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Maintaining Appropriate Student Behavior

I would use a 3 step process to maintain my students behavior. The three

steps include: Consistency, Prompt Management for Inappropriate Behavior
and Building a Positive Climate.

Consistency- Being consistent is a key factor in maintaining

appropriate student behavior. The main idea is to retain the same
expectations for behaviors that are appropriate or inappropriate in particular
activities and that these expectations apply to every student on all
occasions. When students expect a consequence for misbehavior, I will not
give them repeated warning or reminders without following through. If this
occurs, students will quickly learn that you will not implement consequences,
and they can get away with misbehavior. I will follow through with the
consequences several times in the first weeks of school. This will send
students the clear message that inappropriate behavior is not tolerated and
rules should be followed. However, I will ensure that students clearly know
the rules and what is expected of them so they know how to avoid such
consequences in the future and exhibit appropriate behavior.

Prompt Management for Inappropriate BehaviorPromptness prevents escalation of inappropriate behaviors. These behaviors
include lack of involvement in learning activities, prolonged inattention to
work avoidance, and obvious violations of classroom rules and procedures.
Violations of rules or failure to follow procedures should be dealt with directly
but without overreacting. A calm and reasonable approach is more
productive and less likely to lead to a confrontation. I will use eye contact,
proximity, and gestures such as a head shake to prompt the appropriate
behavior. I will also give a simple reminder of the correct procedure or note
other students who are doing what is expected. Redirecting the attention of
students who are off-task by stating what should be done is another way to
maintain appropriate student behavior.

Building a Positive Climate- To build a positive climate, it is

important to keep a positive attitude and perspective. Instead of dwelling on
misbehavior itself, give specific and corrective feedback. In this way,
students know exactly what to improve and not be reminded of what they
have done. When publicly praising students, it is advised that you do so in
groups, so you avoid singling out a student and embarrass them. It is also
key to praise student accomplishment rather than student effort. Positive
climates can also be built through communicating your expectations, which
can lay the foundation for students to attempt new tasks and reach new

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