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Understanding Students with Autism

by: Kimberlee Franco, Ashlyn Anderson, Anna Baize, and Jovanna Figueroa

What is Autism?
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a group of developmental
disabilities that can affect social interaction,
communication and behaviors.
There is a wide variety within ASD from Asperger
Syndrome, to Pervasive Developmental Disorder-not
otherwise specified, to Autistic Disorder.


Game Time! :)
Rules of One Word Game


Select a slip of paper from the container. Do not let your partner see the
word printed on the paper.
You have 1 minute to think about ONE (1) word to describe the
word on your slip. The word you come up with cannot be the same
word, cannot be included in the word, and cannot start with the
same letter as the word on the slip.
Once I say go, say the word to your partner and he/she will have 2 minutes
to guess the word on the slip of paper. Multiple attempts are encouraged.

Effective Instructional

Universal Design
Mnemonic Strategies
Keyword: linking words to remember
Pegword: links words and numbers that
rhyme (bun = one, shoe = two)
Letter: acronyms (IDEA = Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act)

Early Childhood
Social Stories
Describe social situations, social cues and
appropriate responses the them.
Exposure to different situations and the
appropriate behavior.
Allows them to rehearse situations.

Elementary & Middle School Students

Schoolwide positive behavior support (SWPBS)
Tailors students environments towards their
preferences, strengths, and needs
Discourages problem behaviors
Intervention at three levels: Universal, group, and
individualized support(as needed)
Goal: to promote a positive learning environment for
all students

Secondary & Transition Students

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
operant psychology - applies
reinforcement/punishment after behavior
Discrete Trial Teaching: 3 elements
discriminative stimulus desired task
the response student behavior
reinforcing stimulant or consequence
praise or dismissal


Works Cited
5 Video Simulations to Help You Experience Autism Highlighted by
Mashable. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2014.
Autism Prevalence. (n.d.). Center for Disease Control. Retrieved
October 27, 2014, from http://www.cdc.
Turnbull, A. P., Turnbull, R., Wehmeyer, M. L., & Shogren, K. A.
(2013). Understanding Students with Autism. Exceptional lives:
special education in today's schools (7th ed., pp. 240-263).
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill.

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