.
- Teacher will ask students to support their ideas with evidence
Lesson 2 Main Teaching Activities (40 minutes)
1. Mutations Powerpoint Continued
1. Review of what a mutation is
1. Change in genotype/phenotype
2. On each slide, students will hypothesize which of the two pictures contain the


Mutations will vary from helpful, harmful, or neutral, from slide to slide
Hypothesis and support/reasoning will be written on pg. 24 in their science
Students will share hypotheses and reasoning (at the checkpoint slide),
with the students at their table
Slides 4-8
1. Slide 5: Negative mutation; Gorilla on right is albino and albinism
affect vision.
2. Slide 6: Negative OR Positive mutation; Sickle cell anemia in itself
can be negative to the organism, but it provides resistance to
malaria as well and can be positive if malaria is present in a region.
3. Slide 7: Negative OR Positive mutation; Negative for the orange
because it cannot disperse its seeds to germinate elsewhere, but
positive for human consumption purposes. (This leads into our
GMO unit next quarter and our lessons all about plant parts next
4. Slide 8: Negative Mutation; "Fasciated plants" do not live long in
nature: "Nature usually eliminates fasciated tissues. Branches or
even whole plants with this condition are overshadowed by normal
branches or plants of the species, and do not last long."

Lesson 2 Conclusion (10 minutes)

Students will take the last ten minutes to discuss each example with their table. Each table
will agree on A or B being the mutated organism. Then, they will write their tables
answer and agreed-upon reasoning on a whiteboard for all four examples.
whiteboard will be placed on the front class whiteboard ledge. Then, the students will

look for similarities and differences among their tables answers and other tables
I will discuss which organism is mutated and why it is mutated.
Is this an example of a helpful, harmful or neutral mutation? What makes you make
that claim?

Lesson 3
Lesson 3 Materials
Possible Materials: Syran wrap, straws, Dixie cups, tape, spoons, forks
Required Materials: Inquiry lab handout, platypus template, scissors, colored pencils or markers,
paper bags, glue sticks, ruler
Lesson 3 Introduction (10 minutes)
Introduce Lab
- The past 2 days we looked at examples of mutations in the real world

- We saw how animals, cells and plants can all be affected by mutations
- How did we define a mutation yesterday?
- Change or alteration in genotype or phenotype
- Is there a change in the nucleus of the cell or outside the nucleus?
- What is being changed?
DNA ----> Proteins
- A couple days ago, we talked about proteins. We know that when the ribosome chomps down
on DNA and reads it, its reading the genes. Genes are used by the ribosome to make what...?
- Proteins are made by cells for a specific purpose (i.e. ear cells make ear proteins to help us
hear). How do you think proteins relate to mutations?
Relate to Learning Target: Genes control production of proteins
Learning Target: Gene mutations cause changes in the organism's proteins/
- Reason why its messed up:
Analogy to Telephone game (not always accurate)
- Ways it can be changed:
a part of DNA can be added into the sequence
a part can be taken out
a base can be substituted
a part can be flipped around 180 degrees
Lesson 3 Main Teaching Activities (25 minutes)
2. Mutation Inquiry Lab
1. Students will build a platypus paper bag puppet
2. Students will model the effect mutations have on the platypus ability to eat
insects (beans) -- Helpful & Harmful mutations
1. Assign partners
2. Partners brainstorm and share ideas/designs for each model and then
determine how they will change their puppet to meet the challenge
3. Students will have 30 seconds for each trial, 4 trials for each type of
4. Conduct normal trial using dominant hand
5. Helpful Mutation
1. Students can choose to use any materials in the classroom to model
a mutation that allows their platypus to eat more insects in the 30
second time limit than in their normal trial
6. Harmful Mutation
1. Students can choose to use any materials in the classroom to model
a mutation that makes their platypus eat less insects in the 30
second time limit than in their normal trial

Lesson 3 Conclusion (8 minutes)

Students will take the rest of the hour to answer the questions in the lab handout

Part IV: Assessment of Focus Students

A. Focus Objective
Identify how helpful, harmful and neutral gene mutations may create changes in the organisms
proteins and/or traits.

B. Developing Assessment Tasks

1. How do you think fruit become seedless? Do you think this happens in nature? (discussion
2. Many domesticated animals, like cows and sheep, have mutations that make them docile and
slow running. Explain how these mutations could be beneficial or harmful, depending on the
circumstances. (discussion question)
3. X-rays can cause mutations in every cell of a persons body, but when someone has an X-ray,
the doctor takes special care to make sure that mens sperm cells or womens egg cells are
protected. Explain why the doctor is especially careful to protect those cells. (discussion

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